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Donington Road

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Everything posted by Donington Road

  1. Just don't use old christmas cards Tony, that damn glitter gets everywhere
  2. You must be from the RTR camp Peter. I prefer to build my own, PC's that is
  3. Tony, It is pre Worboy signs you are looking for. Some info here http://www.sabre-roads.org.uk/wiki/index.php?title=Pre-Worboys This one is nearer to home
  4. A few more here https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=50S+ROAD+SIGNS&biw=1920&bih=875&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=1pjPVLPpOIOAU-abgvAF&ved=0CC8QsAQ#tbm=isch&q=old+road+signs+uk&imgdii=_
  5. Wireless mouse. They will work on virtually any surface. I can sit in my armchair with the laptop and this one works on my leather chair arm, my thigh(wearing trousers!) and on the very small area next to the touchpad. As the mouse is optical it does not require much more area than its own footprint to operate. I really do recommend you use a mouse most of the time rather than the touchpad, you will wonder how you ever managed without one. If you have been photoshopping all those pictures using the touchpad I salute you for your endeavour. To switch off the touch pad it is usually a press of the fn key + one of the F keys along the top. My laptop is fn+F4. To turn back on is the same combination. It should tell you in your laptop manual.
  6. The thought of having to put masking tape around each individual pane before painting the frames, madness
  7. Unless you have the knowledge and time to do your own website the cost to many small businesses can be prohibitive. Once a website is established there are still on going maintenance and hosting costs to take into account. Perhaps this will give you an insight into the typical costs involved. http://www.netchimp.co.uk/webdesign/web-designs/how-much-should-website-cost/
  8. You do plug a wireless mouse into the laptop don't you? You do then disable the keyboard touchpad don't you? Failing that, put a thin piece of card over the touchpad when typing. Its usually the heel of you hands that brush the touchpad inadvertently. Excellent photos again Gilbert. It was always windy on platform 2 causing things to lean over much of the time.
  9. Jeff's got all the bricks The owner of a thread taking it off topic and he's worried about it, now thats got to be a first
  10. Those Americans seem to have far more space, usually whole basements the size of the house footprint and their helixes seem to be a minimum of 6ft diameter That's clever
  11. That is the statement that seems to sum it up for the majority of Joe Public and is IMO holding back the younger generation. Go on YouTube and just look at the diverse modelling of other forms, cars, trucks, aircraft, boats, busses, farming equipment, construction equipment, etc., etc. There are young and old of both sexes participating, but they are never perceived to be "playing". They are classed as skillfull people who model the real thing. Perhaps railway modelling also suffers because it is a very old hobby, it needs a fair amount of room, it is in the majority of cases in a static location and cannot be mixed easily with other peoples models, unlike the remote control gatherings of trucks and constuction equipment for example.
  12. Jeff can keep that snow. So far this year we haven't seen a single snowflake
  13. I have seen many helixes on American layouts on YouTube. They seem to go for larger radii rather than elongation. I guess there is a formula somewhere for optimum efficiency, but yours work for you so that is the main thing. What height is the storage yard from the floor and what height is the track through Dent from the floor?
  14. Damn, I was watching the football and you snuck up on the blind side Mike, those are really good photos that show how it all works, very impressive I must say. I like the way the helixes have created space in your railway room by keeping the railway all to one side allowing for the much needed storage and workbench opposite, and it also provides a nice open operating area for the layout. Perhaps if you convinced Jeff to adopt the cantilever approach he would then have a lot of spare timber to fuel your stove.
  15. We'll let you choose which one you would like to be https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=smurfette&rls=ig&biw=1920&bih=875&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=uwjIVMyQHsnXarmBgqgB&sqi=2&ved=0CCoQsAQ
  16. I wouldn't quite go that far You're making me blush Hal
  17. Some bedtime browsing for you Andy http://www.railblue.com/
  18. Scarry. Don't worry though, with Andy P backing you on guitar it should drown out your rough edges.
  19. I have visions of you standing on the Fell under the spotlights yodelling your heart out to the watching RMwebbers in the operating well.
  20. To me it is the setting which matters the most, what stock and locos operate in that setting is immaterial in my opinion.
  21. We sure do. Any chance that you could do some of the behind the scenes like the helixes and storage?
  22. From August 1968, when the last steam locos were scrapped.
  23. Hidden away with the secret Belgium buns
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