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Everything posted by steve1

  1. Here are some more pics from last night: steve
  2. Liverpool have asked permission for their fans to bring flares to Wembley on Sunday. Apparently, last time they were there everyone was wearing them. steve
  3. I can remember a member of the Lima Collector's Club getting het-up about a friend of mine super-detailing (as it used to be known) a Limited Edition diesel on a demo stand some years ago. When this chap was banging on about how wrong it was and how much money it was worth, Alan said "Well, yours is worth more isn't it as there's one less now." Alan then crossed out the number on his LE certificate and wrote in 001. Collector bloke left at this point... steve
  4. Might you be thinking of Philip Hall's P4 converted Percy? steve
  5. Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon In full and on vinyl. It's only when I hear it algother in one go I remember what a tremendous album it is. Has to be one of the best albums ever made. steve
  6. Another Wobbly Thompson skit - steve
  7. If you ever join a religion, go for the Hokey Cokeyists. They know what it's all about. steve
  8. Foe specific roads and/or geographical areas, the Morning Sun range of books are outstanding. All colour and very informative, the only drawback is the price... www.morningsunbooks.com One that has served me well over the years is Trains Of America by Donald J. Heimburger. It covers the late steam and early diesel period (roughly 1950s-early 1970s). Picture books I would recommend are Heartland by Greg McDonnell and his Canadian opus, Signatures In Steel. steve
  9. Passport To PImlico, an Ealing comedy with Stanley Holloway has passing Tube stock. steve
  10. Just north of Howden Station. I haven't seen many cattle wagons used as sheds. steve
  11. Edge Of Darkness - TV version with Bob Peck. It featured a Class 31 in Banger Blue, which had sets of coupling rods on the two 4-wheel bogies... steve
  12. Bad Day At Black Rock - Spencer Tracy. The opening scene has a tremendous long shot of a Southern Pacific 'Covered Wagon' in Black Widow scheme and stock in Daylight livery. http://www.tcm.com/m...Adobe-Flat.html steve
  13. The layout's last outing was the Hull MRS show in November. It has a couple of dates coming up in 2012 I believe. steve (relief driver on the line)
  14. One for Colin. Jethro Tull - Aqualung 40th Anniversary re-issue with 2nd CD of 'extras'. It really does sound (sonically) better for the remastering too... steve
  15. Fray maybe a miserable old reactionary but his photos certainly tell a a tale. My father and (second) family lived in Bristol from the early 1960s until the early 2000s. I spent years there on and off for holidays and family events. I must have seen all those changes take place but, of course, you don't notice these things when they happen around you. I seriously doubt I could find my way round the city these days... steve
  16. I was sat at the computer last night doing a bit of online research. The wife said "what are you doing?" "Looking for cheap flights!" I replied. When I got downstairs, she'd cooked me my favourite meal and there was a cold beer ready for me. She snuggled up to me watching the football and we went to bed and had the most amazing time in years. In the morning I asked her what all that was in aid of. "You were looking for cheap flights, that's so sweet!" she said. "Fair enough, but you've never taken any interest in my darts before.." steve
  17. Since this thread started I looked at my Saab 9-3 convertible and reminded myself of the reg. S 88 BAJ... steve
  18. Down in Farnham Common, the local Saab dealer (Haymill Motors, incidentally the 1st Saab dealer in the UK) had the reg SAA 13 on a number of demo vehicles and, at one point, on their 900 Pick-up. (Not a catalogue vehicle sadly.) steve
  19. Best Of Budgie on (original) vinyl. steve
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