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Blog Comments posted by number6

  1. On 12/08/2023 at 09:27, whart57 said:

    The engraver is not much cop if he makes a basic mistake like that.

    I’m prepared to accept that early depictions of the railway might have been subject to some unfamiliarity by the artist! Like being aware of handed running? So in an image like that it may not have seemed important to have flipped it. See early images of giraffes or rhinos - until you’ve seen one for real hard to argue it’s incorrect! 




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  2. Good job. A real hang-up of mine too! My current fad is to chop sections of the black close-cell foam you get in Heljan stock boxes and fit this between the frames so the top of the bogie presses just slightly on it. It acts as a bit of a spring as well as filling in the gaps that you can't do with plasticard. I've found it works amazingly well on Hornby Bulleids which suffer in a similar way to your King - it even helps the loco turn into corners better.

  3. Bet you are glad you arent wandering around there today [in the rain].

    My Uncle's train caught fire at Copyhold Junction many moons ago and I always think of his tale when passing here: As he and the guard fought it with all the fire extinguishers they could carry a lady with a very posh voice poked her head out of the 1st class window above the smoke and uttered: "Its terribly smoky!" - The sharp repost was "Shut the effin' window then!"

  4. If its good enough for Pempoul then its good enough for me! I hadn't thought of using a solid piece - I actually have lots of Celotex insulation board left over from some building work and might see if I can't use some of this. Also considering if its posible to hinge two sections together AND where I can use my trusty LEGO as well...

  5. Intriguing. I had a ramble past the viaduct a few years ago - you could climb up into the central arches and look down the middle of the whole thing - its an incredible structure. The valley drops a great deal more than it does on your 'found' version but I think with the extra fiddly bits it should pass muster. Go south from here and you can make your fiddle yard entry look like the junction at Copyhold! If you are going for a site visit you must use the footpath over the line just south of Balcombe and if you walk north from the viaduct on the east side of the line [another footpath I believe] you can just make out an intermediate signal box or certainly the remains of from the first overbridge... Depending on the time of year you model it you may have to take shares out in etched bracken.

  6. Glad I can count on you three for support!

    Russ - I can hardly say I have persevered, I just find that my interest in this place remains. It is definitely also tied up with memories and family history too. I could paint my own house and my Grandparents old one on the backscene and locate endless rambles and picnics on the downs and river banks. Its all very misty eyed! Perhaps also because the more I research, learn and find out, the more it lives. I also love finding new images of the area - recently discovered loads in the JJ Smith archive at the Bluebell: gold mine!


    But what about that 2mm Woodhead route down this wall or the 7mm Newhaven Town idea I had...

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