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Everything posted by TRAILRAGE

  1. OOOOOOOO just realised that this one is special. Dia 1/117 Fitted with the 8-shoe Clasp Brake but without the AVB. I definitely need to get some more Airfix kits and some Red Panda Chassis now I've seen these. Cheers Trailrage
  2. Now that is one very sexy Mineral Wagon. I've not seen many models fitted with the AVB 8-shoe Clasp Brake. Very nice! Cheers Trailrage
  3. I have one of these That I tried making new sidebars for when I was to young to really know what I was doing. No longer works now but would like to try and resurrect one day. Really good to see people working with these. I've had thoughts about using a Replica or Bachmann Modified Hall Chassis but am unsure if the running gear was the same between Original and Modified Halls Keep up the good work. Cheers Trailrage
  4. BIG thanks to Leigh for getting My order for a Hornby Freightliner Class 66 out to me on Christmas Eve! My little boy was over the moon! Considering he had to shut the shop and Isolate due to a Covid Scare which thankfully came out negative and a Mahoosive backlog of items to post. Happy new Year to Leigh and the Family and to everyone here on the RM Web. Stay safe and well. Cheers all Trailrage
  5. WOW that looks good. Thanks for the pics Andy. After having two weeks unpaid Sick leave this month and an MOT to sort in Jan, I'm hoping they'll be here in Feb and so's my Wallet!!!! Cheers Trailrage
  6. Very relieved. Just Spoken to Leigh VIa email. He is still taking orders and will be at the shop Monday to process the huge amount he has after having a Covid Scare which was clear . Again Many thanks Leigh and happy Christmas. Best regards Trailrage
  7. Big And. Just found this thread. Cracking layout this and feels right. Stock looks good to. Its good to see someone still using the older Lima Models as the scrub up well with a little bit of TLC. keep up the good work. Cheers Trailrage
  8. Hard to believe its been 11 years since this was last commented on! Does anybody out there in the wild still have the Dapol Models? Wasn't gonna bother with a rake of these as I had previously purchased a Bachmann MOA, but after doing some work on me Godsons rake if 4 I managed to get me on Ebay. Came with some Scale Buckeyes fitted (since replaced with some Kaydee No5 Draught boxes and long shank Buckeyes I had in me spares box) came fitted with P4 wheels. Luckily for me it also came with the original as well. Done some weathering using Humbrol Rust and Brown washes with some panels repainted Railmatch EWS Maroon. Also used a little Humbrol matt 73 Burgundy with a little white mixed in to make the faded areas. Broken steps were replaced with staple bent up. Quite enjoyed doing this work so will try and get some more. Also have a Dapol MBA on its way for my liitleman as it will be safer for him to handle.
  9. Just wondering what the sphere of operations the MCA/MDA wagons have as I can't be sure I seem to remember seeing them at Hinskey yard. Have they ever worked over the Southern region? Same Question for the MOA as I cant recall ever seeing them in use. Checking Flickr for instance show just photos of the MCA/MDA &MOA Birmingham & Northwards. Does the Engineers Dept. Have a preference for the MLA and JNA in this area (South of Hinskey Yard, Westbury, Eastleigh E.T.C.) Cheers Trailrage
  10. Excellent news Gareth and the right thing to do. Really looking forward to these little beauties. Cheers Trailrage
  11. one of the EX LT hoppers The EX 24t Iron Ore Hopper was converted to a Slag Ballast Wagon with a 12" Extension all the way round in the same manner as the Trought and Dogfish were. there is a Photo of one of the conversions DP335485 in David Larkin's "BR Departmental Rolling Stock a pictorial survey" (published by D Bradford Baron LTD ISBN 0 85153 348 5) book page 22. It states that the last one DP101453 was recently painted Olive Drab and Transferred to the Isle Of Wight. Would make an interesting model that. Cheers Trailrage
  12. Hello. With there only being 6 or so (73109,112,126,129,133,136) NSE 73 photos do appear hard to come by. No luck with 73109, 73112 or 136. Not to say they haven't worked on Revenue Freight but just didn't find a photo. Did find 73126 on a Nuclear Flask Train Some interesting engineers workings though 73129 on Flask Trains as well. Including one with an EWS Liveried RNA Barrier Vehicle. First time I've ever seen one as I had no idea there was any! And a few Engineers Trains Just a Couple of Engineers for 73136 ZJV Mermaids although seen on the Southern, weren't particularly common. Cheers Trailrage
