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long island jack

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Everything posted by long island jack

  1. you need to try more IPA's there heavy hops!!!
  2. Which NJ layout is that Mal,would like a look at that.
  3. Hi Prof I'm slowly drifting away from the CSAO idea, think the exchange will be with CSAO, but i've a couple of proto sw1200 sitting in a box and a gp7,thinking of using them,going to try a sound chip under the layout (EMD 567) like lance Mindheim did,not sure how it will work,don't want an over powering sound ,more a background one,i've got an econarmi,to give it a go.
  4. yep, been doing little bits here and there for the past two year,but with the lockdown, it's steamrollered along,nearly as fast as Mr Gilbert!!!!!
  5. With the uncertainty around the exhibition circuit,i've decided to carry on with the build in the loft , track is laid and ballasted,all building are built,i've started on the scenery,more to follow....
  6. Maybe that Tsunami isn't that fussy after all!!! lol Looks like a new motor will be on it's way!
  7. Hi Mal You right it does look a bit like SA, must have been in my subconscious,not intentional,but don't tell Mr Grant he'll be shouting copyright at me!!!!
  8. 95% done, just some people to add and fine a route for power lines. Just need the exhibition circuit to get started sometime ,maybe not this year, but you never know!!
  9. As your working in OO sand in paint will be out of scale, use talc,(or corn floor) a lot finer, I model in HO and tried the sand mix far to rough ,ok for O gauge!!
  10. May be when the drive shafts are fitted'it lets you start, but when the decoder senses the load, it's may be drawing more amps,than decoder likes,which shuts the decoder down, and it remembers the last setting,and keeps on going,just a thought! i use to have similar problem with cheap chips in HO, try disabling dc in cv29
  11. Had an email today to say the exhibition has been cancelled i'm sure Lee will be along to confirm this
  12. If your going to model baggage/REA cars the would always be at the head end(most trains) so your head shunt after the point may need to be larger, so your head end power can pull the cars off or you could use a switcher to drop on the end to switch cars,REA went out of business in about 1974-75, and this all depends how long the layouts going to be,scale etc.
  13. Kit bash of this https://www.walthers.com/golden-valley-canning-company-kit-main-building-10-1-2-quot-x-8-quot-boiler-house-4-3-4-quot-x-3-quot-empty
  14. Cheers John glad you like it. left hand end nearly complete, just switch stands (on way) and some small details.
  15. Stick to modelling American, i've tried and better tried to get back into British modelling with very limited success, started a small industrial layout got as far as track down ,but was quickly over taken by my new American layout East Jackson, which is now 85% done, the pull of the darkside is just to strong!!!!
  16. Run out of detailing bits, so been playing trains with my Op's cards, Conrail on the morning local to day 1983!!
  17. Starting to add the small detail, and the last ballast drop, then were done!!
  18. It's 1966 and NYC RS1 arrives at East Jackson MI. with train EJ-1, not much traffic today in East Jackson, just a boxcar to pick up at Michigan pickle co, and a couple of boxcar to drop of at the team track on the way out of town.
  19. I made a rule to myself, many moons ago, if I built an exhibition layout ( 3 finished +2 being built) I must be able to run it at home, didn't see the point of putting all that time and effort in to building something then not be able to run it!
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