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Everything posted by njee20

  1. Everyone has their own favoured niche, I for one like contemporary stuff, I'm barely any more interested in BR blue than I am big-4 or pre-grouping layouts, so your "modern image" magazine would potentially still include stuff I don't want. Personally I enjoy the diversity in magazines, even if I'm not necessarily interested in all of it. You'll never please everyone after all.
  2. Piko. Often available with sound for a good price on eBay with people splitting them from SmartControl starter sets.
  3. Meh. The buyer will likely know they can’t get combined postage, or you can take it out of the GSP if you want. Otherwise it’s very easy, and offers a load of extra protection versus ‘normal’ sales. I’d rather sell through the GSP than to a UK buyer. I had someone buy 5 lots through the GSP, we discussed it, but he was happy using it. Never had any late deliveries flagged, nor complaints from eBay or buyers. Works for me.
  4. Is there more to it, or are those the only questions? What will you conceivably gain about runaways from a single question where the only answers available are basically "it never really happens" or "it happens all the time"?
  5. Weird. Not a company I was familiar with, as they don't offer anything I want, but if he wants to raise awareness he's managed that! Always find professional communications that are tinged with emotion like that a very curious thing.
  6. Flightradar24 is your friend!
  7. That being advantageous over long distances. I love the i8, I drove one, and was a bit underwhelmed. It felt like a futuristic Fiesta. Quick, for sure, but a real lack of ceremony about it. Louder Soundaktor needed! HUD is cool though!
  8. Even then, a buyer can just say "I'm really sorry, it got ruined", if you've had a refund what can anyone do? They can't force a buyer to send you an item they may (genuinely) no longer have. As you say - ignore the seller and hope to find things elsewhere!
  9. Well it wasn't clear, hence people seeking clarity. Glad it's all resolved. I personally browse on mobile 99% of the time, so never have icons!
  10. TT, TTS, S3; basically anything with a 4-cylinder engine which ‘should’ sound better. They work very well, mind! Convinces me my Golf GTI has a nice throaty roar!
  11. But do you mean you can’t rate your own posts, or they’re missing on everyone’s?
  12. I just chucked some 1mm card strips under the outside rail on my (n gauge) layout. Nothing's ever derailed. I let it sort itself out on the straights. It's quite subtle, but that's what I was after, I think it's one of those things that can be overdone, but I'm pleased with it. Weirdly I also have a Voyager demonstrating it, one missing the coupler it appears!
  13. I’m glad you didn’t describe it as a class 60, we’d be here all day!
  14. Worthing MRC have an excellent modern layout in Loftus Road, sure there are others.
  15. I’d read the OP to the robbers, then rescue everyone whilst they were still dumbfounded.
  16. How do you swap contact details? eBay block most obvious permutations, and they do reprimand sellers, if not the buyers. And yes, I would do that, because if someone ever did that to me I’d leave them negative feedback, and then I’d not buy off someone with recent negative feedback, and that’s probably worth a lot more than £9. I really do think you’re in the minority. I’ve never cancelled an auction (why would you?!), and never had one cancelled on me. The house analogy doesn’t really stand. If you had to present a letter to an estate agent saying that you’d reneged on your last deal would you still do it as keenly? As a buyer you lose nothing other than being a massive nuisance, as a seller you stand to lose more. It’s really short sighted not to see that.
  17. Yep, as above, also the legitimate buyer could (rightly) leave you negative feedback, so all in... it's a really stupid seller than accepts that, and a really annoying buyer who tries it. It's amazing how many of those offers are sold as a bit of a sob story too: "I really wanted your item but I couldn't bid, but I was saving a troop of girl guides from a flaming bus on a cliff edge, whilst my dog took his dying breaths. How's £20 sound?"
  18. You mean buyers want to sell the for the most possible? Surely not? If I list an item at £100 it may linger for a month. If someone offers me £90, I may accept that as a trade off for not having it kicking about. It'll depend on the item, how aggressively I think I've priced it, how long it's been on and how popular I think it'll be. I'm disinclined to accept offers made very early in the life of the listing, you don't have a feel for the demand. I also don't tend to counter offer people who put in really stupid offers, they just get declined.
  19. Yep, mine defaults to on, occasionally I’ll reject offers and apologise that I’m in no hurry, usually I’ll counter, most people go for it, everyone’s happy.
  20. There’s no proof, so nothing eBay can do. Seller wanted more. If you really want the item then bid again, maybe change your mind afterward... It’s a really crap thing to do.
  21. The ICO are basically the watchdog for data use and privacy. If you care about people's ability to sell your details or leak them online then they have a function. If you're not bothered about that sort of thing, just post your full name, address, DOB and mother's maiden name here, if you wouldn't mind!
  22. Pleasure, be good to have some more feedback. I’m surprised it’s not proven more popular, ticked all the boxes for me!
  23. I got a Piko 59112 set from Modellbahn Union, looks like they’ve stopped doing that one, but the 59113 is available for €450, do some research on what the bits sell for. Like I say I got reasonable money for the loco, and that was in the week of Christmas, suspect interest will have picked up now.
  24. Thanks Martin, have got flangeways set to 0.85mm in Templot, I don't suppose you know if recent N gauge stock generally has wheels >1.75mm...? Obviously the purpose of the activity is to avoid re-wheeling stuff if at all possible! Very interesting, thanks Andy. It looks good, the F20 crossover looks excellent, that's the sort of thing I'd like to do! This is all leading toward having to just buy some stuff and have a go. Then shelving that for years before I actually build the layout! Judging by past posts code 40 roller gauges for N gauge are fairly hard to come by! Cheers, Nick
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