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Everything posted by Stueyboy43

  1. Hi mdvle Many thanks for your reply and links to pictures. I have placed a car park on there as have a few oxford cars I would like to display but looking at it the car park is quite big so may reduce it. I forgot to mention after I drew the layout I decided to switch viewpoint so the car park and station are now the front on the layout. I will look at a possible carriage siding. Regarding a signal box I could add it at the end of the reduced size car park, I might try one of the laser cut kit models and build 3 walls and half the roof and see how that goes. I could use something like this http://www.lcut.co.uk/index.php?product=B 00-12&title=B 00-12 I'm trying to use the track I have but will look at the plan with a 3 way point. Will post a new pic later
  2. Hi all, I have been using the time at home recently to start building my first working layout based on a heritage railway. I have built a small depot layout on a single board before but never anything this big - any help would be appreciated. I have designed the layout as 14 feet x 18 inches, to hopefully be able to have running sessions in the house before it can have a permanent place in the garage. It is a OO scale layout, running DCC with NCE Powercab. The points are going to be either wire in tube, or motor powered, with wiring changed and a Gaugemaster DCC80 controlling the frog polarity. The points on the scenic side of the layout are Medium radius Live Frog, and all track is code 100. the points in the fiddle yard are Bachmann Settrack which are wire for power no matter which way they are thrown. I have based the station loosely on the GCR's Leicester North, with a single platform and run around loop, but have switched platform sides and placed it in a different setting. i have also added a line to go to an engine shed, to be able to store a few locos on the scenic board. The look i want to go for is what i see on heritage lines, some historical buildings and structures, blended with either temporary structures or new builds as the railway expands and it's needs change. Some lineside clutter, the odd engine on pallets etc, spare wheels, maybe a rusting boiler. Coaches in varying states of finish. The station is designed to accept 4 coach trains (originally 3 coach) which is the minimum I was hoping for. The track at the joins will be soldered onto copper clad sleepers. I have been building the boards in the sun over the last couple of days, and the layout consists of 2 x 6 foot long boards, with a 2 foot board at the end (this might end up being 3 feet long). I am committed to the board dimensions now, but if anyone has any pointers or ideas for improvements before i start laying track down that would be much appreciated. I have an overall plan, and also an idea of the scenic side of the board, I have left small details off, coal bunker, benches etc as will probably just see where they best fit when the main parts are down. Also looking to place a signal box on the layout somewhere to house the brass lever frame i have if I go down the wire in tube method. All feedback appreciated.
  3. It might be an idea to have Bachmann service dept take a look and get the loco serviced and running sweet for you under warranty if it is economical for you to get it to them
  4. I am planning a layout based on preservation so will always be interested in loco types if preserved examples are produced, but otherwise these classes of locos are of no importance to me. I think Hornby are missing out on sales if they ignore preserved locks!
  5. Hi I have just spoken with Bachmann about this and have been assured they are continuing development of this model and will update the press as developments continue
  6. The sound decoder in the 158s is a Zimo chip I believe
  7. Definitely getting a set in maroon and cream, then if budget allows a set in one of the other colours as well! Great models, especially in the flesh!
  8. Great start to the board, I really like the sweeping curves on the track. What size is the board?
  9. But why would Bachmann want to design decades old technology in a brand new model??m If we stopped the manufacturers back then from making progressively better and more advanced models we would still be using very basic and, to me, very poor models/toys. Our cars/vans/trucks we rely on in our daily lives would be cheaper without the advancements in technology and quality, but would we want to go back to wind down windows, manual chokes, rubbish heaters, small interiors, endless breakdowns etc etc. If we all look to the past in this hobby, it won't have a future.
  10. It says November 18 on Bachmanns website
  11. The last link has not quite gone. I think a few bits from Tags are now in Panda Models so the history will hopefully carry on in some form, a great shop and lovely people as well. They need and deserve suport from the modelling community (not just model railways either, they have slot car products and many plastic kits)
  12. That's (one of) the problem(s). Some people expect Rolls Royce quality for Lada money, it cannot happen, and it would mean the end for manufacturers very quickly. Going forwards no new models (because no manufacturer can make money) = the death of this hobby.
  13. There is no retailer margin built into this though. It would be like Bachmann, Hornby etc selling direct to the public at trade prices, therefore removing the retailer margin, and indeed the retailers.
  14. No need to apologise - I had to look three or four times to make sense of it! Would it still fit I wonder?? Thanks for the link anyway as it is very useful
  15. From what I see and understand the dimensions for the sound decoder are 20 x 9.5 x 3.5 mm. The smaller dimensions are for a standard decoder?
  16. Fantastic looking model and great announcement. Never got round to getting St Blazer but this is will have to find a way onto my layout.
  17. Those pics look great and the figures really add to the wagon. I'm sure will look great when in place on your layout ad well Stu
  18. Why is a shop selling at RRP being unfair to modellers, or 'milking' it? These businesses have to make a living, maybe some of the discount levels expected by modellers (not pointing this directly at you, just in general) are actually not fair?
  19. The issue is the N gauge market is a lot smaller than OO, but that doesn't mean the factory will take a smaller purchase order to reflect this. More risky to produce?? Perhaps if a poll could be set up to see if any of the rep/club specials would be wanted in N that might help push some through if enough interest is shown.
  20. Hi Justin. I used the side of my soldering iron tip to gradually reshape the enclosure of a sugar cube speaker to fit in the cab of a farish 37. It worked really well and the enclosure remained sealed as the heat melts and re-seals as you shape it. The sound quality was fine, will probably have a video somewhere of the end result. Cheers Stu
  21. The best thing would be to call or email Bachmann directly. I am sure they will help you if you ask them
  22. They are not refurb/return models, but factory fresh just at discounted prices. I have two myself and I am really happy with them. Both run great and if anyone was interested in getting one now surely is the time
  23. Really like the look of your diarama. Has a good feel to it and I like the tones and textures. I am also thinking about a layout around this size, so will follow with interest.
  24. Don't forget for the cost of membership you get a catalogue (but maybe you have one possibly), a lovely calendar, 4 magazines a year which are a nice read, an exclusive wagon and other benefits at large shows and the chance of a free day out at a railway - not too shabby! And the loco is fab too, I know as I have one All the best
  25. The Desiro's are dcc ready
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