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Everything posted by lambiedg

  1. Malcolm has prepared this mini display of the OHLE “kit” he used to construct the portals for Hallside which can seen at stand C20 this weekend. This should help illustrate replies to the “how did you make them” questions
  2. Hallside packed and ready for the road! The layout is on it’s bespoke transport/support system designed by our tame engineer, Robert Snr.
  3. Some last minute playtime on Hallside prior to packing up ready for the trip to Glasgow. In the first shot a 318 unit rests in the turnback siding. The second shows the 303 unit heading towards Hamilton.
  4. Sorry for the delay in updates. Perhaps I was too optimistic about progress. There have been two main problems to resolve: The fiddle yard had sustained damage in storage which meant some track relaying and subsequent chasing down of short circuit issues. Happily all is now resolved. The other one concerned our Pendolinos. The club invested in two nine car sets when we originally built Hallside and stored them for “later”. well its now later and guess what? Hornby’s product is probably designed for flat train set ovals and also not in nine car sets. The 50mm rise in level from the fiddle yard to the viewing side proved beyond them! Even taking into account that the rise is round a reasonably gentle curve we were disappointed. Much time spent on adding and distributing weight later and we have two operational nine car sets. In the background the rest of the layout has been tested is ready to go. I also threatened some “drivers eye view” footage. This has been done and is currently being edited. When complete this, along with any new pictures, will be posted on the Modelrail Scotland thread in the run up to the show. David
  5. There is indeed a Park and Ride at Newton and there will be a 4mm version at the SEC in the shape of Hallside which is based on Newton and gives another option.......
  6. We have now received a copy of the floor plan for the exhibition and Hallside will be stand C20. We look forward to chatting to RMWebbers over the weekend.
  7. Although Hallside is only just over 3m wide so is our main club room! So, yes, that is a wall hard up against the layout front in the first picture. The second is another one of those shots that cannot be easily reproduced once the layout is erected, it’s a shot north bound from the Hamilton circle. Controversially the next post may include rolling stock and, whisper it, movement.
  8. Are the Construction elves about to upgrade the sign on the bridge to match the station building? I hope not! As far as any of us can remember the sign on the bridge was never updated although, as of Jan 2020, it’s not there anymore.
  9. A couple of interesting angles courtesy of Robert (the elder). the first is on the Cathcart Circle looking back towards the station. the others are on the WCML, first south bound, then north bound.
  10. Clyde MRC’s slice of 21st century WCML aka Hallside is getting ready for Glasgow. Hope to meet loads of RMWebbers over the weekend
  11. Another milestone has been reached! As can be seen (hopefully) the wires are all in place on the straight boards. The south end curve boards are also done and by the time this is posted the north end will be 90% there.
  12. Thanks for the update/clarification, Jim David
  13. As the wiring nears completion some little jobs need to be addressed including raising bridge parapets.
  14. My anticipatory drooling has been fully justified. Postie delivered the lovely LLNW set this avo. They will make their public debut in Glasgow on Clyde MRCs slice of the WCML, Hallside
  15. Just received an email that my LLNW containers are on their way. Permission to drool in anticipation?
  16. I’ve subscribed for a couple of years now and am well pleased with their product. My wife also uses it for craft and other titles
  17. Some better shots of the spaghetti! The first looks across the station area from what, I believe, was the trackbed of a line into an old power station. I’m more than happy to be corrected on that one. The second shows, from left to right WCML south Turnback siding Hamilton circle
  18. A piccie from Robertin which his handiwork is more evident!
  19. For some inexplicable reason the guys decided against our usual Wednesday evening meeting this week. So it was a Friday afternoon session that saw the final portal installed. It is somewhere in the Stygian gloom beyond the bridge at the north end in the first picture. Meanwhile at the south end Robert (the younger) has started to install the insulators and wires. These can just about be seen from normal viewing distance, even on this board which has the greatest amount of wires! Even in picture two they are just visible.
  20. While we won’t be replicating the platform in your pic above we may make a stab at the train although not quite in the intended timeframe.
  21. Dave Thanks for the kind comments. It’s all the elves doing really, although Malcolm might disagree!
  22. Obviously a lot of people haven’t put in enough practice at reading documents upside down on the boss’s desk.
  23. As promised earlier the shots below show the tensioner at the end of the turn back siding. This features insulators fabricated from those invaluable railway modelling materials - beads and sequins from the jewellery aisle at Hobbycraft. Also visible are the construction elves!
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