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Everything posted by Mythocentric

  1. ...say goodbye to Alexandra leaving...
  2. ...the best things in life are free...
  3. ...money, money, money, ain't it funny, it's a rich man's world...
  4. Oh! I love to go a-wandering along the mountain track...
  5. Down by the river, I shot my baby.....
  6. Hi Jeff That’s funny; I thought it was you doing the proper modelling. To be honest, I don’t have the courage to do what you’re doing. Too much of a butterfly! I don’t know if it was because I spent so much time lurking around exhibitions but I’ve always tended towards smaller, portable layouts (club layouts excepted!). Easier to build and work on, and not being the most practical person, easier to wire. I do love the scenic side though, especially the architecture. It’s very satisfying to look at a model and realize that it’s something you’ve researched and created from nothing, or in the case of locomotives change to recreate something I used to see every day, and unlike my pictures which depend on other people liking them, I’ve only me to satisfy. Probably explains why I spend so long on them. That said, given the amount of effort you’re putting into KL, I doubt you’ll have many problems with the ‘artistic’ (!) side of things. The basics aren’t hard to learn and once you get them the rest is easy. All I did was copy people like Geoff Taylor, Paul Bason, Martyn Welch, etc (though I must admit to a certain amount of professional training with the airbrush). Hopefully that’s something I can help with at times. Sleep? That’s something that happens when I’m too bored to do anything else! I’ve always been a night person and at my age I can’t see that changing anytime. I think there must be a bit of vampire in my heritage somewhere and frequently go to bed as the sun rises! Phoebe duly reprimanded. Courteously of course. After all, it wouldn’t be wise to annoy a fae queen! Regards Bill
  7. Shot through the heart and you're to blame...
  8. Darn fairies! Never do what you want! Modelling? That's an interesting point! I spent this morning building the legs for the baseboards ready to start profiling the tops (three levels) when I finalise the track plan which I think I have, subject to uploading it on the forum for you gentlemen to give it the once-over. I'm putting the finishing touches on one building (a factory store) ready to start the next (the goods shed) which I'll start if, and when, the 7mm SE Finecast brick sheets I ordered arrive (promised within three days a fortnight ago) otherwise I'll be scribing plasticard or Das. In addition there are eight locos to renumber and weather with more to come (including a very nice L&Y Class 27 0-6-0, thanks to Richard at my local model shop), fifteen coaches and a very large pile of wagon kits in the offing. So, to be honest, Bemused of Morecambe isn't too far from the truth just now! I get the horrible feeling I'm going to have to compile one of Jason's lists soon! Ain't model railways fun Bill
  9. ...say the word and you'll be free...
  10. Curses! Foiled again! Regards Colonel Ethel Moriarty (Deceased)
  11. Hey! Mister tambourine man, play your song for me...
  12. Many moons ago, when I was a member of the East Lancs MRC, they laid track and ballasted at the same time by laying a length of SMP on the track plan drawn on the base board using track pins through the sleepers for positioning, cutting the tops off the pins, lifting the track to apply PVA, replacing the track and ballasting each length as they went, weighting it until the glue set. The pins were removed and any holes left disappeared under the paint. I perhaps should have mentioned it quite a few posts back but someone might find it useful. Including me come to think of it! Regards Bemused of Morecambe
  13. I won't be looking back but I want to look around me now...
  14. A very definite second for that. I'll be using Tortoise/Cobalts this time around having used Solonoid or wire-in-tube previously. Electrickery isn't my strongpoint but this explains it nicely Thanks Jeff! Regards Bill
  15. I will soon be taking delivery of a kit-built Aspinall Class 27 0-6-0 in early BR livery. I am, I must admit, more than a bit chuffed!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Why was I just reading "Aspirin Class 27"? oO

    3. Mythocentric


      Thats what I'm expecting. I'm still debating whether to build the Aspinall 2-4-2T.

    4. Andy C

      Andy C

      If its the London Road kit dont. Its a pig to put together!


  16. ...ooh-ee, ooh-ah-ah, ting-tang, walla-walla-bing-bang...
  17. Quote: I'm having a December "spend freeze"... Oops! I was having one of them then I walked into The Train Shop for a couple of sheets of plasticard to find Richard unpacking his new deliveries. Came out with another G2A and a rake of Thompson suburban's. Probably explains why the only New Year Resolution I've ever kept is don't make New Year Resolutions!
  18. ...watching and waiting for a friend to play with...
  19. ...there's something truthful in the sea, all lies will find you...
  20. ...if the sun don't shine you'll get a tan from standing in the English rain...
  21. Hi Jeff I buy mine from The Art Studio in Lancaster, but they are usually available from most art or craft shops. You can even find them in the pound-shop sort of place as part of those foilboard-art sets (a good way to experiment first before you splash out). There are craft websites who sell them but I don't recall the addresses because I try to support local shops when I can (and if possible!). They cost around £7-8 for a set (multiple tips). You don't need to buy holders, I just tape mine to the end of a pencil! Bill
  22. Hi Jeff I must agree with you there. Yon Andy P is a bad lad. Personally I drink tea with mine. (Beef & Stout pies of course!). Jason: Have a look at scraperboard tools for scribing (plasticard and Daz). They come in different shapes and work by cutting a groove in the material without leaving any burrs,etc to clean up. Style 1 & 2 for scribing lines with Style 3, 4 and 5 for texturing.
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