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Everything posted by leopardml2341

  1. I have long said BREXIT would mean a lot of people getting a wake up call and some will have to actually work for a living now.......
  2. I think I know the place of which you speak. Haven't been there in ages, primarily cos it were c@rp last time I went.
  3. On that awl defying note, I bid you goodnight; sleep well. Hope yer gob feels berrer soon, Baz.
  4. In that case, the purchase I mentioned the other day was delivered today and I can (safely ?) reveal that it is an EFE rail Hymek, brand new and weathered by TMC for just £113. There yer go, awl, take that!
  5. Why would anyone be an anti-vaxxer? Mine cleans my carpets perfectly well
  6. Keyboard warriors again, no doubt In a parallel universe they'll get their comeuppance
  7. Check what it says in your 'contract' with them and act upon that - i.e. breach of contract if the number of unaccompanied Vs accompanied viewings could be seen as unreasonable to the 'average man in the street'. Or should that be 'person' in this day and age?
  8. Morning folks, South Derbyshire is back to its usual grey and I'm back at the WFH desk being keybored - Pah! Baz, do you get royalty fees on the use of that ? Meanwhile, have a good day, stay safe, well and sane. It can be a big bad world out there.
  9. Oh no they ain't have you ever measured one with a 'scope? But in respect of the original question, it could be that the OP has used the term 'transformer' to mean 'controller' - that's how they were referred to when I were a lad, but that's quite a long time ago and may be the same for the OP? In which case a 'controller' might also not be 'smooth' especially if it is a PWM controller As has been said earlier we were all novices once - some of us are still open to learning new things as well.
  10. Evening, Most of mi planned jobs completed and I'm now sitting in mi summershed with a beer and a doggo by my side. I'm catching up here and listening to music whilst doggo's doing what he fiez best and that is sleeping. For the moment, at least, all is good in this little bit of South Derbyshire. Hope everyone's day has been as fulfilling as mine, might not be back later so just in case I'll bid you all goodnight now.
  11. Morning. Quite a heavy downpour overnight, but South Derbyshire is, for the moment, quite bright and dry. Time to do more of the list, bye for now. Hope everyone has a good day, stafe safe, well and sane.
  12. Right, a more sensible time. Time to review 'mi list" and choose today's chores. BBC reckons rain possibly from 10:00 but almost certainly from midday on so outdoor stuff first methinks. Indeed this is supported by the weather radar. Back later, make the most of your day, whatever it may bring. Breakfast!
  13. Well, although I wanted an early start - this is too early! Cuppa drunk, now time to attempt more sleep.
  14. Done some more of 'mi list'. Slowly, slowly etc.... Gonna set an alarm for tomorrow so that I can get some more outside stuff done before the rains come. Just in case I don't get back later, goodnight all.
  15. In fact I nearly 'took one out' the other day - captured for posterity (and investigation if needed) on the good ole dashcam. Trouble is, however un reasonable the pedestrian's behaviour or road sense (after all pedestrians are road users and have obligations outlined in The Highway Code) the poor driver (or cyclist) is always deemed guilty until proven innocent. Years ago, a then girlfriend was knocked down by a car and suffered a broken leg (entirely her fault - which she admitted) but the driver was hauled over the coals for it nonetheless.
  16. Late on parade - but good morning all anyway. South Derbyshire grey is not grey but a hazy sort of blue with warm sunshine - yay. Pity I'm having to sit at the keybored in the WFH location. Today WILL be a POETS day - in fact if a certain C@ckwomble keeps annoying me it will become POVETS day I have received confirmation that the order I placed last night is on its way Back later, play nicely out there - even if being goaded into doing otherwise.
  17. Elsewhere on rmweb, a bargain hunters thread contributor has just caused me to spend some modelling tokens on a..........
  18. That site has been invaluable in setting up the master clock - they are fickle...... I actually have two clocks - one bought some time ago (just before lockdown 1) from ebay. The lying scrote seller stated that it had been in use until recently and I took him at his word, it being collected on my behalf by a family friend who lived close by. Lockdown happened so I didn't get to see it in the flesh until well after ebay's returns period. Anyway, long and short of it is that the clock could never have run as the suspension hanger was all but 'torn' through - in any case it looked as though it had been bodged anyway, along with many other aspects of the mechanism. I'm now on the lookout for some spring steel to make a new one - also the pendulum rod needs attention as well - the phrase 'caveat emptor' comes to mind. This one will be a long burning project methinks as I have many other things to do, also it is more than tinged with bitterness due to the lies told by the seller...... In other news, the usual South Derbyshire grey is lightening a bit and hopefully we'll see some sunshine soon. Best get some WFH done, though there is a distinctly CBA mood around - maybe I will go and 'marvel' at mi summershed clock Hope today is a good day for all - back later.
  19. Well, I did decide I'd better do something even if it was a desirable aim rather than an essential one from 'the list'. Some of you may remember my 'summershed'; well it now has a clock in it. What's remarkable about that you might ask? It is driven from the syncronome master clock I acquired sometime ago, which has hitherto been driving a single slave in my dining room. One more to add in the raikway room, I already have a slave mechanism and the quartz clock to modify, but that's the last one I have. If ebay turns up any more at sensible prices I may acquire one more for a slave clock on the second floor landing. In the meantime, I'll bid you all goodnight; stay safe and well until tomorrow arrives.
  20. Evenin' Back from the Swedish shop where I bought everything I needed and some things I didn't. This is the first shop I've visited where the vast majority of people were NOT wearing masks, out of respect for others I donned mine as is my usual m.o. when indoors in public places. Also treated miself to mi tea whilst I was there and now I'm back home with a full belly I'm less inclined to want to tick some more jobs off the list Bye for now, from a distinctly lazy feeling Leopard. What makes getting off mi @rse and doing something useful even less likely is that there is an equally lazy JRT trying to get as close to me as he possibly can without actually getting inside my skin
  21. Mornin' Looks like today is shaping up into another 'not a lot' day - maybe it's the weather. Simply cba with work stuff - so I'm doing easy things today. A trip to that there Swedish store is on the cards later, but I'll go at tea time when it's not as busy. I think you might be right, so to add fuel to the fire - let me show you the slogan from a tee shirt I've just bought..... Keep calm and carry on! Best wishes to all, hoping that your day is as good as it can possibly be
  22. A 'not a lot' sort of day here in South Derbyshire.... Goodnight all.
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