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Posts posted by Kev_Lewis

  1. Industrial locos were really a law unto themselves and that is part of the attraction of modelling them. The SHT/GWR/BR Pecketts almost certainly had unpainted pipework, but in later years it was probably too filthy to discern from a distance. The sandbox rods were probably black in GWR and BR ownership, but may have been red on industrial locos.  It is not difficult to remove the pipework and rods for repainting. On many industrial locos the coupling and connecting rods were also painted red, but we opted for blackened metal on the Peckett as it is easier to paint over if red is required. Chris and I believe most 0 gauge modellers are capable of making the necessary adjustments to suit their requirements.


    Many thanks for the information Chris.

    I can understand the economies of having all the rods and pipes red, having them factory painted various colours would only add to the costs involved.


    Apologies to Simon for the thread hijacking, but I have one more Peckett question.

    I'm going to be basing my loco on one of the SHT Pecketts, so will need to fit the lamp brackets. The front ones will be black so they're fine, but the rear brackets need to be painted green. Is the GWR green on the model matched to a particular colour?

  2. It's copper pipe, I doubt very much it was painted. There is a photo somewhere... I can't remember where I saw it. Maybe David's (IsembardUK) web page?


    The sandbox rods may have been red on some locos but I doubt it on a GW version. And I'd be very surprised if they stayed that way for any length of time on what is very definitely a truck-shover. But between & inside the frames was traditionally red, so perhaps, maybe...


    Thanks Simon. I must of been having a thickie moment.


    Of course, the pipe work would have been copper, with brass fittings.

    I suspect the sandbox rods would have been black, with just the reverser rod painted red.


    I'm going to detail and finish my Peckett soon, so that's another job to add to the list :)

  3. Having built a few JLTRT kits with their lost wax buffer castings I know just hot much fettling they take.


    On the MK1 BSK I have half built I replaced the buffers rather than deal with them.


    In the future, if I purchase any further kits from JLTRT, I will be asking for them to not supply the buffers.

  4. I'm told the place has/had an eccentric/rude chap behind the bar too?


    He's the landlord!


    A few months ago after a particularly entertaining game of Cards Against Humanity that went on a bit after last orders, he eventually convinced me and some friends to go home by playing the national anthem at full blast!

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