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Godfrey Glyn

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Godfrey Glyn

  1. This cannot be a win-win situation for all if you include the smaller model shop that provides its customers with all the other things a modeller might need. I often seem to see comments on a model shop closure topic along the lines ' such a pity I always used it to get the paints and glues I need and now I will have to drive x miles to model shop Y or rely on the internet'. Model shops cannot survive on the bits and bobs we might need. They need to have a steady supply of new large price items with reasonable mark up on each item. When a model appears as an exclusive with one shop, it must by definition, reduce the income of all other retailers. Certainly that is the effect on my buying pattern, I do, like most people have a limited budget for the hobby. I am certainly not saying that this wrong, in a business terms it makes great sense for those who can commission models and for the manufacturers in this very challenging economic climate; I am saying that it is a business model that will have long term implications for the hobby as a whole and is likely to hasten the demise of more model shops.
  2. Sorry Miss Prism, I should have included this shot. I am sure you will be able to identify it from this view. all the best Godfrey
  3. I would like to add my thanks to Drew, Ally, Lee, Mike and Laura for giving so much of their time yesterday and for making it such an excellent day at Didcot - also thanks to Mike Stationmaster for his excellent contribution. It really was a super day out and it was good to put some faces to familiar names from RMWeb. I was really impressed with the sheer size of the project that is Didcot and the work that is being done there. Despite the weather forecast we avoided any serious rain showers which was an extra bonus! A few photos which might be of some use to someone. all the very best Godfrey
  4. Don't know enough about GWR trailer cars but does this help? Taken on the excellent RMWeb day at Dicot yesterday. Godfrey
  5. Some photos I took back in March at NRM York. They don't cover all the questions by any means but the top slide bar is certainly well up under the footplate. How to achieve the bogie splashers must be causing Rapido huge problems and certainly the front end view will be very different in the 00 model. I rather suspect that it is impossible to accurately model No 1 in 00 if the model is expected to run around the curves usually found on UK layouts, still they did it with APT(E) though even there it might have been better, certainly easier, if they had designed it just to cope with third radius curves. Looking forward to getting mine, at least I will understand the challenges they have set themselves! all the best Godfrey
  6. Having bought a complete unpainted 4TC set off Chris at the Taunton meeting back in April I am seriously thinking of trying to paint it to match the LT version that is at present being used on the Swanage-Wareham shuttles. It will be interesting to see if Kernow/Bachmann come to an arrangement with the LT Museum to do a professional job of the livery at some future date. http://www.carlswatson.com/Trains/Galleries%202017/Galleries%20201706/20170630ArlingtonEastleighWorks/class4914tc762977116370823and76324eastleighworks30thjune2017.html It would make an interesting conversion, and certainly more attractive than the false teak livery it had before entering Eastleigh Works. all the best Godfrey
  7. The shop at Pendon has released a new batch of Alan's excellent figures covering a group of men in conversation and women shopping. I ordered some online on Sunday afternoon and they arrived in the post on Tuesday morning - excellent service indeed. They came with a brief guidance sheet by Tim Shackleston and on the other side a list of the present range and a suggestion it will be expanded to include graveside figures and workmen. I attended one of their Workshops last year, a most enjoyable and useful day with the bonus of getting a scan of yourself and the subsequent production of your own 3D 1/76 self. I think the only problem with ModelU figures is that all others you might have bought and painted look very primitive in comparison. Certainly well worth looking at in my opinion. all the best Godfrey
  8. Certainly the Roxey Birdcage kits that I have tucked away, and yet to be constructed, are 60' ones. Godfrey
  9. Mine dropped through the letterbox early this morning, a very good read and clearly Chris has been very busy lately on a number of projects. I was particularly interested in his conversion of a Hawksworth brake composite into a slip coach, as shown in one of his photos 'retired' ones were used on the Chard branch. I've seen other photographs which show one was regularly parked in the bay platform. An old school friend who used to regularly frequent the old station as a teenager told me recently that one of the porters used the coach parked there as a venue for sessions with his girlfriend whilst on duty. I suppose a slip coach could be considered quite appropriate! A good review of the SWT Class 450 with some nice photos, the model looks stunning and Bachmann seem to have made a sensible set of decisions on the weathered version. There is also a fresh look to the magazine which I must say is an improvement, gone are the grey printed frames to pages and they are replaced by different coloured bands on the left side of the page, makes the whole magazine seem much brighter. Many thanks Chris and co! Godfrey
  10. I agree with your suggestion when they were chocking the vehicles on the Warwells but they then placed them the same way round on the Warflats. Maybe the team loading the vehicles weren't too bright or had been discouraged from using their initiative and just followed the orders that had been given for chocking vehicles on the Warwells! It could be that they were effectively redundant when the vehicles had been tensioned with the straps anyway. all the best Godfrey
  11. Seeing what ews60002 has achieved with his Warwells reminded me that back in July 2005 whilst passing Eastleigh Station on the way to work I saw something unusual (for me) and briefly stopped in a car park and took some photos of a military train which appeared to be transporting a set of Police Land Rovers and Army ones. No idea as to their destination, but I assumed that it was Marshwood and that the Police ones were being sold to one of our less desirable middle east friends so that they could be used to control their own citizens, I am sure someone on here can identify the livery. The Army Land Rovers on Warflats seem to have UK Army registration plates. Looking at the photos I was interested to note how the metal wheel chocks have been used, seems a strange arrangement. Sorry for the quality, it was an early digital camera -the Canon 300D -and a very dull morning - I couldn't stay any longer, I was already late for a meeting, but I don't think I missed more than one more Warwell. The train consist behind 66119 seemed to be 1 VGA, 8 Police vans, 4 Canvas topped LRs, 1 Police Van, 2 canvas topped LRs, 1 empty Warwell, and 6 Police vans. All the police vans were on Warwells and the soft tops were all on Warflats. Hope that is of some used to those of you who have bought the later version Warwells. all the best Godfrery
