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Bungus the Fogeyman

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Everything posted by Bungus the Fogeyman

  1. Must admit, and Cath made this point too, that Stu Davies put in some sterling work gophering on Saturday! Well done mate! And well done to the organising team. Another excellent and convivial weekend! Disgusting of Market Harborough
  2. Any further progress Paul? Disgusting of Market Harborough
  3. I seem to remember seeing a pic of a SR Queen Mary brakevan on a Pontsmill train Wayne. I'll see what I can find for next weekend! Any expos booked? Disgusting of Market Harborough
  4. Don't know that parcels units did, but I believe theres a picture of a single car unit with milk tanker (s) behind in a very early (maybe even the first) edition of 'Traction' magazine. I believe the location was in the Saltash area... HTH Disgusting of Market Harborough
  5. Mr Hardy, I'm glad you like my diorama....I'm looking forward to seeing yours next weekend! Disgusting of Market Harborough
  6. The only way you'll find out Michael is if you come along........... Disgusting of Market Harborough
  7. Bit of a blatant plug but, like a lot of you, I am looking forward to seeing Portwey at its debut show on June 30th at WrecRail IV.......blatant plug over........ Disgusting of Market Harborough
  8. Following on from all the comments elsewhere, this 'lovely layout' will be one of those appearing on June 30th! The operator may be too at some point, discuss!! Disgusting of Market Harborough
  9. Bumpity bump.....its getting closer chaps......... Disgusting of Market Harborough
  10. Dont let the good Doctor get too near to anything Malc, he'll break something! And I'm not talking about your medical appointment either.........#oopsadaisy Andy! Disgusting of Market Harborough
  11. Correct Clive. In theory its running down to the grain dries to collect a wagon....but in reality its stuck on that bloody awkward dead spot on the crossing! Disgusting of Market Harborough
  12. Friday Bridge is still not totally finished but will be there at Saturdays routs and revels nonetheless! Disgusting of Market Harborough
  13. Spot on Adrian.....remember Walbys Axiom More than 2 points is an extravagance. .... As for operating at exhibitions, I took Snape Maltings to Glasgow a few years back- all it was was a glorified tuning fork- and it kept me interested operations wise for 2 and a half days. Even then the boredom was due to shoving the same few wagons about. Build operational interest into a layout and you can't go wrong, especially if Walby Axiom is applied! Disgusting of Market Harborough
  14. I see your rusty starfish made an appearance then Dave Disgusting of Market Harborough
  15. As usual, a very pleasant and convivial day. Well done to Alan and his team! Disgusting of Market Harborough
  16. Photo's damn you man!!! Disgusting of Market Harborough
  17. Confession time Alex. The bodyshells both belong to Clive, the bloke with the tongue! We rigged an 0-6-0 chassis of unknown provenance under D2201 and a black beetle under D2212. If anybody asks, we tell them that both D2201 and D2202 are out of action and Wisbech have borrowed D2212 from Yarmouth depot to work the branch! My version is still in the paint shop! Disgusting of Market Harborough
  18. This is my version of what you're doing Matt, only I used a Y point and an ordinary point. Looking forward to seeing this progress. Nice to see Walbys Axiom being obeyed too! Disgusting of Market Harborough
  19. This is a similar shot to the other one, without Clive flapping his proboscis at all and sundry Dave Tailby aka Disgusting of Market Harborough ps hope thats ok for you Tony! And thanks for the vote at St Neots!
  20. Liking this a lot Alex. Whats the track layout of Upwell Drove? Any chance of a helicopter view? Disgusting of Market Harborough
  21. You're coming to Ally Pally eh........ Disgusting of Market Harborough
  22. Its a pity those chancers at DEMU didnt book you both, eh Nobby Disgusting of Market Harborough
  23. Well, the shunter wasnt quite ready for Glasgow, but Clive, bless him, brought along a couple he prepared earlier! Disgusting of Market Harborough
  24. Flawlessly Nicholas! The bit Clive broke was the wire from the tortoise up to the tie bar on the point! The top of it was biffing the cowcatcher on the shunter. Clive cut it down too far, not an insurmountable problem. Disgusting of Market Harborough
  25. Have I got to put up with your noisy diesels all weekend.... Disgusting of Market Harborough
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