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Everything posted by Mythocentric

  1. Feeling very sorry for myself after dropping a scalpel which stuck in my foot. My 4-year-old grandaughter (a.k.a. The Gremlin) however found the resulting war dance hilarious!

    1. Horsetan


      Did you do it Gangnam Style? ;-)

    2. Mythocentric
  2. Busy murdering flies after three of the little blighters landed on the canopy I've just finished painting.

    1. engage


      You may have done your activities the wrong order. OK. so tell me to buzz off :-)

    2. engage


      Oops, Sorry ! in the wrong order

    3. Mythocentric


      I'm sure they do it on purpose. Not a sign when I'm getting ready, then as soon as I put the airbrush down......SPLAT!

  3. Thats what it's all about my mate! The fact that you can't see it doesn't really matter, what does is that it's there so you are going to model it because it matter's to you. I've just spent the last six weeks building a platform with a high curtain wall which supports a ridge and furrow canopy. All detailed, painted and weathered and none of which will be visible from the viewing side, unless you crawl under the layout and peer over the backscene. The point is, like you, I know it's there and it's important to the fidelity of the layout. That's one of the things that is raising your modelling above the norm. You are willing to go the extra mile and I'm sure that a lot of people will agree when I say, that's what makes it stand out from the rest.
  4. Will the following footsteps catch me, am I really dying?
  5. I got my first good look at a Class 70 yesterday when 70014 on Network Rail IDA (E)'s was held at Preston awaiting a southbound path. Humm! I knew Pablo Picasso was a man of many talents but I never knew he'd designed locomotives!

  6. I've got to second (third?) Physicsman and Southernboy. This really is building into something very special. As a northener myself I can say that not only is the appearance right but also that indefinable 'feeling' for a place in time is beginning to show. I can almost see me and my mates playing footie in the street. Superb!
  7. Third time pays for all! I uploaded one of my stone pavement photo's here http://scalemodeldb.com and sampling various areas to find matching paint colours which gave me Humbrol 140 Matt Gull Grey, 145 Matt Medium Grey and 94 Matt Brown Yellow. I've just tried a rough test on a piece of Wills paving as follows: Paint overall with Gull Grey, pick out random slabs (about 20%) with Medium Grey then very lightly dry brush a few of each shade with Brown Yellow (just the odd one). You would probably want to substitute Railmatch Sleeper Grime for the Humbrol Brown Yellow!. The idea is to provide a subtle tie-in colour to the buildings! Finally overcoat with Mattcote to which has been adding a drop of Matt Black which helps blend it all together. I must admit for a first attempt with the above website I'm impressed enough to use it on my own layout Thornton (More northern grime!) Hope this will be of service. Regards. Bill D.
  8. Did David Bowie ever find out if there was life on Mar's? Could have saved NASA and the USA a lot of money!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      NASA sent a rover to Mars, I had a rover once but it only made it to Betws-Y-Coed

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      There was, apparently, back in the 1970s...

    4. Mythocentric


      Is there life in Betws-Y-Coed as well!!!!

  9. Made it! I've posted some photo's of stone and concrete paving on my thread (link in post #303 above). I also gleaned the following info from this website: http://www.igg.org.uk/gansg/index.htm#apps 'Tarmac roads appeared in towns from around 1905. Stone paving was in use (with granite being favoured) until concrete slabs were introduced in the 1940's and becoming the norm after WW2. Tarmac pavements were not a common sight prior to the 1950's' From my own recollection the street I lived on in Blackburn still had stone pavements and granite setts until the road was relaid in the early 60's with the pavements following some time after (around 65-66) when they were relaid with tarmac. If you haven't already discovered this website incidentally, It's well worth bookmarking, because it contains a wealth of information for modellers covering both sides of the railway fence. The guy who compiled it, a railway modeller himself, deserves sainthood!
  10. Oh I do like to be besides the seaside. Except when it's raining like today. Oh I would like to walk along the prom, prom, prom. But it's pouring down, tiddly-om-pom-pom. Breal out the VaporRub Ethel......

