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Everything posted by TrevorP1

  1. Thanks for that last photo Capatain. It goes without saying that let's hope it does the job. Found this clip which shows concrete spraying. (No sound by the way). Trevor
  2. It would be interesting to see the concrete sparyer in action. Trevor
  3. Sorry but I'm not getting the bit about stock and motive power being marooned west of Dawlish. They are in God's Country, surely it is the rest that are marooned....? Seriously, thoughts for all the folk whose lives are now in turmoil and the Network Rail staff working to put it all to rights. The very best to all of you. Also, many thanks to Captain Kernow for his informed input. Trevor
  4. Lovely work Mikkel. I always look out for your posts. Inspirational. Trevor.
  5. Back in my 20s I was well on the way with an EM layout set on a loop similar to Blea Moor on the S & C. I was quite happy to watch the trains go by. Then a house move forced a move to a smaller idea - a BLT! - but looking back I was never really interested in the operation... Further house moves precluded futher thoughts of anything! Now, having begun to collect models of items that interest me - in my case these days it's 1960 & 70s west country I thought it would be good to build a setting to display them and take photos. Photography being another interest and it would also be another challenge as I've never done macro before... I'm well on the way with something and I'll start a thread soon(ish). But my point is interests will change and you must be sure what will satisfy you. Just my random thoughts, but these days I dont care if the trains don't move at all... and I appreciate models such as The Farthing Layouts ans The Oswestry Works diorama. The best bit of Penson is peering down the lanes and seeing a train move in the distance... Thinking further I have a theory that movement of a model can spoil the illusion because you cannot scale nature: eg weight, mass, momentum, temperature, smell even the sound... apologies if I've started something there..! But all the best and here's to the project whatever it turns out to be! Cheers, Trevor.
  6. I could ramble on for hours about those days but my memories, though treasured, are vary patchy due to my age at the time. I have worked out that we went down on the 08.55 ex Waterloo which we caught at Salisbury. It was always very full and only rarely did we all get a seat, often we sat on our suitcases in the corridor all the way to Plymouth. Sometimes people in a compartment would squeeze up to let Mum sit down. Vaguely I recall passing what i obviously now know was Exmouth Junction. Somehow a 'spotting book' from those days has survived and the numbers, written in my own and my Father's writing, are the stuff of dreams... If only I could remember the engines! For at least four years our journey finshed at Falmouth around 19.00. What a day! Coming back we used the 'Brighton'. Around lunchtime Dad would go to the buffet car for his pint and there I was with my orange juice standing in a 'pub'! Maybe the habit started there! Incidentally, this train was the only time I saw a wheeltapper at work - at Salisbury. I wonder now what on earth was the use of that with the brakes on hard. I guess they knew what they were about. All the best and I really hope your plans come to fruition. Trevor.
  7. Will be following this thread with great interest as it's 'memory snapshot' I have from travelling by train to the west country as a child in the '60s. Barely old enough for school when we first went, I remember being not at all happy about the slow passage through the tunnel. The nearby cider orchards at Whimple also come to mind. Now that would be a modelling challenge - all those trees! Trevor
  8. BR loco dept version arrived today less than 48 hours after it was ordered in spite of 'standard' mail. Nice little model. First class service from Invicta, have never used them before but certainly will again.
  9. Interesting project and impressive use of modern methods. Watching with great interest! Trevor
  10. As ever with this type of thread lots of whacky ideas coming out as well as some very good suggestions. So, semi seriously ( and yes, I know it's another western engine!) what a fantastic model a Dean Single would make.... I know it could probably never happen but no harm in dreaming! Trevor
  11. Would be the most unreliable model ever.... Trevor
  12. Wondering how well received a Dean Goods would be?
  13. Agreeing that we're talking about models built to a high standard here... So, a 43/53XX etc mogul, 94XX pannier and 47XX 2-8-0. These should all make good commercial sense. While we're at it please keep batting the D6XX Warship along. Thanks for sticking your head above the parapet Dave. Trevor
  14. For my sins I work full time as a machinist at the Mid Hants Railway. Using my phone this afternoon I showed the black and white photo to some of my colleagues. Most were completly taken in but eventually one said, "Yes it's a model because the top of the rails look a bit flat..." High praise I think if you can fool proffessionals! Top class work all round! Trevor.
  15. TrevorP1

    Dapol 'Western'

    Just been out for the evening and enjoyed a beer called 'Western Glory'. Just sayin... Trevor
  16. TrevorP1

    Dapol 'Western'

    I believe the models are on the 'Budapest Express'. If you follow this link http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/shipdetails.aspx?MMSI=218352000 it will bring up the ship's details and if you click on the position it will show you a map with the current location. Trevor. (Waiting patiently for 'Western Princess!).
  17. TrevorP1

    Dapol Class 22

    My disc headcode version arrived from Kernow today. The usual excellent service and a brilliant model. I'll 'get brave' at the weekend and fit the detail packs!
  18. TrevorP1

    Dapol Class 22

    I originally ordered an overall green version but was still happy to have D6331 with yellow panels. However, if an overall green D6321 was available then I would be ordering it NOW! D6321 in this form was an engine I can just remember from my childhood holidays in Cornwall - also looking forward the to D6XX Warship for similar reasons.
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