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Everything posted by leopardml2341

  1. Morning. Damp and grey here in South Derbyshire. not much else of interest to report - on second thoughts even the weather report might not be interesting so how about this, the recycling bin has just been emptied. Gosh do I have an exciting life.? Best do some WFH, back later. Stay safe, sane and well. Best wishes to all who ail or are anxious about things.
  2. And on that bombshell; goodnight all.
  3. ^^^^^ If in doubt....... do nowt
  4. Well, today hasn't been so bad, but productivity has been down on usual. Hope everyone is safe and well. Off to do some domestics now; back later.
  5. and that's before considering any writings, opinions they post about on social meedja......... Mostly with their 'location' turned on!
  6. Well, the tiredness of two nights with minimal sleep has caught up with me; c@ckwomble and fookwit tolerance is likely to be low. Not much else to report other than it's grey in South Derbyshire (and mizzely) and not especially warm. Stay safe, sane and well folks. @polybear - thank you I acquired said car at something like 45% off the list price, and still I regretted it; after 500 miles it needed a new engine, the oil consumption having reach 1 pint per 100 miles.....
  7. Awake at stupid o'clock AGAIN! Cuppa time again. Happy Birthday @andyram Whilst I'm awake I might as well regale you all with my car list..... Mk2 Ford Escort Open Manta (trashed by vandals) hence following boring car(s) Vauxhall Nova Rover Montego (bad decision but cheap; BAe staff discount) VW Golf Vauxhall Cavalier Ford Mondeo Ford Mondeo Peugeot 106 Mitsubishi Colt Dacia Sandero Oh, and two buses: Leyland Leooard PSU3/3R Leyland Tiger Cub PSUC1A/13
  8. Well, despite not a lot if sleep last night I don't feel too bad and quite a lot has been achieved without too much fuss. Goodnight all.
  9. Morning. Lack of sleep earlier will probably manifest its effects later (or tomorrow), for now it's time to get to it. Today's list is quite long, but varied. Cuppa number one consumed and breakfast beckons, but I think I'll procrastinate for a little longer..... Wishing all well, and hoping that today brings nice things and happy times. Back later.
  10. Hopefully the lady, note I use the term loosely,copped a hefty ticket
  11. Why am I awake and moreover have so been for the last 3 hours....... Grrrr! Currently drinking a cuppa in the hope that it breaks the cycle.
  12. Boat turned and spring cleaned inside. Engine serviced (in the p!ssing it down rain) and all is good for ABH weekend when a short trip to Burton is on the cards. More outdoor stuff done at home followed by pizza and beers in the Summershed. Time fir pudding and coffee now, then bed. Goodnight all!
  13. Mornin' all. Caught up on a whole shedload of posts - it sort of becomes addictive..... As the weather is set fair, today WILL be boat turning and servicing day! Best get to it, after breakfast of course. Back later, be safe and keep well.
  14. There is a risk of it becoming habit though, with concomitant lack of actually looking. Learning to drive a bus taught me a lot more about driving a car than learning to drive a car ever did. Sir, I offer you Dacia.........
  15. Missed out on a lot of today's ER happenings due gk: Work Doctor's appointment Continuing outdoor painting Beer Will try to catch up tomorrow and read/like etc. In the meantime generic greetings, positive thoughts and sympathies as required. Goodnight all.
  16. That's what I did with mine, lined with some cheapo pond liner material
  17. Home from mi day out at CD. Not done a lot but feel tired nonetheless; now for a beer, some food and a bit more outdoor painting. 'til later......
  18. Morning all. Best get mi @rse in gear, have to go to Crewe today to visit some 12" to the foot scale unmentionables. Weather is and looks to continue to be set fair here in South Derbyshire. First challenge of the day will be the A50. Make the most of your day and of course stay safe, sane and well.
  19. Sometine ago I concluded that the fashion for lessons learned meetings in the workplace taught only one thing, that is..... The only thing that is learned from a lessons learned meeting is that we learn no lessons.
  20. My recent experience of an electronics graduate who, when asked, didn't (and perhaps still doesn't) know how a relay works would seem to support that theory. In this case I think all it has done is proven that a candidate can learn enough to pass the exam, but not necessarily understand nor apply what they may have learned. #grumpyoldman I'm surprised that there's a need for any grading system at all - don't schoolkids these days get medals/awards/certificates for simply turning up/taking part and/or failing in many activities - hardly training for life is it? #grumpyoldman2 That's the reason I went into the office on Monday #lessgrumpyoldman In other news, missed out on most of the day due to work #grumpyoldman3 Off to do some outdoor painting soon - cue the rain
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