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Everything posted by PeterBB

  1. I see Phil W has become a 'grown' man
  2. Those were the days ...
  3. Following Ozexpatriate's question and e.g. Tony's answer it would be great if all councils waste bins sorted in the same manner. e.g. like Tony our last council separated food waste from everything else but where we are now food waste goes into the general waste bin. Ona topic that came up on the news this evening paint - the previous council told me to throw it in the residual waste container (as apparently 90% of paint goes) whereas the current council has a specific area for it and other 'toxic' household chemicals. Paint, unless it congeals in the tin, lasts for ages so can be suitably recycled with the will to do so effectively. Most seem to have battery areas these days. The conclusion therefore is still swings and roundabouts with some good at something and rubbish at something else.
  4. None of the comments fit ... he said sheepishly.
  5. If they are not meat why on earth is it necessary to make them 'look like' meat ... if its that important to 'look like' meat then ... why not try the real stuff!
  6. Your 4-image panoramas really show how realistic your modelling is. Your 4 plus image panoramas of the moon came to mind (hope to see some more soon) and those are put together with great magnification. Skill in a number of fields.
  7. That was lost one two ...
  8. Fantastic presence of mind and doing something positive.
  9. Apologies I mistook the comment as intentional.
  10. Research on the LFT test has shown that they are far more accurate than initially thought although not as sensitive as the PCR. The latter is not something that can be processed at home as it requires 95 degree heating to split and then multiply (hence the 'polymer' part) that enables the virus to be detected. PCR generally has become a vital part in terms of pathology. This has led to a sad tale. As a go ahead laboratory we looked into developing PCR assays within our sphere and had a young lady who had been with us in 'placement' and shown a great aptitude in mind for the job. We had an idea of her home area and a bit of detective work by a colleague who lived in the area brought her to us. The sad part, she got married, and had a child but not long afterwards an aggressive brain tumour and died when only 23. Many years on writing this has brought tears to my eyes.
  11. Had to get rid of the wall mounted lights are a pain and, yes to get rid is difficult because of the wiring and unable to get at the source because of the way this years move (probably our last but hope we have a good few years yet) was wired. TV aerial wise have still not fathomed and SWMBO wants one in the bedroom - but not keen on knocking holes for wiring and sockets. The 'chalet' room has a complete laminated floor so floorboards are inaccessible - hence the need for more invasive methods. Electric 12th edition would be really ancient 17 followed quite quickly by 18th now current. 17th acceptable boxes now not acceptable by 18 - all back to metal consumer units etc. Part P ... cost an arm and a leg for replacement supply to garage SWMBO said it had to be buried and not overhead - in reality we were in agreement so accepted the additional cost. A year or two back a gas boiler was fitted. The same guy 'reassesses it' every year but always states that it needs an earth .. why doesn't he just fix it as he charged enough for the HMG 'essential service' for rented property.
  12. Natalie - please do not apologise, its just nice to see you back and with some highly relevant comments on aspects of history. Just miss ad ay or two and hundreds of posts - apologies the I have not read them all.
  13. Looks like the Aussies have the contract for long matches. This one was much later ... my brother is in his late 70s. Mervyn Rose? comes to mind.
  14. My brother was a ball-boy in what was then the longest set in doubles at Wimbledon. Cannot quite remember but it did include Australians and just continued until finished - everybody else had gone.
  15. Yes, I read that too ... IlD had it right - history is what happened in that era both good and bad ... and related to the time and a true record, not what someone applies the 'modern' thoughts although looking round the world I'm sure that some of the 'modern standards' in some areas are that much better. I'll leave it there.
  16. A year of great videos - happy New Year to you and Dee.
  17. Just a catch-up but Hoof prints in mud - never thought of it but will now with Jam + 1 comment; and cutting embankment straight with a knife Mr Wolf - why did I use a saw that was messy ... we learn a little every day on this thread keep it going.
  18. Quite the opposite - the easiest way to cull books is to move to a smaller place ... so a shelf about 8' long with professional journals relating to a long retired career went in one go and many others with SWMBO help(?) went to a well known charity for onward sale. Magazines articles i.e. model railway that I had already taken out parts that were of interest was further investigated. At one time 14 bags of 'paper' were recycled. Probably still have too much but as of now the main shelving supports are missing so until they come to the surface most books are still in boxes ... time will tell. Referring back to Mike I seem to recollect that he once published a photograph or two in ER of a number of his very full bookshelves. (Apologies for non-Bute Road addition).
  19. Thoughts and prayers with you Mike at your sudden loss.
  20. A very good report with relevant useful information.
  21. Let's hope it can be repeated in the actual race.
  22. The mind boggles at the quality of this modelling.
  23. If Santa is going into every house then he has to have a 'passport' to avoid delivering Covid to every household that has children ... will he wear a mask? and if so how big would it have to be to cover the necessary? As for those complaining - ...
  24. But you haven't tasted it yet ...
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