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Everything posted by leopardml2341

  1. Why do I keep buying stuff in the hope that it'll kick start me into action?
  2. Experience tells me that the better drivers are those who never boast about their 'skills'
  3. Ditto, but I didn't clean my car because that would bring on a storm of biblical proportions. Last of visitors will leave todayit sounded like it was a good idea at the time I invited them....... Then the big clear up will begin with lots of laundering of bedding and towels. Whilst that lot is going on I'll be sorting some stuff for charity shops, the tip and ebay. I slept in the summershed, it has a sofa bed, last night and tbh gig quite a good kip. Might do the same until the end of the week - I'm on holiday but going nowhere, can pretend I'm 'glamping'. Today is the day I must pay the mooring fees for mi narrow boat, that's the thick end of £4k in the meantime make the most of the day. Oh yeah, no prizes for guessing the colour of the weather, but at least mi 'ed seems a bit brighter.
  4. Morning all, South Derbyshire grey is back both in the sense of the weather and inside mi 'ed - s@ddin' visitors. Bacon butty and tea had What next for today? See you all later, abw. Make the most of the ABH.
  5. I've had enough of visitors now; can they go home please?
  6. Ditto! Morning all, today is 'Shedfest' the formal unveiling of mi summershed to extended family and friends, AKA an excuse for beer and BBQ. Weather looks reasonable too, for the moment at least...... Need to head off for fresh provisions soon, the beer stocks have been accruing for sometime now. Hope everyone has a good ABH weekend. Bye for now.
  7. POETS achieved! By 10 minutes
  8. Awake at stupid o'clock again :(
  9. Train to Derby taken. Adequate suffiency of quality ale imbibed. Curry partaken of. Train back to Willington . Coffee and cake. Goodnight!
  10. Right, train to Derby beckons......
  11. Guess what colour the weather is here, Andy?
  12. Update: Sound chip for the loco cost more than the loco
  13. Mi alarm has just sounded; I really could do with sleep
  14. This 'ere leopard bucks the trend then. Took me until. I was 55 to find the best job I've ever had, including my first in job promotion (last year with 11% pay rise) in the last 20! Now, anyone that knows me will know that I never have been either a 'yes' or 'company' man but can honestly say that 99%+ of my time with my current employer has been fantastic. 4 years ago I was so p!ssed off I wanted to give up a professional gineering job and go drive vans ( see earlier posts) but that wasn't to be; serendipity - as I also said before. No final salary scheme but the company does match pension contributions to a max of 10% so my pension pot with this employer grows by 20% annually. Mornin' btw, been awake since 04:00 (90 mins since) which is not good.
  15. Evenin' Nowt much to report, not that I ever share owt interesting anyway, just another day at the office. Time for some food and small beer then more of mi list to be crossed off. Back before bedtime.
  16. Don't look like it's seen much use though
  17. Now I can see it on a BIG screen - yes I agree Also looks to be maroon.
  18. Mornin. Another boring day at the keybored in prospect - I have to review a systems architecture requirements document (or at least part of it, which has 1021 entries) each of which has to be checked and validated for accuracy and completeness and then checked for linking to associated subsystems. Started this yesterday and 6.5 hrs in I'm 306/1021 (30% complete), <BIG sigh>
  19. Having trouble identifying fourth vehicle in train; anyone?
  20. An enjoyable evening had chatting to neighbours who are shortly off to pastures new. Need to be on top form for another round of boredom at work tomorrow; goodnight folks.
  21. Boring, boring, boring at work. Still, it's allowed me some energy to cross off some more of mi list as I finished work on time (due to being bored). Time for a cuppa now Methinks; back later, abw
  22. Or indeed the UK? Maybe now I can scale back and get a job delivery driving for supermarkets, a few years ago they wouldn't even talk to me about embracing my then intended lifestyle change - fearing I would move on when something better came along. In the meantime I found a job that I enjoy - serendipity methinks.
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