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Everything posted by PeterBB

  1. Leaves are 'easy' to deal with, its those dratted 'flying seeds' that are the problem and come spring you find out about the ones you 'missed' whilst clearing up the leaves. Ours is about halfway down the garden and over 2' diameter at trunk level.
  2. Have to agree with comments expressed.
  3. Do not know but have found out that ground source costs a lot more than HMGov will give and doesn't save much pa e.g. £20-30 gas a wee bit more on oil while the air source requires an air conditioning unit outside and much bigger radiators and in a small space that is just not on. Hope I've remembered it correctly. Had considered it before looking into it and know that I would need to be well in the hundreds before it paid for itself. Conversely in our previous home the payback of 25 years was completed in 8 for solar panels. Condolences to Winslow Boy - these things may be 'expected' but are still a great shock. Hope there is not too much hassle sorting out.
  4. He is probably 'hoping' mad but agree hope for quick recovery.
  5. Many many years ago whilst on call a request was made for a suspected barbiturate overdose patient in casualty. At that time it was extraction and then scan so it took a while but the level was off the scale even when 'diluted' (word used because it was not quite like that) and the patient should be dead ... but he wasn't. Obviously the SHO followed the result up with the patient and it unturned out he had been taking barbiturates for many years and had fantastic tolerance ... not sure of the final outcome but certainly overnight he was till around. August 1973 was peak for barbiturate analysis (9 carried out) but after that there were never any more. The other emory that has come is of the very young children who 'managed to enter a long closed pharmacy and took many (sweets) tablets - what a night that was with multiple estimations on all of them. Paracetamol was quite common after salicylates (easy to estimate) and the latter often taken together with paracetamol. In later years teaching a student looked a bit 'rough' (showing some signs and symptoms but remember I was not a doctor) said he had a toothache 'for how long?' a few hours 'so why did you come to class, how many paracetamol have you taken ?' - 6/8 not sure - 'over what period? a couple of hours - got him sent straight to casualty. The oddest one that we had was someone who took paraquat - he died before a result was obtained. Thoughts with you Ref44 - have experience of similar - difficult to live with especially when they no longer recognise you.
  6. My, how things have changed since those days!
  7. The Rachmaninoff piece is superb. Also noted the Covid changes. Ravel's Bolero above was great.
  8. BT digital - so far working well (probably won't now) and in fact our current cost is a slight reduction for what, hopefully, is a better service. The Mac on which ER issuing read just cannot keep up with it so it must be working faster. The CCTV - agree 'only OK for councils etc but not individuals'. - bet they are now 'good' neighbours - but ideally settings should only be for own premises these days - previously I understand they could not be 'properly' set. Gwiwer - I too have trying etc, qualifications and hated some of the training sessions that had to be attended particularly when they considered that 'a long dinner break' was needed - for me the shorter the break the better ( just in case know about 5 hours etc.). Antivaxers at schools -ID 'treason' sounds good and also like the suggestion that they be charged. Note that Covid infections are rising at all ages. Also noted that latest research suggests that 'LFT' is 90% correct (but with the proviso that they must be taken correctly). Printers - avoid HP like the plague if you need to print a lot - they do not accept other cheaper inks. There must be something wrong when ,generally apart from red, the cheaper versions work well at a fraction of the cost. Have to admit that currently am using genuine company inks from a tank. Simon what can one say - what on earth are the doctors doing to help - and noted IDs dissertation
  9. Thoughts with you Simon - you must be going through ... at the moment but we are all with you and trust that a proper diagnosis and relevant treatment will follow. Solar panels - we had them at our previous house with the promise that they would pay for themselves in 25 years - they did it in 8. Looking at them for our 'new' property as well as the other alternatives but mist of what comes up is 'XYZ' with us or theGov will give you this but not much on the costs themselves. To have them here would not be so easy because of the skylights. SatNavs - got used to them when peripatetic as it was not possible to look at maps when travelling. Always 'planned' a route beforehand but found SAtNav best near journeys end. Always have a map in the car and resisted SatNavs for years until out with a colleague using one. Came across a road with 'no access' so a new route was required. To cut a long story short (many miles) we came back to exactly the same place and it was noted that it was the actual place that the member was going to visit. I have to admit that I use them now as 'in car' but not as good as independent ones but history, battery failed, one was smashed in a fall and another was 'lost' for two years until yesterday. How do I know it was two years - the last couple of destinations. Once the battery was charged it worked a treat and messing about with it much better for alternative routes in pre-planning a journey - but still have an up to date map book in the car.
