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Donington Road

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Everything posted by Donington Road

  1. I wonder what a fixed backscene just the height of a van would look like with loads of wagons printed on it. Sounds like you've a trip to the dentist, not the most enjoyable of places to visit
  2. Nice photo, you have put a lot of effort into doing the sky around all that lattice work. The sky looks familiar though It is the bit under Spital Bridge that gives it away
  3. Its Network Rail, they're doing a lot of track renewal in your area
  4. Had to read that twice. I though for a moment you were going to demolish everything
  5. Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=sr_pg_1?rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Acopydex&keywords=copydex&ie=UTF8&qid=1418585213
  6. Impressed with your track building Andy, makes that Peco flexi look horrible. Are you going to use cork underlay on your track? I think that using it gives a much better depth to the ballast. Having seen some layouts recently where the track is fixed directly to the baseboard then ballasted there is no depth to the cess. Regarding ballasting, if I were you I would stick to the tried and tested methods. Sticky tape may look ok in the short term, but adhesive can dry out or go the other way and become a sticky mess. With widely varying temperatures that you will encounter in the Potting Shed I would err on the side of caution.
  7. Hope you are ok Andy and that cold has not got you down, its been rather quiet on here today. Just poured a nice whisky and thought of you, so I doubled it up.
  8. I usually create a space around me, work forward and then the space behind gets filled up again
  9. This is nowhere near Tony's photographic excellence but my photo of Graeme's six-wheelers really did look at home on the M&GN.
  10. As a very welcomed visitor to Little Bytham today I can certainly echo Tony's words about the A4 and King. As a diehard LNER fan it was a little disconcerting to see a copper chimney 'streaking' away in such fashion, although it was slipstreaming the A4 A lot firsts today, first vist to LB, my first ever video taken on my wife's ipad, which I hadn't really a clue how to work and then a first ever upload to YouTube. Don't know if these videos will work, but here goes.
  11. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1870067797/ref=pe_1456381_59355531_em_1p_5_ti
  12. I remember visiting RAF Wittering in the mid 80's. We were shown aerial photos that the Harriers were taking of local places. The incredible detail was outstanding and I have not seen anything in the public domain today that matches the quality back then.
  13. A bit off topic, but the photo below shows defective wagon storage (bottom right) at Peterborough East. The road access was officially named Cripple Lane Sidings. Another interest is one field to the left beyond the large hedgerow which was and still is Peterborough United's football ground, although its changed a bit now and Cripple Lane Sidings has new housing built on it. Another shameless plug, Westwood Works, http://www.westwoodworks.net/HowItWas/TheRailwayConnection/index.htm
  14. There were substantial wires over the Nene going south Britain From Above is a nice site. It is best to register, costs nothing, then you get the options to magnify and scroll photos. Most of the photos of Peterborough are before 1958 but still useful. Covers other parts of the country as well. http://www.britainfromabove.org.uk/asearch?search=peterborough http://www.britainfromabove.org.uk/
  15. If I could model like you guys then I might be a genius, until then I'm just an ordinary bloke with a little bit of computer knowledge just trying to help out
  16. He's too busy on point duty
  17. Now you have Jason's point to work from and you know it works stick with that as your pattern and all will be well. There has been some good discussion in the last few pages but it has got quite confusing at times but I think we have all learned a lot more about building track then we ever knew before.
  18. Your welcome Mike, easy to do now you know The photos are much better now than the postage stamp size you were posting before. One click on a photo and I've got a screen full of S&C, great
  19. That's the best laugh I've had all week
  20. OK, pleased you like it, instructions by email sometime tomorrow.
  21. Just a test post Mike to show you how photos can be larger than what you are posting at the moment. If that is what you want I'll go back to email and give you instructions how you can do it in the future. If you click on the photo it will enlarge and it is still only about 300k in size I am using Firefox browser and zooming in at 150% the enlarged photo nearly fills my 23inch screen with no loss of clarity at all.
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