  11. Looks good with the new road to the goods yard. Typical of the cramped appearance of many stations built on a limited amount of land. As for the pavements I'm still trying to get out and see, but it insists on raining a couple of hours either side of noon when I usually work for colour accuracy. Having studied a few thousand photo's it appears that paved areas usually had a grey appearance, perhaps indicating a harder-wearing surface but I'll have to confirm that. Hopefully the thread will attract contributions from around the country to provide a better idea of regional variations but it's early days yet. It's not a hard task, just one that tends to attract strange remarks (I'm not sneaky enough!), also feet can be quite the little attention-seekers when you aim the camera it that direction, but I've learned to ignore them, the little devils!
  12. Welcome back! Glad to see you (and the bikes survived intact!). I recently started a new thread to provide accurate colour references for forum members to use so, hopefully, I can help out with the pavements and other stuff in some way. http://www.rmweb.co....__fromsearch__1 They are on the agenda next (stone, concrete and tarmac). In fact I had hoped to get out today and make a start but, as usual, when I opened the door it was whizzing down. Meanwhile,
  13. Just recieved a letter from my daughter in Redruth, posted 1st class on the 6th September.I'll put it with the one I got two days ago from my friend Samantha from Washington in the USA posted on the same day.

    1. Rugd1022


      The postal don't stop at Redruth on Thursdays.....


  14. A few days ago I found a rather handy pair of mitre clamps for model assembly of one of the model railway shops websites. Obviously a must-have so, for some obscure reason, I decided to wait and order them the following day! Guess what? I can't remember which b....y shop it was. Anyone like to help save my sanity?

  15. I love that look on Hilary Clinton's face...."Oh Lord...tell me they're not going to dump that Cortina in the canal!".
  16. 2ManySpas wrote: 3. The bridge has a fair skew on it, would the cross members run at 90deg to the main deck beams or would they be on the skew too? I had a wander around today checking bridges within reach (quite a few) plus any photo's I could find for the plate-girder bridge I'm building and in each case the cross-beams are at right angles to the main deck beams. This would appear to be the most logical approach for both strength and ease of construction. Unfortunately I couldn't check the cross-member depth because the all have brick or steel jack arches. From the outside of the only one I can reach at the north end of Lancaster station I estimate the cross-members to be approx. 18 inches deep. Hope this is of use to you. Regards.
  17. Trying to persuade lots of wobbly plasticard to form two station platforms while trying to stop it all wrapping itself around my neck!

  18. Hornby's Stanier 2-6-4T's. I need a couple for my layout. They're listed as 'in stock' on their (Hornby's) website but all the shops I've tried tell me they can't get hold of them! Am I missing something here?
  19. Where have all the Hornby Stanier 2-6-4T's gone? They are listed as available on their website but nobody seems to have them!

    1. Coldgunner


      Didn't you hear? they've all gone for a two week break in Magaluf.

    2. 45568


      you have a pm

  20. Building station platforms, listening to early Pink Floyd and getting sorely tempted to reach for the Stratocaster. Syd Rules!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fairburn


      Correct, with the mirrored effect scratch plate?

    3. Mythocentric


      He did indeed. Met him once at a gig in Gorlston back in '68 (showing your age there lad!) and he just stood there with a dreamy smile on his face. Myself I've always preferred the Strat as my weapon of choice (Mr. Gilmours influence). The Teles a great guitar as proved by Syd and Keith Richards but I've always found them a bit on the heavy side!

    4. Mythocentric


      P.S. Still lighter than a Les Paul though and Syds still a musical genius in my eyes!

  21. Assembling Peco platform edges into long springy strips. A process my 2-year-old grandaughter Lucy, who keeps creeping up and twanging the other end, finds hilarious!

  22. Miracle! I've just checked my e-mail and not a single spam message to be seen. Waddya know! There is a God after all!

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      I have $3287989 to put in your bank account

    2. 45568


      no email at all then!!!???

  23. Yeah! Got my adaptors from Eileens Emporiums! today (Thanks Guy's). Look out airbrush here I come. Now exactly what colour is creosote again?

  24. People who take themselves so seriously they can't see the humour in threads like this! Keep it up guy's! Whinging is one of the few thing left that the government hasn't taxed yet!
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