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Everything posted by ikks

  1. Hi Rob, A number of the "red" Staniers, both Duchess and Princess classes had the BR lining but I believe all were altered to the LMS style fairly quickly(thank goodness!!). Hopefully, mine will be on its way to Oz shortly. Rgds.....Mike Rgds............Mike
  2. Agree, wouldn't even want to read it first.........unless you enjoy Wupert's stuff. Mike
  3. Where on Earth do you find these Manna....this one's a classic!! Mike
  4. Congratulations, that is one superb layout, Patriots, Jubilees, Crabs, Black Fives, even the Duke......takes me back to when steam ruled supreme, many thanks,,,,,,Rgds Mike
  5. Some years ago, maybe 35 or so, I used to drive North from Melbourne along the Princes Highway and from Lakes Entrance on, all the way through to the South Coast of NSW both sides of the road were forest. From one side the road you imagined the trees would extend uninterrupted for miles inland and from the other side right down to the coast. I used to fish these areas and using the difficult tracks to get to my chosen spots, always thinking that I was travelling through almost virgin bush. Fast forward to late 1999, I was required by my employer to travel to Auckland(NZ) on many occasions I flew over those forests............I could not believe what I saw, there were massive pieces of the green missing replaced by acres of bare earth!! I could have wept. Oz is huge but its ecology is very fragile and we seem hellbent on its destruction .........all for the mighty Dollar. Mike
  6. Sounds like a place in Canberra!! although there would be enough hot air inside anyway. Mike
  7. Yup, I was the bunny, just got a job in Melbourne Oz after being in the country for around ten days and I got the same thing, except it was the Melbourne Zoo any way rang back and asked for Mr Lyons when the other end said was the zoo, took a couple of seconds before it hit and then I piffed myself laughing along with the whole department........ At that moment I became an Aussie in that mob that set me up.........accepted!!! and never looked back. Luv em.......Mike
  8. Brilliant stuff, makes me feel as though I am sitting at the lineside in the late 50's viewing this. Mike
  9. A sobering and insightful post Mike
  10. Why Why Why???....and Malcolm Roberts, Craig Kelly, Barnaby Joyce, Scott Morrison et al This continent is on the brink!! For Christ's sake!!!! Mike
  11. Well that seems to be a nicely balanced list, when I can get on the Hattons site I will be ordering Salford and the 78xxx . Thanks Andy for your time and effort.....much appreciated Mike
  12. When I was coming home from the Wolf Cubs(many, many, many years ago) I found a very nice new looking briefcase on the pavement about a hundred yards from my house, so I picked it up and took it home. It was locked and my dad took it up to Mr. Fellows( our local policeman) who lived about ten doors away. I never gave it another thought until a few evenings later when we got a knock at the door, dad opened it and there was this bloke carrying that briefcase, he was invited in for a cuppa. It turned out he was a Jehovah's Witness and for the next hour or so lectured us about the sect, my "reward" was half a dozen or so copies of the Watchtower. After he had gone, dad said, if you ever see anything like that on the pavement again..........just bl00dy leave it there(smile on his face!!) A couple of months ago, I was in the Shopping Centre and went to the Auto Teller to get some cash, as I approached it, a bloke was walking away. Got to the teller and there was a hundred dollars sitting there, pulled it out and turned around and he was about thirty metres away so I yelled out, he turned around and I gestured to him to come back, he didn't look too happy and as he got close he said what's wrong mate?. I said I think you left this in the machine Bud...........Well talk about sudden change, he was so grateful and told me that was just about all he had in the account......made me feel good too!! Mike
  13. Tracters wot tracters.........luv the one wiv the whip,!!!!!!!!!!! Mike
  14. I hope that most people will see through carbon targets being met by "shonky" accounting methods. Hopefully after the events of the past five months or so, will mean that any political party that advocates the opening of new coal mines will earn the wrath of the electorate. What I can't understand Kevin, is why it has taken so long to make far more use of the ADF and the other measures announced yesterday, I completed the course to become a firefighter some years ago, it took four days(two full weekends) to get me on the truck, then some on-going stuff taking an hour or two on the very occasional Sunday Morning. Not sure why the ADF Reservists can't undergo the same, certainly give us a lot more fire fighting capacity. Unfortunately health issues preclude my participation these days. Rgds.......Mike
  15. Stop putting up photos of the real railway and pretending it's your model!! Seriously lovely modelling Happy New Year. Rgds.......Mike
  16. And you are spot on! Mike
  17. What's happened to Derby this season?? Mike
  18. Gawd..........That made my guts churn, just watching it!! Mike
  19. Did you keep any Brian? I have one but it's never turned a wheel under power, having read of all the issues with them, I purchased a couple of Mashimas from Chris at High Level(very helpful bloke) for insurance, did you have issues with all of them? Rgds...........Mike
  20. We had one in the chook pen for a couple of weeks last year, I think he/she was after the small mice that come to feed on the corn, only seen one brown so far this year, I have been told the red bellies are predators of the browns. Mike
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