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Everything posted by MinZaPint

  1. A very good looking layout and excellent photographs, well done.
  2. On my recent trip I came across this little gem a 1925 Model T Ford Railcar on the Pleasant Point Railway
  3. Snap and very tasty but at that strength what I call a nightcap drink!
  4. Steam trains running through the countryside what more could you ask?
  5. A recent visit to Croatia meant trying a few local brews! @ 10.14 Kune to the pound a litre of Ozujsko for £2 seemed a bargain! also tried Pan & Lasko from Slovenia, spotted Tomislav and the barman said that's a dark beer, ok I'll try one, lovely, then I noticed it's 7.3% definitely a night cap beer!
  6. From a fairly new brewery just down the road from me, tastes as described on the label, very tasty and refreshing
  7. McEwans Champion a favourite of mine as you say one to settle down with at the end of the evening, you've reminded me I've got one in the larder, that's this evening sorted !
  8. My local 'spoons is selling off the remains of their festival ales @ 99p to good to miss, the more you drink the more you save! as one of my pals likes to say! Had a few pints of brewed by Shepherd & Neame, very tasty and @ 3.9 a good session ale which was just as well!
  9. posting pictures

  10. Well I'm just about to set off to the Wimborne beer festival, usually very good. On the subject of beer prices, went to Dorchester on Wednesday with 6 mates for a "Cultural Tour" 8 different pubs pint in each cost £21, nice town!
  11. Decent prices and not a bad selection
  12. Recent tipples include Loch Lomond, I do like a nice Scottish ale, we were on a trip to take in the "Tattoo" secondly this on the Royal Yacht, which is well worth a visit and from our local micro brewery Last night sampled Badger's Bee from Hall & Woodhouse
  13. Travelling back from the GWR @ Cheltenham we stopped for refreshment at the Carters Arms in Wroughton near Swindon really good selection of beers in a proper real ale house, the list. 11 ales and 2 ciders all on the pumps, recommended.
  14. I'd love one of those in "N" and Southern livery of course. Just wishful thinking I suppose, oh and ditto the O2
  15. Hi Dave Well you seem to have opened a real can of worms here, we note you have undertaken quite a lot at the moment and I am sure in common with many others we are getting fed up with catalogue promises that fail to materialise. The recent polls should provide good market research and as an example of the promised items the one loco that I would like is the N gauge Schools of which I have heard nothing recently. Wishing you all the best in your endeavours
  16. That'll do for me A BoB & WC in Southern livery, when are they likely to appear? Then I'll be looking forward to the Schools, thanks for the update
  17. I echo that, a post came up on the "content I follow" and I leapt to it hoping to find an update. Trust all is well and look forward to your return.
  18. I hope not, I have enjoyed following this, some superb modelling.
  19. Thanks for keeping us informed, looking forward to having one of these in Southern livery on my layout, keep up the good work
  20. Good news for O gaugers but why the T gauge typeface?
  21. That viaduct really looks the bees knees, well worth the effort, very well done. David
  22. Had a similar experience after chopping chillies! memo wash hands very thoroughly next time.
  23. Excellent work on the main viaduct and I'll be interested to see how the branchline one shapes up, Jam will be impressed.
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