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Everything posted by James

  1. I've laid track which has been very neat!
  2. would like the 'Similar Topics' lists back - even though I ended up spending a bit longer browsing than I had intended as a result!

    1. multiprinter


      I'd like similar topics if they were in any way similar.

    2. James


      That didn't really bother me! I got links to topics I'd missed which were mostly bvery interesting so I was quite happy!

    3. Allegheny1600



      I also found some bits that were very interesting!

  3. Signalling Assesment passed :-)

    1. Horsetan
    2. beast66606


      You know they show yellow and not amber now then ?

      Well done

  4. The comments about enamels are interesting; I use enamels exclusively (aside from Halford's sprays for priming) and I think that once you're used to them, they're very versitile. Sadly in some quarters there almost seems to be an assumption that if you use them you're some how, a little backward!
  5. Matt, have you seen this from my blog before? http://eastmoor.blogspot.com/2009/07/fading-fast.html It pretty much does what you've done! Certainly a good way to fade paint!
  6. Did staff stay/lodge on the train itself? Just curious having seen the final vehicle there!
  7. Adam, both look lovely The brakegear on the tank looks especially good
  8. Mike, it's lovely to see a selection of NER locos Snap
  9. Did it have a hole for the exhaust pipe from a genorator?! I think you need to be in the right frame of mind for work like that! Otherwise it just seems like a chore!
  10. I think the model's coming along very well indeed - I've never doubted that! It was just correcting the post that said that class 40 windscreens were different from class 37 ones when they're the same! That's all! I'm wearing my dyslexia badge with pride today!
  11. Well you either have flat planes or a curved surface! I'd massiviely disagree agree you though - the 'offset' and having the outer two windscreens angled back compared with the Lima method of one flat plane right across is very easy to spot. Indeed, I think it's key to convincely modelling class 37s and class 40s. The brain can spot these little changes and subtlties (sp?) which is why some models will appear more convincing than others.
  12. But you said they were on a curve! Hence my explanation! No curve, just three distinct planes.
  13. I'm afraid you're wrong. The Class 40 and Class 37 use the same cab. It should be in a '\_/' kind of shape for the windscreen panel. The photo of 37 072 proves it too - you can see the side windscreen but the middle one cannot be seen. This is because they are each a flat piece on a different plane. I don't like pointing out when people are wrong but just want to put forward the correct information.
  14. I'll be interested to see that; it was the one area where Lima and Hornby both copped out. Once that's sorted the Hornby body has a very accurate shape. I think it needs ~0,5mm adding to the lower edge of the body to get the correct overall height.
  15. I take it Howes have all the Extreme parts in stock now?
  16. That's very impressive work! Will you be tackling the tumblehome at all?
  17. 5.2% :-D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. James


      Where abouts do you work Colin?

    3. ColinW


      Hi James, I am a signaller at East Farleigh, on the Medway Valley line, just outside of Maidstone in Kent.

    4. Horsetan


      I wonder if the figure has anything to do with cant.....

  18. As First Transpennine Express are now operating six car DMU services, do you think they could be persuaded to start loco hauled services to release DMUs to strengthen other services?!

  19. In the second of Geoff Kent's The 4mm Wagon series he describes the conversion you're thinking of, I think. Certainly it involves extending the barral length!
  20. I have one end of a bachy 66 in P4 coverted to that arrangement! It makes you wonder why no ones ever produced the definitive 16t in 4mm in etched metal... But pleasse stop posting things like this, I've just managed to get down to just three areas of modelling!
  21. Those three little words may have just bankrupted Jo!
  22. If the Two Mil' Assosciation still offer their wheel turning service, if you can get the wheel sets out and sent to them it'll be a piece of p***!
  23. Pix, they look superb! But I hate threads like this as they make me want to take up two mil' again! I thought the 2mm Association 's own wagon was nice (I bought an introduction pack at York a year or so back! Nearly slid back! ) but these look even better! Then in this scale sheet metal can't be beaten for representing sheet metal can it?!
  24. Thanks scots!

    Always pleased to hear from people who've read it! There haven't been as many updates since I started my new job at Christmas but there are a few nice things to go on there soon!

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