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Everything posted by njee20

  1. Just to throw another hat into the ring I’d also have a couple in N. I’ve got a spare 68 to cut up and modify, but may just hang on now!
  2. You seem to be attributing large amounts of emotion to what will have been an economic decision. Of course they could have bought them back, but why would they? They’re now 40 years old, and DB (/EWS) didn’t want them 20 years ago.
  3. AliExpress applies VAT once you add things to your basket. It’s very clearly shown, I applaud their transparency. A lot of EU (particularly German) based cycling retailers (including some that had gone to the effort of having .co.uk domains, such was their perceived market) simply stopped selling to the UK entirely post Brexit. So I would rather assume that’ll be the broader outcome if HMRC start ‘enforcing’ their rules. I think it’s a bit of a sad state of affairs they believe they can actually make such demands of small retailers thousands of miles away.
  4. I know I led us off topic slightly by talking about the real thing, but at least we were discussing 92s. I'm not sure we need 3 consecutive posts all about a specific class 90 🤦‍♂️ sure there's another thread for that!
  5. The overscale greenery in N shows though - that grassy area behind looks as tall as the train! Fence looks too neat as well.
  6. Have you replaced the roof grilles on that 57? Looks aweseome! I'd like to do mine on the Dapol 50s where I think the moulded ones look awful. Have always enjoyed this thread, great to see it continuing!
  7. Yeah, oddly 015 merely shuffled out of Crewe IEMD and back again. The other two had proper runs. But anyway, as I said, be weird to be investing if they don’t intend to use them domestically. 029 was bought out of storage too, and they’ve never needed extras to run the tunnel services previously.
  8. Seems unlikely given they’ve been upgrading them to work under their own power on the WCML. 011 and 029 have been upgraded in line with GBRf ones and have both been tested under their own power on the WCML, either light engine or towing a 90.
  9. I’d kinda missed that it was missing the mints. Sad times. Given DB had preserved them to date.
  10. Subtle variation on DB red (large logos) now applied to 029 as outshopped yesterday (credit: James Hartley). Fingers crossed this, combined with the work they’ve done on a few, means we’ll see DB ones back on the WCML soon.
  11. Lovely job Mike. Shout if want one printed in resin, given the effort you’ve gone to you’ll get a much better finish.
  12. Well he seems to be doing a fairly good job of that... I wonder if there may still be a switcharound that sees Ricciardo in the RB and Perez in the Alpha Tauri before the season ends.
  13. Really? I’ve never heard of a train running fast unannounced, and I’ve been on far more trains than I care to recall that are changed to being “fast to Barnham”.
  14. Not accelerating is virtually identical to braking when you’re the following car. I can assure you from bike racing that someone suddenly stopping pedalling is akin to them slamming on the brakes! The “coming back from on the grass” is different. If you’re on the grass you are very wide, and it’s plain to see you’re a hazard. Again, you’re talking about an inch difference, with the drivers evidently being largely unaware of exactly where that line is. Having them swerve to the opposite side of the road so they can deal with their spontaneous loss of power still sounds like a recipe for disaster.
  15. But you're talking about "going off" by an inch or so, they're not leaving the track in any real sense, ergo a following car would suddenly be met with a slow car on the racing line, entering a DRS zone. That would be mental. Surely for the money involved they could have gravel for F1 and an alternative for Moto GP?
  16. They’re not views, there is a right and a wrong here (you’re wrong), but it’s a bit of a point of pedantry. You seem not to listen, but I’ll try it again in as few words as possible. VAT is due on everything. Below £135 it’s meant to be collected by the retailer on behalf of HMRC (so nothing is due to the courier). Above £135 it’ll be collected by the courier, usually the retailer will remove local tax (but they’re obvious not legally obliged to). So yes, IN GENERAL nothing will be due on transactions below £135 at point of delivery. However this is not “orders under £135 are tax free” as you keep repeating. If HMRC checked a package for a VAT declaration they could entirely justifiably charge you for it. Some retailers will do this - essentially they are complying by declaring to HMRC they won’t collect UK VAT. To the OP I’d be very confident you’ll have nothing to pay on delivery. However if you are asked for VAT (and the admin fee, which in this instance will be many times more than the VAT) you’ll have to suck it up.
  17. Half the field getting penalties is essentially the best option? Including 12 (edited) applied after the race. We’ll have to agree to disagree on that, that’s ridiculous. There’s gravel on the outside of other corners in Austria, 4 catches a few out, but you don’t get track limit infractions there.
  18. Not a single post about qualifying or the sprint race in Austria. Bit of a damning indictment! Quali was ridiculous with all the track limits infractions. Just stick some gravel there to stop them doing it. Must have been an uncomfortable debrief for Perez. Best sprint race I've seen I think, the wet-dry conditions giving a chance for some interest. Fair play to Russell, great job by him to make up ground after gambling on the slicks.
  19. Yes, I’ve noticed a lot of 350s were being identified as 508s or something I didn’t recognise. Bit weird. Still generally find it useful though for what’s actually coming.
  20. I like the maps on Traksy at times like this.
  21. Be aware that on clear decal paper the yellow will be invisible. I’d stick with the green surround I’d say, and use white-backed decal paper. Or slather in graffiti like the real thing.
  22. Yeah I think the moulded roundels are a slight let down. I actually prefer Revolution's N gauge ones being printed with etched supplied. I get the sentiment, but they've naturally got a 'softer' edge than etched ones.
  23. Pfft, just hit send and hope for the best! Even looks like there's room to put in a wiggly ramp.
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