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Everything posted by jwealleans

  1. She's Got Nothing On (But The Radio) - Roxette
  2. They look like SNCF ferry vans. Specifically something like these: Quite a bit of Continental stock was trapped in Britain when war broke out and most or all of it went into Government service.
  3. Beth Orton? That's Beth Gibbons, surely. This is Beth Orton:
  4. It Don't Come Easy - Ringo Starr
  5. Let's Think About Living - Bob Luman
  6. Behind The Wall Of Sleep - The Smithereens
  7. Hey Lord Don't Ask Me Questions - Graham Parker and the Rumour
  8. An interesting idea I read somewhere is to use the interior colours as undercoat on the sides so they show through the transparent plastic. I haven't tried it but it's perhaps an easier way to paint them as the raised windows frames will make masking and cutting in easier.
  9. What You Have Is Enough - Voice of the Beehive
  10. I Saw Her Again Last Night - The Mamas and The Papas
  11. To be honest, it's not something I've looked at at all, I've concentrated on the LNER ones we needed for Grantham. I'm sure you could do it as you suggest, but it seems a bit of an open goal for a 3D print equipped supplier. Someone does a tanker underframe - Cambrian?
  12. I only have a location for the picture, no date or even direction.
  13. That's a good shout, John. I thought they were shorter and the framing wasn't so heavy, but you could well be right. The first pair must be well weathered given that they were white when new: (Photo from Facebook with no attribution).
  14. All Tomorrow's Parties - The Velvet Underground
  15. Thank you, Simon. Being a 4mm modeller and not having a printer myself, I'm only really aware of the ones I've actually seen rescaled and printed out. That's helpful for some of the LMS dagrams at least. Powsides also do some Big Four container lettering, although I haven't looked at that in any detail other than knowing it exists. The two LMS refrigerated/insulated diagrams are too big to fit inside any wagon I've tried them in, so I'm not sure what to use there unless someone produces the LMS conflat. While we're on the subject of containers, can I ask if anyone knows what these are? i was sent a picture of B7 5468 on a goods at Denham recently (undated, but post-1928). The sender wanted to know what these two wagons were carrying. I thought they were large crates at first, but then found another picture from during WW2 showing an apparently identical container in use, so I think they must be containers. The container beyond the LMS van is clearly a pressed steel one and the two nearer ones do appear to be secured in the manner of containers. This picture is from 1942 and shows a lighter colour but apparently similar heavy framing.
  16. They're not, Simon, these are 247's own. I asked the same question as I know they were aware of Sascha's work. The only overlap as far as I can see is the LNER BL. I'm looking into lettering and also wagons for the LMS diagrams but would be very happy to be beaten to it. I did ask Mr. Cambrian Models at Warley whether he still had the tooling for the container underframe which they used to do, but it hasn't made it's way to him. There's an opportunity there for someone, I'm sure.
  17. When The Laughter Is Gone - Katzenjammer
  18. Well here we are two months in to a new year and I seem to have spent most of my modelling time building LMS wagons. There has been a small amount of LNER activity, though: Almost certainly my best buy of the year even if it was in January. Visiting Pontefract show on the Sunday, I spied a NuCast O2 box on the club stand for £70. Not a bad price, looked quite well made but was at the back of the table and I didn't really need one..... I thought 'probably worth it just for the wheels - I'll see whether it's there when i get back'. By about 3pm and getting ready to go, I wandered back to the stand having forgotten about it and saw the box still there. I picked it up for a better look and found, not an O2 but a really nice looking O1 conversion. After that it wasn't leaving my grasp, money changed hands and home it came. It's been very well done, nice big Pitman motor, runs very well on the bench (the test track is dismantled at the moment) and I'm looking forward to testing it on Grantham. I had a lettering session through the week and the Flat T is now ready for weathering. In case anyone isn't aware, Ian MacDonald has just announced a brass kit for this wagon, which was also built by the LMS and BR. If anyone's thinking of trying a brass kit, I can't recommend Ian's highly enough. Just before Christmas I acquired an ABS Bolrecs (warwell) kit on Ebay, from Chas Levin of this parish as it turned out. I put that together over the holiday and it will go into the pipe train on Wickham Market when complete. I can see I need to reinstate part of the queen post casting I managed to damage. Finally I've started putting together another Graeme King Conflat V to carry one of the steel containers I had printed last year. At Doncaster Show, Brian at 247 Developments kindly gave me a set of 6 containers which they have just introduced. Most are LMS, but there is one GWR and an LNER ventilated steel BL in the set and he did say that these are available individually by order. They're priced at £4 each. [attachment=0]247_containers.jpg[/attachment] Some LMS maroon to finish; the horsebox I was gifted by Jesse last year is now complete and ready for weathering, as is the Caley Coaches CCT.
  19. Two items which have recently come ot my attention; Ian MacDonald is offering a brass kit for the BR Diagram 2/002 Armour Plate wagon which can also be built as the prewar LMS and LNER versions. As it happens I'm almost through a scratchbuild of one of these: If anyone is considering a brass kit, I can't recommend Ian's highly enough. I believe the first batch may be all or largely spoken for, but there will undoubtedly be another run. At Doncaster show, Brian at 247 kindly gave me a set of 6 3D printed containers they've just launched. Four of the set of 6 are LMS, one GWR and one LNER, a ventilated steel BL from 1929. Individual containers are available by order.
  20. I Left My Heart In Papworth General - HMHB
  21. Doesn't half help with the 3 link couplings.
  22. The World Should Revolve Around Me - Little Jackie
  23. Here's Rob's, taken in 2013 at (I think) Wakefield Show. The loco is also scratchbuilt. Seen in the slightly unusual surroundings of rural Essex.
  24. Not the sound you'd necessarily expect with that name, is it?
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