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Everything posted by peanuts

  1. this popped up in one of my faceache feeds maybe of interest to our resident frankophile member believe this is a works prototype on either the safari or ivory coast rallys
  2. BREAKING NEWS Today on St Patricks day a book has been discovered in a Dublin cellar that will change Irish Dancing forever It's called Irish Dancing. Volume 2. What to do with your arms.
  3. As Chelsea face up to a trophyless future with no money to spend on transfers, football fans begin to wonder how long government sanctions have been in place at Tottenham.
  4. wasnt that the warlords car in escape from newyork ?
  5. The youth of today need to stop and think about what kind of world they will be leaving behind for Keith Richards
  6. Had to leave the Traveling Wilburys fan page far too much pettyness going on
  7. will the phone be theirs or a company mobile provided with the job explain that one to your boss ? loss of all contact numbers etc loss of any photos or files stored on said phone
  8. Back to football. Oldham putting up a big fight despite the actions of their owner. All credit to the fans fighting to save their football club from this lunatic. When will these owners realise that a football club is not a toy or a plaything for bored rich people. I am sure there are computer games if you want to do that. These clubs belong to their communities and are important to a very lot of people. They should be protected in law from being destroyed by unfit owners but this will never happen as football is essentially a working class game so is of no importance to the powers that be.... thank you the fight still goes on despite the recent upturn in form with the appointment of john sheridan the fans haven't forgotten the promises to sell and not interfere with the squad and are ready to vote with thier feet at the first sign of broken word .#Abdallahout
  9. saw it up on ramps whilst engine was removed was clearly bending in the middle
  10. saddly after an assessment the chassis was found to be too far gone after spending 19 years un touched the tin worm had done its worst leaving it structurally unsound engine and box removed this weekend rest up for grabs for the next couple of weeks then its off to make razorblades
  11. This old girl has been rescued from the scrap line after sitting under a tarp stacked high with odd bits of timber and scrap .gonna be a long road back
  12. iirc Antibes was a popular resort with the sloan set at the time so may of been Vauxhalls attempt to look a bit upmarket with some fancy blue trim and go faster stripes was a trend amongst manufacturers to release such models around this time
  13. Would of more than likely finished by then 9.15 relief in them days ko 7.45 so would think you followed my local around the loop
  14. Was supprised how tidy it was inside and out
  15. Oldhams first home league game in the old first division and i had to saddly miss it as couldnt get the day off which meant i was working Rochdale box so would of signaled you off the Oldham loop small world init
  16. The grand old Duke of York He had £12 million quid He gave it to someone hed never met For something he never did
  17. from living in the Cadishead/Irlam area whilst i worked Glazebrook box for a good ten years around the millennium i can assure you many of those dynasties still exist my children attended local schools with many a mawdsley or a pitchfork .and as for the odd sack comment irlam was the collection point for produce from the farms across chat moss and could get very very busy at harvest time with outgoing produce tho most of the land now appears to be given over to growing of lawn turn now
  18. this whole discussion is redundant as Mildred is here to save the future of British motoring
  19. this is inevitable encourage use of certain product by making its use cheaper than the alternative when enough have commited tax it to replace lost revenue .remember being encouraged to buy diesels as they were cheaper to fuel and more efficient then bang the fuel duty was increased to compensate for less petrol cars
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