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Everything posted by Kev_Lewis

  1. A very neat and tidy build. I do like the chain on the brake lever guide.
  2. Thanks Rob. The engine house is definitely worth a visit. Just watch out for the rampaging parties of school kids. I was all set up to take photo's of Hagley Hall when their responsible adult led them all right across in front of me and parked them in front of the loco.
  3. GWR 9681 takes water at Parkend on the Dean Forest Railway. Ops! Too much!!!!!
  4. The ballasting with the cess and the 6 foot filled in looks excellent, Jeff. How many more miles to do?
  5. You're welcome Mikkel. I've got lots of photo's from the West Somerset Railway and the Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Railway to post in the future.
  6. It's all very well fenced off at Bridgenorth, which is probably best as there was quite a lot of activity going on. There are plans to install a public viewing balcony inside the shed though.
  7. Gwrrob asked to see my photo's from last weeks trip to the Severn Valley Railway. So I've decided to start a new blog and post photo's from my various visits to Heritage sites. I usually visit at least two a year. Last weeks visit was my first to the SVR and I was very, very impressed. Absolutely everything was done to the highest standard. I cannot recommend a visit more. We'll start with the motive power for the day. GWR 0-6-2T 5643, seen here going to take on coal at Bridgenorth. GWR 2-6-2T Small Praire 4566 simmers away at Kidderminster. GWR Churchward 2-8-0 2857, passing at Hampton Loade. There was plenty of other motive power to spare. Just in case..... I was very impressed with the Engine House visitor centre at Highley. If only more heritage lines has places like this. The view from the Engine House restaurant balcony was rather nice. Highley Station Hampton Loade Station. I was quite taken by the Great Northern coach set.
  8. GWR 3850 at Minehead, West Somerset Railway.
  9. Great idea for a thread. Hmmm, now where do I start..... GWR 7807 Cookham Manor inside the shed at Didcot.
  10. had an excellent day on the Severn Valley Railway. I could quite easily spend all day on the balcony of The Engine House train spotting! :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tim V

      Tim V

      And miss the last train home!

    3. Kev_Lewis


      2857, 5643 and 4566. I have photo's to post.

    4. gwrrob


      Look forward to seeing them Kev.

  11. Hi George, How do you go about stripping paint using Dettol? And does it work on enamel and acrylic paints? 5815 will be getting a re-paint into GWR green and a new identity in the future.
  12. It was definitely a clever solution. (edit for spelling)
  13. Hello GWR grey :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kev_Lewis


      Steady on there gents. I have several GWR Brown vehicles to turn brown and a SR Van to finish and paint soon. That should keep you both happy.

    3. Castle


      Kev - forever the diplomat!


      Me and Mr N15 are just kidding!

    4. Kev_Lewis


      I know you're both kidding.


      But I may still have to pose the SR van next to a Siphon at some point ;-)

  14. Bye bye bauxite.

  15. Where's my cider?

    1. Kev_Lewis


      There it is!

    2. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Was it in the fridge

    3. Kev_Lewis


      That it was. And very refreshing it was too!

  16. Thank you muchly. I don't have any experience of using an RSU. Presumably they're pretty handy if you use yours so much?
  17. I would be very handy indeed to hear how you get on with the two Antex soldering irons. I've be pondering changing over to them for a while. My Weller 40watt goes through bits very quickly, no matter how well I look after them.
  18. is very much enjoying Seasick Steve at Glastonbury

    1. N15class


      He that was an over night sensation after 20 years or whatever.

  19. That's normally called re-mastering now-a-days.
  20. Canton is progressing very nicely, Steve. Do you plan to put wires on the telegraph poles?
  21. Was this really worth listing? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/O-Gauge-Model-Railway-Crushed-card-Signal-Box-/200936147556?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item2ec8ba4a64
  22. I would appear that eBay madness is not restricted to model railway items.
  23. You lucky chap. What Lies Beneath was much better than My Winter Storm, and her Live CD/DVD was very good (except for her guitarist butchering Satch's solo on Falling Awake). I'll look forward to the new one.
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