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Bangor Lad

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Status Updates posted by Bangor Lad

  1. Daughter's cat has gone missing in Sowerby Bridge :-(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 45059


      Fingers crossed puss turns up safely soon. One or two of ours have gone missing for a day or two, then turned up (when hungry) unharmed.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Really sorry to hear that. Hope he/she turns up soon.

    4. vitalspark


      Lost our big ginger tom for 8 days..locked in a garage three streets away. We leafleted the area and put same on lampposts to ask people to check their garages and huts and it paid off so worth thinking about.

      Cats will go in any open shed cellar etc and at

      this time of year these places are being opened for gardening and so on.

      Please consider doing this it is probably the most likely scenario and they can survive for a surprisingly long time so don't give up natter a week...

  2. RIP Eric 'Winkle' Brown. FAA Legend

    1. cromptonnut


      He died in my local hospital, apparently.

    2. The Black Hat

      The Black Hat

      One of the greatest characters in history and so modest about his acomplishments. In my opinion, the greatest Pilot. Ever.

    3. Lowlander


      I never really admired people as heros when I was younger. But then I watched the programme about his life story. At forty seven years old. I now admired a man I would call a hero. And now a sad loss. R I P Mr Brown

  3. RIP Eric 'Winkle' Brown. FAA Legend

  4. BBC "reluctantly" give up F1 coverage 3 years early. Channel 4 to step in.....discuss.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kylestrome


      The way F1 is going at the moment I would think the BBC is glad to be rid of it.

    3. Metr0Land


      What's to become of Suzy Perry? I think we should be told.

    4. waggy


      Also find it boring, bring back Test Match Cricket

  5. is hearing the call of 009. I blame JIC Boyd.

  6. Help! Want to change password to log in to RMweb on a new device but can't remember current password (saved on laptop) to do it! Tried the forgotten password route but after several attempts still no email received. Any advice?

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      In saved passwords in browser settings?

    2. knapper


      Is your email address up to date?

  7. is happy. First home win of the season!

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      How many homes would you expect to win in any average season? I suppose you have to rent most of them out?

    2. Bangor Lad

      Bangor Lad

      Ah, miscommunication......my favourite form of communication :-)

  8. has just realised that today's socks are a dead ringer for BR 'Dutch' livery

    1. Londontram


      I'm an old steam fan so I always go for unlined loco black with mine

    2. Kylestrome


      Mine are BR blue, but without the yellow ends.

  9. Just heard the American modeller Sheperd Paine has died. Probably better known for military dioramas his work has certainly influenced many scenic model makers since the 1970's

    1. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      He did the crashed B17 diorama which featured in the photos inside Monogram's 1/48th kit - brilliant inspiration if you were building one.

    2. petethemole


      Monogram tank kits in the 70s included a colour leaflet featuring a Shep Paine diorama. I found them a great help.

  10. is off to Doncaster races.........

  11. Off to Colwyn MRC for a quick look!

    1. Captain Kernow
    2. Bangor Lad

      Bangor Lad

      To be honest it was quite good. Ten layouts including O, OO, OO9 and N plus some static transport displays and a couple of traders and preservation groups. Nice friendly atmosphere plus a chance to catch up with a few people I've not seen for ages. In summary.... a nice day out.

  12. Off to Colwyn MRC for a quick look!

  13. Watching 'Lemmy: The Movie'. What a legend!

  14. Watching 'Lemmy: The Movie'. What a legend!

  15. Won the NGS AMMC Building Cup on Saturday. Bangor Lad is well chuffed :-)

  16. Off to the N Gauge Society show in Conwy shortly. Any other RMwebbers going?

  17. Off to Conwy shortly to the NGSoc show and AGM. Any more RMwebbers going?

  18. Off to Conwy shortly to the NGSoc show and AGM. Any more RMwebbers going?

  19. Popped into my garage today. Found my mojo. Happy days.

    1. AndrewC


      You didn't happen to notice if mine was hiding in there as well did you?


    2. Metr0Land


      Some local garages really do have everything

    3. yorkie_pudd


      god help the labour charge bill for fixing mojo`s lol

  20. Listening to Genesis for the first time in donkeys years. Remarkably pleasant I have to say.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rs4


      Richard Hammond would second that.

    3. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      I'd third it! ; )

    4. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Gentlemen you have no taste in music. LOL

  21. Listening to Genesis for the first time in donkeys years. Remarkably pleasant I have to say.

  22. Employment status: uncertain

  23. Employment status:.....uncertain

  24. Bangor City's Les Davies shortlisted in Euefa's top 32!

    1. matto21


      Yep, incredible!

    2. ozzyo


      Is he the first British player listed?

  25. Spain's formation for tonight? Anybody fancy 4-6-0?

    1. gwrrob


      Its looking like three back to back tournament wins so its working.

    2. RJS1977


      Would have thought Spain would have played 4-4-2. After all, they're on the Atlantic, not the Pacific!


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