  10. Glad that you had a good day. Other things took over but realised too late that although over an hour away this would now have been in striking distance and would probably have been a really positive influence especially since faces could have been put to ERs. SWMBO has unpacked a lot but trying to fit into less space is proving to be quite a task as lots of boxes need to go outside so that things can be put into places where they can then be used. Unfortunately the reason we are here is taking place so the additional 'free' help is elsewhere - however we once again have GD staying with us while that is the case. Hopefully this week power will be installed in the garage and that will help.
  11. Why did they make everything narrower in the first place (metric values?) and cupboards for dinner plates that are not deep enough to close the doors for said plates or modern fridge/freezers that are now so deep that they no longer fit in the space by the kitchen door where the predecessor ones fitted perfectly? Polybears kitchen looks great and agree with the fact that only the 'bit by the stairs or whatever' had been actually shown before. What will he do with his time now?
  12. Thoughts with you and your family Simon - Cas Depts are obviously suffering from GP unwillingness. Previous GP practice did see patients (normally after a call actually at the surgery- a sort of 'drop-in'). Have no idea if 'local' practice sees patients but your local response was not good. Hope they now stabilise asap and sort things out properly. FB spends 23million dollars on whats his names security annually - and USA report of a committee somewhere stated that all they were interested in was making moneyed, a large number of us use it as it is a way of keeping in touch with former colleagues. RMweb has during this session at times 'refused' my tickbox responses, probably tick too much but helps me to remember where I got to.
  13. Andy Y has published this statement on the top of the page "Non-Gold users will see a video pop-up ad on most screens. This is a test. It should not appear on mobiles etc." it seems that management are trying to do something about the problems being experienced by excessive advertising.
  14. Looked back to show my hinged section on Rothleigh but realised that all that work was not recorded ... anyway using a piece of 2x1" about 16" long 'hinge' screwed into the wall held it up to go out so it was easy bringing back food in both hands and release. I was pleased that with no further attention it still located track properly 6 years plus afterwards. Enjoying the video scenic painting and reminded of the session that you did with Big John - how long ago?
  15. Mistakenly I thought that there would be more time once finally retired ... rubbish, there seems to be much less ... dare I say SWMBO is always finding jobs to be done? Those of you who know me know that retirement took place (finally) at 74 - one of the lucky ones who enjoyed all my working occupations.
  16. I read somewhere that somewhere in the whole world overall there are 10 000 lightening strikes every second.
  17. Simon, pleased to hear that your lady is back home and hope she progresses well.
  18. Thoughts with you Michael - the coming days will be a strain for your sons and their families and indeed remembrance for you.
  19. Never actually seen a five but a seven with overthrows ...two thoughts on the it referred to a helmet and if it hit a floppy hat it would not bounce enough to reach a boundary as the hat and fielders head would take the pace from it. There is something special about a helmet hit. Memory - I am a Surrey man born and bred and spent many happy hours at the Oval during Surrey's good years with captain Stuart Surridge (SS) - the times did mean that I saw Len Hutton bat at some stage - anyway it was an August Bank Holiday against the South Africans and Endean scored 153. The point of the memory - it was the day when I truly realised that I liked cricket and not just Surrey as I thoroughly enjoyed watching the innings develop. I was also present at the whole match at the Oval when Surrey beat Worcester who were out for 25 first innings and 40 in the second having gone home the night before wondering what SS had declared on 83 for 3. My son in later years came with me to Leeds (England lost but the then captain scored a century) to watch a test match but his favourite was an England victory against the West Indies at Edgbaston. Our umpire Barry O has provided the definitive answers to the query raised by Gwiwer.
  20. Hi Mike,


    Now live in Wiltshire so shall probably not make your excellent annual model railway events. 

    1. truffy


      Such a pity. Thanks for sharing. 

  21. Coombe Barton John - your comment on the train whistle from long ago triggered the fact that in our new abode at times we can now hear trains as they cross the bridge in a similar vein to Drumhill in Derbyshire - that latter place is great but the noise from the A38 a way down below ... Simon - yes, agree hope the recovery is full but well done the young lad who shouted that led to immediate action.
  22. Hope the birthday went well after your long day yesterday. You must have good eyesight or can magnify the ONS data because it appears tiny when first opened. # Oops - forget - good news @Chrisf and Brian - good whatever it was but mind has gone blank on why!
  23. Looking at the surface mounted points. If you have the room it saves a lot of 'under board working' so you have put in mind that when I get started again (just moved and took Rothleigh apart and lots of 'house work' needed before then) will plan for surface mounts so thanks for planting the idea.
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