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Everything posted by leopardml2341

  1. Just watching the final 15mins of the underground programme then I'll be off to mi bed via a cool shower. Goodnight all!
  2. And I thought yesterday would be a bad day at work. Sorry, but that's all I can be @rsed to post, not looking for sympathy btw, just checking in I've caught up on happenings in these parts and offer my supportive thoughts, greetings and well wishes to anyone who needs them.
  3. Feeling a bit under the weather, blaming it on the curry I had last night (no it wasn't eleventeen pints beforehand) just too much unannounced garlic in it. Net result was that I was awake a lot of last night and daredn't stray too from a loo for most of today (TMI?). Having an early night with plenty of fluid during the day; this no doubt means I'll be awake in the night........ Goodnight folks. And don't forget, 'Illegitimi non carborundum' to all who may be needing that sort of support
  4. I see you've been to the same DIY Project planning school I went to
  5. I think the 700hp is assuming that the second DMU vehicle is providing power.
  6. Morning, A more sensible time now - first day at the 'home' office desk after a week hols - the (my) employment world is full of F@@kwits and c@ckwombles - I tell you! Expect rants a plenty
  7. Morning. Been awake since stupid o'clock and no doubt will be sound asleep when mi alarm sounds in 90 minutes or so. I think I may have suggested earlier in a similar discussion about medicine packaging on this thread that another reason for blister pack rather than bottle packs is that it makes it more difficult to OD, by the time you've taken enough out of the packs the spontaneous urge to 'swallow the lot' will probably have subsided, thus potentially saving a life. Until later........
  8. My family life was a bit like the Royle Family, but without the comedy. But I'm pretty sure that wasn't uppermost in the minds of the people who simply couldn't be @rsed to take the tents home, such is the disposable attitude which seems to be somehow inbred into the yoof of today. #rantover
  9. Morning folks. South Derbyshire is bright, but sadly I am not. Must get mi @rse in gear and get productive. Back later, hopefully some can make the most of this 'day of rest' for it will be a busy one in these parts.
  10. Time to walk to the railway station. Beer beckons
  11. ^^^ that last picture is an imaginative take on the thread title, but without doubt very realistic
  12. Perhaps some mention of how 'distributors' function in an automatic air brake system may help as well? I know a little of their principle I.e. that they respond (more quickly) to the drop in train brake pipe pressure and vent local reservoirs to reduce the brake application propagation delay, but not enough to offer a more detailed explanation in the context of this discussion.
  13. Guess what it's like here? I'm gonna come and live in yer summerhouse, which is what I did here again last night - still pretending I'm on holiday So what does this grey day have in store for me? Hopefully some more boat work and other domestics to finish followed by a visit to Burton-upon-Trent for some beer and a curry (still on mi hols until Monday). That's the way I used to get my McDonald's coffee (the only thing that they serve which I will consume). I say used to, because my last McDonald's coffee was actually purchased and I note there are no longer stickers - you now have to do it by their app, so presumably more data harvesting? 'twas much the same here, although not necessarily 'warm' which was a bit of a b@gger cos I really wanted to apply some paint to outdoor surfaces, but the risk of rain was omnipresent. Well, best get on with it. Best wishes to all ERs, make the most of Saturday folks.
  14. Early night for me. Goodnight, sleep well and look forward to tomorrow; it's a new day!
  15. Evening folks. Last day of hols and a much more productive day than yesterday Some more paint prep done on mi narrow boat and lots of domestics done as well; mi summershed is now WiFi equipped using an old router cabled LAN to LAN with the bright shiny new fibre one in the house. Another project included acquiring a very good lightly used replacement oven for SWMBO's house which turned out to be no use because her house is only wired for a plug in oven (cheapskate builder), then I had a brainwave..... See what the rating of my oven is; 2850W thus it will run from a 13A plug socket, even though it is hardwired with 6mm2 cable (not cheapskate builders), Oven shuffling has thus been completed at my place and my old one awaits relocation. Talking of ovens - time for tea/dinner/supper* *delete as appropriate
  16. Morning all. Bacon butty time Cooked in mi own greasy spoon.....
  17. Nothing! In fact things are looking up, three positive outcomes from three tasks :)
  18. Late on parade, simply because everything I have touched today has gone belly up! Anyhow, the washing machine has just finished its cycle and the weather has brightened up a bit, so time to hang it out; what could possibly go wrong. I'll report back later
  19. Morning all, bit late so must rush.......
  20. Goodnight from mi pseudo holiday home
  21. I think that's sort of right, I readily do things for others because I feel it's selfish to do things for myself. So as long as someone needs me to help them, they go to the top of the list.
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