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Everything posted by Kev_Lewis

  1. Just found this thread. The Great Tits that were in the nest box on the back of the house fledged last Saturday morning. My parents and myself enjoyed watching the parents feed the little ones in the garden while we ate our lunch. The Blackbirds, Robins and Starlings have been bringing their young to our garden to feed too. We're currently going through a 20kg bag of sunflower hearts in a little under three weeks. Thankfully more supplies arrived today!
  2. Phew! Class A tank wagon transfers completed.

  3. I'm not going to waste any more time trying to weather my stock with an airbrush.

    1. Barry O

      Barry O

      try some ink.... and water .. and a sponge to spread it into all of the nooks and crannies

    2. Russ (mines a pint)

      Russ (mines a pint)

      I'm sure airbrushes air very good in skilled hands but for us mere mortals you can get along way with thinned paint, brush it on wipe it off etc - its easier to take off when you get it wrong too ! :)

  4. had a very nice day on the Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Railway.

  5. Great photo's and commentary Mikkel. Didcot really is a wonderful place. I don't think the GWR every used transfers back in the day. There's quite a few photo's about of wagons fresh from the works which still have the chalk lines on them. These were used as a guide for the numbers and marking to be painted on.
  6. was surprised to learn that you can actually buy a shire horse for less that a JLTRT diesel kit at the moment.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Horsetan


      Yes. A friend of mine who has her own show ponies couldn't believe the horrors in that one.

    3. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      I hope it comes with 12 months warranty for that price.

    4. Horsetan


      You'll be lucky.

  7. I have a JPL Ultra 8050D-H, which has a 2.5 litre tank. Wouldn't be without it now. Maplins currently have these for £80.
  8. Good old Swindon and their very rarely standard standardisation. You're never going to be able to get photo's showing all the details of a particular loco, so you just have to use an educated guess. Keep up the good work.
  9. Great photo's, Castle. I'd love to get up to Didcot on Monday to see the King and the SRM. Just got to work out how to escape from the jobs around home.
  10. It's great to see another 7mm build thread, especially with an excellent prototype and kit being built. I think that if your workbench is tidy you're not working hard enough!
  11. is surprised by the number of Connoisseur Nellie's that are appearing on eBay at the moment.

    1. Horsetan


      Can't just be coincidence. Mind you, I hear a rumour there'll be a new batch of Connoisseur Y6 tram kits in a few months' time....and once they're gone, they're gone!

    2. Kev_Lewis


      I'm wondering if it's people who've given up on O gauge.

    3. 69843


      Whoa Nellie!


      (Hat, coat, gone)

  12. Cricket season started today in a blaze of rain and hail. However we still managed to win!

    1. Barry O

      Barry O

      yorkshire leagues started two weeks ago - today was only minor hail and rain and wind and sun.....

  13. That's come along very nicely. I have to agree with Mikkel. Even if the inside valve gear isn't 100% correct it'll still look better than none at all.
  14. I've also read about the little 14XXs showing the larger loco's a clean pair of heels. They might only have been small loco's, but the large diameter driving wheels gave them a decent top speed.
  15. Very well done Mikkel. You had me chuckkling all the way. But my word, the Great Western we have now really is a shadow of it predecessor.
  16. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, Peter. There was a long discussion on OzzyO's Workbench thread about CBS and I have to be honest, most of it went right over my head.
  17. Ah, I thought so, but thought it best to ask of confirmation. Do you have much experience with this method? is it effective? I ask because the Scorpio 14xx/58xx kit I built last year is intended to have a simular arrangement, but I chickened out and built it rigid. Now though, I have a second to build and after reading Geoff Holt's book I was considering trying sprung hornblocks.
  18. Great work there, Peter. It's coming along really nicely. What method of compensation does it have?
  19. Isn't having any luck with auctions lately.

    1. Horsetan


      Think of the money you've saved.

    2. muddys-blues


      Selling or buying ?

    3. Kev_Lewis


      Well, yes I have saved money. But I'd have more kits to build if there weren't so many people out there with deeper pockets that me!

  20. Thanks for your kinds words Castle. The A31 isn't really my prefered prototype, it barely scrapes into my modelling period. I much prefer the later Hawksworth designs. However, kits for those are quite hard to come by in 7mm. Us 7mm folk don't has the luxury of a supplier like Comet, who product such a fantastic range of kits. I'm sure I get a Hawksworth Autocoach eventually. Well I have to, as in the future there will be two 14xx's passing across my workbench. A MONSTER..... hmm. I think I already have enough parcels stock. What with the two Siphon Gs, a Fruit D, plus the MK1 BG and CCT.
  21. Hmm, perhaps I should have said (with French accent) "Ah, Mr Castle. You are really spoiling us!" Ha, ha! I don't like Ferrero Rocher, but I do like GWR Super Saloons. Ah! I thought I recognised an unpainted No. 111 in one of the photo's. I really should be cracking on with my Autocoach, especially as my monster order of solder and flux arrived from C&L today.
  22. Crikey, Castle! You're really spoiling us tonight. Two most excellent posts. The history of the Super Saloons is fascinating. I imagine that it must have been quite an experience to travel in such luxury. You're doing a cracking job on that Comet kit. Keep up the good work!
  23. There are some great videos, on YouTube, of the Steam Railmotor's visit to the Looe branch. Get comfy, set the video quality to HD, and crank up the volume!
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