  12. Despite being a fully satisfied customer of Kernow, based on the service they have provided me, I am afraid I have to agree with ChrisG. The spares were promised by DJM, it is not cheaper for the buyer to throw away a £100+ model for the sake of a few springs and screws. It seems to me that DJM, having promised spares, were honour bound to source and supply them. If a 'manufacturer' cannot offer any sort of spares service, their product becomes much less attractive as far as I am concerned and essentially its down to 'buyer beware' when purchasing. I have always received helpful service from Hornby and Bachmann when I have had a problem, even if in the case of Hornby I have had to go to a third party spares provider. I was unaware of the no spares policy on the DJM 14xx. I am pleased to see that the Bulleids are being made by another company and hope that Chris at Kernow has managed to arrange for spares to be available for them. I, personally, would always be willing to pay for spares when something fails after several years and of course some of us have made good use of purchased RTR spares on new projects. all the best Godfrey
  13. Well I certainly fall into the category of a modeller for whom this particular bus is well out of my area of modelling. However that did not stop me buying an APT and then being delighted to run it through Chard Joint. Based on what I have seen of the Rapido products I have no doubts as to its quality and therefore I will be buying one, just on the basis of it being a beautiful little model. Hopefully Jason and his team will go on to produce models that are more relevant for someone whose models are usually based on West Country/Southern themes. all the very best and looking forward to it arriving. Godfrey
  14. I've had the same response as Chris GH from Elizabeth Korff at Bauer Media. I do hope that the app development team can sort it out soon, my Mini iPad is only two years old and I do not intend to buy another just to read Model Rail! Godfrey
  15. Unfortunately I cannot find a full side on photo but here are some I took of the Eastleigh 07 back at their Open Day in May 2009. Hopefully it provides some help in making a judgement, assuming that no major modifications have been made to 007 in recent times. I am sure there are many more to be found on Carl Watson's excellent photo site on the work at Eastleigh Works - www.carlwatson.com Looking forward to this release. all the best Godfrey
  16. Just returned from a holiday in China; fascinating country and went with really good travel company. The guides were all very competent, all graduates and excellent English language skills and very open about their society. I asked several different people if it was possible to 'own' a business in China if you were not Chinese. They all said no. So it is perfectly possible that a factory can make products for one company but as I understand it ultimately the firm/factory will be 'owned' by someone who is Chinese. I have also been given the same information by someone who works closely with model railway manufacturers in China. Godfrey
  17. A few more from Arun Quay. I think you can tell that I like it, a lot! Congratulations to Gordon and Maggie. all the best Godfrey
  18. What an excellent show, really enjoyed my visit today well worth the train fare from Bishopstoke Junction. Congratulations to the organisers and all the exhibitors, the cakes were definitely finescale in quality and large scale in quantity. A privilege to see the first public outing for Arun Quay, beautifully done both above and below the track - another classic from Maggie and Gordon. Great to meet up with so many of the gangs from SWAG and Southampton. All the very best to all those involved. Godfrey
  19. Phil, I didn't have much time to notice on Sunday and Chris was so busy I wouldn't have asked him if I had. I have no inside knowledge from Kernows but I agree I have never seen a photo of the white overhead flash on a black liveried Bulleid. I suspect that the manufacturer has been trying out various painting presses and wanted to demonstrate what may go on the green version - its only a guess but I seem to remember reading that they had enthusiastically added features to earlier samples. I, for one, am pretty confident that Chris will have this sorted before the final go ahead is given for production. Thanks for the comment re Chard, I am somewhat embarrassed to see all the things that resulted from a hasty set-up and the delight in seeing the Bulleid! all the best Godfrey
  20. Last Sunday at the SWAG event in Taunton Chris of Kernow very kindly allowed me to remove his 10203 from his table and run it on the modular layout which had just been set up. I am very impressed, it is heavy and it ran beautifully over the somewhat uneven un-fettled track work. IMHO it is going to be something quite special to own and I am pleased I ordered all three all those years ago when it was first announced. It will certainly be worth the wait. All I have to do now is to collect together my savings! Pity I didn't sort out some of the more obvious faults with Chard before taking the photos on the iPhone. All the best Godfrey
  21. I don't know if it has been mentioned but Alan has done some figures for Pendon. I bought some when they first appeared on the Pendon Website and they are ( unsurprisingly) excellent. It it nice to have some of the ModelU figures which represent non-railway people, however having said that I have used the reclining figures to represent a group of railway gangers on my SWAG module of Chard. all the best Godfrey
  22. Hi Castle, Can you please add me to the list, i really enjoyed my last RMWeb tour. all the very best and many thanks for organising this again. Godfrey
  23. Last time I was wandering around the NRM I was taken with the idea that Locomotion might very well produce the LNER Dynamometer Car, something that would be really interesting and unusual but something that would probably sell quite well. Obviously Sandra's initial post put an end to such thoughts but I still think it would be something that would generate a lot of interest. Wishlisting - guilty as charged! all the best Godfrey
  24. Bought some from Alton Model Centre this morning, I am sure if you need to get some quickly you could give Paul a ring and he could send you some. You get 24 in a pack. all the best Godfrey
  25. Clearly that order date demonstrates only a half-hearted interest in these as I see from the Kernow website that I ordered mine on 8th September 2010! Really looking forward to seeing these and only sorry that I couldn't get to see them at Ally Pally, like locoholic I am happy to wait until the summer for them to arrive. I wish Chris well with these, they should go like hot cakes, Pecketts and Original Merchant Navies! all the best Godfrey
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