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Everything posted by N15class

  1. This is looking very impressive. I have only just found your blog, have you been building this for a long time? All the layouts I see on here make me long to get into our new house and start one myself. Peter
  2. Looks like it works better than windows paint
  3. Today I did a job that I should of done in the UK a year or more ago. My rolling road bearings were set to far apart. They worked fine except if the loco had brake gear or sanding pipes, then everything snarled up because the wheels sat to low. After taking one apart I found that if I redrilled the new holes at 10mm centres, this gave me 1mm between the rollers. So having drilled the new holes and reassembled the unit. I jury rigged a loco so the I could test before doing other. Bingo it worked brake rigging and all. Now all are done, I can get the 1076 running on it as a final check. It always gives me a feeling of great satisfaction when I do a job that I have been putting off and dreading for ages. Smiles all round, a good day.
  4. Hi yes I have looked at nicks blog. I like his builds. I see he is did a gibson one, I made the same one when it was a models and leisure kit no nice etch cab then.
  5. These are excellent looking models. Are they all your own work? I have made a couple 517's in O gauge. But never toook up the challange in oo. PeterCross Brazil
  6. I am almost finished, but I will add some photos of the build.
  7. Nice work have they been painted yet?
  8. Hope there will be more looks good
  9. Look interesting track plan I had an oo gauge one on the L like yours. I love to run trains on it. I want to do one in O gauge when our house is finished. Peter
  10. Very atmospheric you must be pleased with the way it is coming along. I look forward to seeing more.
  11. Well here are the pictures of the new workshop. As you can see there is still loads to do, it will be even better when the roof is finished and everything starts to dry out. It is about 3 metres square, I think I will be putting the bench under the window. With the usual racking down one wall. I have also outline planing permision to to put a track outside. Which would give me a 30 metre there and back test track. I will have to test track stability at high temperatures. There is not to much veriation so expansion and contraction. Todays modelling has been indoors air con on, getting my 1076 pannier chassis rolling. Slightly long winded as I did not have my chassisjig here when it was assembled. Tomorrow I want to wire it up and get it all running sweetly, but lets see. Must start a category on the finishing of this loco. Next up will be a little LBSC Terrier.
  12. Paul It is an odd place I will be happier when the workshop is finished. It is just about posible to make kits here. Peter
  13. I will be posting a picture of the new works when I have the latest photos. I had been modelling british outline since I was about 15. Only been here in Brazil 8 months now
  14. Hello and welcome to you to all Well, as you can see from the photo, there is no workshop. Since moving to Belem in north Brazil I have yet to get a proper modelling space. So for now it is the corner of our bedroom balcony. All is not lost though in the photo you will see an O gauge pannier tank. I will show more of this later. This was constructed in this corner. Being so near the Equator and the Amazon forest my work day is quite limited. I general do not work here much after 12 noon. As the temperature gets to high and quite often rains about 3PM. But yesterday it rained all day and was a positively cool 24C. As you will see from the photo's the balcony is not a bad space to work in. the second shot shows the view, apartment blocks and Mango trees. Since spending Christmas in the UK I have managed to get a few more of my tools here so life making models should be a little easier. I intend to post about my successes and failures in my workshop (balcony), and about things that interest me here, also to publish some pictures from the area, which hopefully you may enjoy. Peter
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