  13. Well I'm not gonna say what I'm thinking. In Fact I'm not even gonna think what I'm thinking in fear of being told to "shutupa your face! instead I'll just say this . I hear peoples moans regarding prices almost daily in my Job. I dont get fed up with it but I do sympathize with them as you can feel the frustration. It's either not available or too much. This used to be a Stress relieving Hobby helping me get through depression, but these days it seems to be part of what's causing the stress. I understand inflation and price hikes, but when the living wage / paypacket doesn't go up to cover your outlay it's difficult as justification of spending becomes paramount. I have the two DRS 20's and 89 on pre order but only because family have contributed to them. They may well be the last new purchases for myself as I can no longer Justify spending on what was an escape for me even though my lovely wife tells me I should, Family comes first. This is no moan but just a sad fact for a lot of people and those who say "stop moaning about the prices E.T.C" may not even understand the precarious position a lot of us are in. Where I work we are running at a loss going from easily making £70 - £90,000 per week, to struggling to make £5,000 per week. People are generally worried about spending as they may not have a Job the following week. Myself included. So next time someone mentions Cost, please don't assume it's just another rant. It could well be that person wants to "let off some steam" (pun intended) and get their frustrations out about the Hobby they love. Cheers Trailrage
  14. Only carried the name whilst in Inter-City Swallow Livery. Original Livery Modified original Livery with end number and just a couple of months after Repainting into Swallow and naming Really looking forward to this model immensely Cheers Trailrage
  15. Firstly we all need to calm down regarding this. No Money has Changed hands and none is out of pocket. IF the Model gets made Wonderful and I will enjoy my IC Original Model immensely. IF for some reason it doesn't go ahead (for whatever reason that may be), then so be it. At the end of the day it's just a Model. Lets Just give Rails the chance to at least try and find the best solution they can with Accurascale to do what they do and make one the best models ever produced . After all Patience is a virtue and it's not like were in the middle of a Global Pandemic or anything! It's easy to find the Link, go to Google Type "Rails Class 89" and this comes up. https://www.google.com/search?q=rails+class+89&rlz=1C1AVNE_enGB726GB726&oq=Rails+Class+&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i457j0l6.6934j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Link is at the top of the list. Not all websites search facility work the way it should do. Trust me I have to deal with Angry customers regarding this issue for the company I work for everyday! Good Luck Rails / Accurascale and hoping this will still go ahead. Cheers Trailrage
  16. Oh go on then as were wishlisting. How about some of these European Reverse Rectangular Buffers (Ringfeder maybe?) as fitted to 59003 and lots of UK wagon stock. My Photo Also the Wagon Variant which looks slightly different and be very handy for the Dapol Telescopic Hood Steel wagons as well as other types. The other version that would be handy is the loaf of Bread Shaped one as fitted to the Freightliner HIA Hoppers. Again very handy replacement for the slightly under nourished ones on the Dapol Model. Cheers Trailrage
  17. Couple of pics for ya Pic 1 :- Top Hat Bearing fitted in original Wren axle mount. Pic 2 :- Modified Tophat Bearing with pinpoint filed down flat. Pic 3 :- Bachmann 14mm Coach Wheels Fitted and Parkside NEM mounts with Bachmann Mk2 Mini couplings fitted. Pic 5 :- Modified Underframe with new Trussrods 0.5mm (Square Plastic rod) and Vertical supports (shaped 1mm Plastic Square rod). Pic 5 :- Replacement Whitemetal V Hanger (possibly ABS/Fourmost Models castings). Pic 6 :- Replacement Buffers from Lanarkshire Model Supplies. Beautiful castings .
  18. Binky you can indeed fit pinpoint axles to this wagon with a little modification to some top hat barings. I've done this on mine and fitted Bachmann 14mm coach wheels. I'll try and get some pics later. Cheers Trailrage
  19. 5Bel that looks amazing. If I ever get to my "round to it" conversion and it comes out like this I would be one happy bunny! Thank you for sharing your hard work. Cheers Trailrage
  20. Done a really good job there. There a real PITA to get square and running straight. Very nice. Cheers Trailrage
  21. A couple of shots of my old Battered Wrenn 20. Just need to make up my mind which detail parts to use. Shawplan or PH Designs although I'm thinking a mixture. This was originally BR Green and was repainted Red Stripe Railfreight well over 30 years ago by my Dad. Remember it having some coarse Oval buffers fitted but these were replaced with some turned Brass Oleos (possibly A1) When I got it out os storage a big chunk of the bufferbeam was missing broken away so will have to rebuild this. Its alo missing the bufferplates. Pics are after soaking in Isoprol and having end detail filed flush. Needs some Filling and Smoothing so we'll have to see how this goes. Cheers Trailrage
  22. This two have had buffers changed :- 550038 having Hornby Sprung Class 60 buffers fitted as I really didn't like the originals. 550043 having Hornby Sprung Class 60 Buffers one end and MJT SPrung 18" 2ft Oleos at the other. The last being the DRS Model with the Buffer SHanks painted Rail Red. Cheers Trailrage
  23. A couple of Quick phone pic of my FNA's first three have only had the Roof Numbers and late OHL Warning Flashes removed.
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