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Everything posted by Titan

  1. I actually did, and have been running pan up for some years now.
  2. As shown here, for once the title is not an exaggeration - stills from the footage was used in an RAIB report in to an actual derailment with these wagons due to cyclic top. It could be seen that at the most severe point of bounce one wagon was approximately one foot above the adjacent one. I suspect that some of the bangs you can hear as the train passes are wheels leaving the rail and luckily falling back down on them... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4ntnt4DL60
  3. That would only work if people pay the balance in alphabetical order!!!
  4. Obvious? The advert says exactly the opposite "is only for sale due to a change in circumstances since I paid for it (£325) some time ago." Or maybe you did not notice that either. The only thing that is obvious is that you are making assumptions...
  5. To be fair he started it at 99p. It is not the vendor that decides the profit, but the people bidding on it so blame the profiteering on them.
  6. I think it is matched up automatically. The e-mail/home address etc. is probably cross referenced with the one from which you paid the deposit to ensure that it corresponds.
  7. Looks like it ran through a set of catch points and they did their job...
  8. I hope the OLE is isolated because they seem to be within shovel waving distance of a nice big flash and a bang, I can't believe even in those days it was not against the rules to stand on a wagon load under live OLE...
  9. Oh God, intellectual text speak!
  10. Rather depends on the signal heads. The modern LED signals have proven sufficiently reliable such that maintenance requirements are almost nil. Therefore there is no need to provide ladders, walkways, cages etc or the strength to support several signal engineers working at the end of the gantry. The signal heads themselves may also be a lot lighter too.
  11. And if you remove pedestrians, cyclists etc and only consider car occupants, the death toll goes down further to around 800 per year...
  12. Hmm. BR had it timetabled for under four hours... OK it did not last long at that but even so...
  13. Experienced the blue light panic a couple of weeks ago. Ambulance came up behind me. I started slowing to allow him to overtake but then realised that with the narrow road and heavy slow moving oncoming traffic that the ambulance would be unable to overtake. So I continued at the limit (30mph) for all of about 50 yards when the car that had been some distance in front of me stopped. The road in front of him was clear. Neither myself or the ambulance could get past and no amount of light flashing or horn blowing would persuade him to move. Eventually the heavy traffic in the other direction managed to shunt itself so the ambulance could drive around both myself and him, but time was lost. The other panic I see is at queues at traffic lights. People freeze - they can't go anywhere. Maybe they try to maneuver to the side, but when the light turns green instead of just driving off and clearing space for the vehicle to get through they stay where they are. In numerous occasions the ambulance would have made faster progress if they had left the blues and twos turned off!!!
  14. The only real deterrent is the likely hood of getting caught. You could have life imprisonment as a sentence and it won't make the slightest amount of difference until people think that they might actually end up going down for it. At the other extreme a simple 10 pound fine would in most cases be sufficient if the offenders got caught every time they did it.
  15. I had no idea how old that loco was, compared to the Planet it looked positively modern! I think they might have given it a coat of paint before it arrived at Witham as it did look very tidy at the time.
  16. I was just wondering what the official haulage capacity for these little engines were? I lived opposite the Rom River steel reinforcement factory in Witham, and they used one for shunting trains of bogie steel carriers. They must have used it for hauling at least eight loaded bogie wagons which must have made it quite overloaded. I am not surprised they had reliability problems with it - I heard stories of them bribing the BR driver of the class 31 that brought the train in to go beyond the BR boundary and shunt it for them, which must have been quite a risk since the track was not that great. It was eventually replaced by a much bigger 0-6-0 chain drive locomotive and unfortunately the planet was cut up on site, although it was probably well knackered and was just being put out of its misery! However they stopped using rail shortly after so the 0-6-0 locomotive did not see much use, and presumably was sold on. This is the only picture I can find of the poor tortured locomotive:
  17. Presumably the bus station was shut for maintenance or some such, and has recently reopened. I expect that this sign was put next to the temporary bus stop?
  18. She is not my wife (yet) and the modelling journals she has been described in concern 12 inches to the foot scale modelling!
  19. [smug mode] Luckily I am the exception to that rule. I am not sure I dare take her to a model railway exhibition as they might not be able to find enough ambulances for all the heart failures.... [/smug mode]
  20. Judging by the number of heads out of the windows it certainly looks like an enthusiast special of some sort.
  21. Very true. High speeds and multiple Pantographs require a higher tension in the wire. This puts a higher loading on the structures, not just the anchor structures but also in particular those on curves where the increase on structure loading with the extra tension is also significant. Not only that, but the structures have to be more rigid generally. When the wind blows not only does the wire get moved, but the increased loading due to wind causes the structures to deflect slightly too. The less they deflect the better. This means they have to be much stronger than what has gone before.
  22. Looks like a diesel runaway. Probably a truck or something behind the bus as I can't imagine a bus having an exhaust through the roof. Very unpleasant when an engine decides to commit suicide like that.
  23. Unlikely, there is a lot more tolerance designed in than that - there is a number of pre-drilled holes, and you never design to use those at either the upper or lower limit. Accomodating an 80mm difference should be no issue at all.
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