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long island jack

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Everything posted by long island jack

  1. 90% done, just the small detail to add in the New year, there are also plans for another small extension at the other end, watch this space!!!!
  2. i watched this last night, about sums it up, i also looked at a Blue box 50' box car i fancied, only looked £17.95 +p&p and no box!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Contikits has some budget stuff http://www.contikits.com/Budget.html#USAHO
  4. It will still be there, just in overseas modelling
  5. Do you not think the should be in "overseas modelling section" this now has nothing to do with American modelling, if people still want to comment/follow they will. It is the season of goodwill, lets hope my Santa's wish come true!!!
  6. These will help with the dizziness, from all that round and round and ro..........
  7. Are you sure your not Michael Palin, where next China!!!
  8. Your plan is a tight fit for the space, i've drawn it in Anyrail, changed the two long points for medium and moved the curved point and added medium where the grain spur is, curved track is Atlas 24" curves all code 100, the second plan is the same but with Peco 22" Setrack curves, the grey triangles are a option. I've added a link for Anyrail, the free download gives you 50 pieces to play with if you want more, you have to pay for the licence. https://www.anyrail.com/en
  9. I think you need to decide period, location(rural/urban) this may dictate your radius, but a minimum would be 24" covers all stock, 85" coaches may not look pretty, you could get away with 22" if you model earlier as stock was smaller 60-70' coaches and 40' or smaller freight cars, you need to tie down your period. https://www.nmra.org/track-curvatures-rolling-stock
  10. Yep, i've retire the layout, now permanent in the loft, to be honest haven't missed the exhibitions, was losing a bit of interest before covid set in, think i'm going to be more selective with new exhibition layout, to stick to my favourite exhibition, that's if i get invited!! i'm retired now't else to do, SWMBO is still at work, so once i've hoovered and washed the dishes, i've loads of modelling time (still getting up at silly o'clock in the morning) to get things done
  11. Track all ballasted, basic ground cover done, built backs of a strip mall, just signs to add and all tested
  12. i'll leave this here!!!! http://www.patchrailroad.net/The_Patch/Patch_Home.html
  13. How you switch a multi spot industry , the same would apply to two industries
  14. if you make it one industry with more spots, you still have the same problem getting the last car out, would think it happened all the time
  15. maybe some modellers licence would help!!! http://www.streamlinerschedules.com/concourse/track12/atsf7172196806.html
  16. An idea, do away with the switch back and add a long spur with two industries.
  17. i used craft paint, different shades of browns, with a hint of green to get that muddy look,(i need to dust that water) then a couple of coats of acrylic varnish
  18. these do narrowboats https://anyscalemodels.com/shop/railways/boats.html
  19. I'm still modelling away, not on here as much, just updates on latest projects, i too have moved over to FB, some really excellent modellers, (among the 8x4 brigade) some of the self layout groups are really helpful. I was a FB nayer, but have found it really good for research and ideas, you want to modeller a certain railroad, there'll be a FB group out there, with photos and info. Anyways back to building my windows for my condos!! Ray
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