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Everything posted by Colin_McLeod

  1. Londontram we are just "talking among ourselves" while waiting for the new Peco track to appear. Why not join us with a cup of Derek's Yorkshire tea, unless of course you prefer Lyons green label.
  2. There are very very large forces but there is no such thing as an irresistible force Even very very large forces can be resisted or even overcome by very very large forces in the opposite direction.
  3. That's a big presumption. Never mind waiting to see. Guilty without any evidence. What is wrong with people. Hornby announced a new model and this thread already has at least three people moaning.
  4. Great news from Hornby. I'll follow this with interest. Must get my pre order in
  5. Is there a detailing bag at all?
  6. That may be why he is asking but so far no one has answered his question.
  7. Coppercap I think the question was about the contents of the Blue Pullman detail bag rather than about what to do if it is missing.
  8. Can anyone confirn if the idea of turning bullhead rail over is flawed if the underside gets indented where it is resting on the chairs.
  9. How many smidgens in a foot? Would that be US smidgens or UK smidgens?
  10. Yes it was a pleonasmatic use of unnecessary superfluous words that were not needed.
  11. What other kind of slagging match is there? lol
  12. Please explain. In what way is bullhead Unfortunate?
  13. You describe Peco's design as "(wrong)" ' Your brackets. But it works so it can't be that wrong. It's a deliberate variation in design to facilitate the railway modellers of their market.
  14. The old fashioned way is to ring them up and place the order over the phone. (Or write enclosing a cheque if you prefer)
  15. A bit like the product development of DCC control but analogue DC controllers are still in production.
  16. I don't understand the marketing problem. This is "product development" Why get angry when an improved version of what I bought years ago comes out?
  17. I thought that if you planted a light bulb in the ground it would grow into a standard lamp!
  18. A classic case of using a bad example. I should have said that Dell now produce better computers.
  19. So long as there are no false magnetic pluses as Gordon H said above.
  20. I must have a word with Samsung for selling mobile phones that are better than the one I bought last year. Not to mention the latest television, car, vacuum cleaners etc that are also available. I think it is called progress. ;-) Congratulations to Peco for listening to the railway modellers.
  21. The boyfriend should have tried harder. https://www.google.it/search?q=mrs+browns+boys+cornflake+jigsaw&prmd=ivmn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUiqWdsrrPAhWLfRoKHdJ7D28Q_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=512#imgrc=tp-xCSmdDQsiAM%3A
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