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Everything posted by ikks

  1. excellent,really looks the part, but I would still attempt a cut out under the boiler.....really put the icing on the cake. Rgds.....Mike
  2. Hi Lightengine, Thank you for your reply Are you a trader or an individual modeler, I ask because occasionally things come up that seem to be easily available in the UK but not here, it would really be good if I could find someone that would be able to supply them(I would always pay prior to dispatch). This would not be a regular and often happening but just on the odd occasion it would be really useful. I am particularly interested in the BR(ex LMS items) Rgds....Mike
  3. I haven't seen them South Australia yet..........has anyone else sighted them here?? Rgds.......Mike
  4. Heard that delivery was imminent, so decided to break the news to SWMBO, took her outside with a couple of glasses of Adelaide Hills savvy blanc and confessed......... Initial reaction " that's expensive", I replied it's very big, I'll show you a picture(which I had earlier hidden behind the front door) she said "very impressive, no wonder you want one", it's OK then? I said, "of course" she replied. Three odd years of worrying about this all for nothing!!!........you just can't pick 'em can you? Mind you I didn't mention the black LMS Twins, the 1F tank, the Stanier Mogul, the inspection saloon and a Wickham Trolley.........a case of selective memory I think!! Rgds..........Mike
  5. That is really good news, Stan's Bakewell was superb, a real inspiration. Watching this one with great interest, looking really good. great job! Just prior to moving to Australia I walked the line from Monsal Dale, over the viaduct, through the tunnel to Millers Dale, this was in 1971. The track was gone I think? but the ballast was still in place, I wore desert boots with a thin sole, at the end of the walk, the soles of my feet were just two great big blisters. The views though were magnificent. This has to be one the most beautiful places anywhere(though being an ex-Derby lad I might be a tad biased), I remember watching steam on that line in the late fifties/early sixties. Rgds............Mike
  6. Tesco??????????To think I bunked a supermarket!!!!! Rgds.......Mike
  7. Beautiful workmanship Rob no wonder you're happy with it Rgds....Mike
  8. Great shot, was it taken from the road bridge next to the canal bridge and that building, could it be the lock keepers house certainly looks familiar but could be a bit close for that. Thats interesting, we only saw steam on these workings nearly always Jublees but on one occasion 70048 headed the train, our visits were confined to the weekends, we were fishing for Bream in the nearby Trent and Mersey Canal, the time is right but I don't recall seeing diesels Ian..........would have been miffed if we had!! Rgds....Mike
  9. Lovely photo of Sir Nigel on Five Arches, I spent an awful lot of time there in the late fifties and early sixties. Rgds...Mike
  10. Me too but I always stood on the cross bar of my bike as I always had difficulties with heights, it was OK until some ratbag would give the bike a shove....ouch it still hurts!! Question: Between Chellaston Rd, about a mile and a half along the Weston Rd there was a small dump of withdrawn locos maybe a dozen, all were 0-6-0s or 0-6-0 tanks some were "fivers" so would have been pre LMS builds anyone remember them?? I recall we had to sprint from the road across a farmers field as he didn't like trainspotters on his property. Beautiful photography bringing back some great memories. Rgds.......Mike
  11. Thanks for that, I now recall the reasons but had forgotten(old age kicking in!!) Rgds.Mike
  12. Wow, this brings back memories, I used to live at Allenton and as kids we used to walk over the line that left the Derby-Birmingham route just south of Peartree and Normanton station and joined the Stenson line at Swarkeston, I could just make out the trains from my bedroom window and recall the traffic was sparse and I only saw 4Fs heading it. The Stenson line was far busier and saw a reasonably steady procession of goods trains hauled by 4Fs,8Fs,9Fs mainly but other varieties could be seen at times. The two highlights of the day were the two passenger services, one about midday and the other about 4pm generally hauled by Newton Heath Jubilees which were not all that common at Derby. The dates would be very late 50s/early sixies. I don't recall balance workings but I suppose there must have been some( anyone know??). These two were heading from the Stenson direction eastwards. Thanks for stirring the brain cells WS, great photos..............hopefully more?? Rgds........Mike
  13. Agee 071, I would have been prepared to to pay more for a "Brit quality" Duke, so no sale to me. Great review and phots Ray......Thanks. Rgds.....Mike
  14. I saw this beauty on many occasions, but the most unusual was when she was piloted by Jubilee "Palestine" heading south at Tamworth in 1958/59?(only time I saw a double-headed semi), they were absolutely flying, one of the most incredible sights ever. Fortunately there were a few who recorded the Jube, most went for the semi (yes me too!!). Almost impossible to record them both when standing hard up against the railings in "the field".......Great Days Rgds........Mike
  15. Wonderful stuff Dave, although my interest in railways declined considerably with the dieselisation/electrification of the London Midland Region, I still travelled by train on journeys of any diatance and despite my (self perceived!!) indifference to the motive power, once on that train the exitement came back. Everything was still there to be observed and taken in, so thanks for helping to relive those memories. Rgds.........Mike
  16. Looks like I have to build a Princess..........Great photos guys thanks a lot. Rgds..Mike
  17. Hello Dave, B1 in the snow...............absolutely brilliant, wish I could make my models look like that!! I love the Derby shots.....used to stand on Five Arches Bridge just North of the gantry train spotting....what times! On the few times when there was not an engine in sight, we used to try and count how many condoms we could see in the river Derwent, the "Meadows" next to the bridge was host to not a few fallen ladies. Rgds..........Mike
  18. Yeah yor reet Mow an Coach an wot's that bl**dy great space under t' boiler....shood it reelly be there?????? Seprit anrails. dunna seem reet! Mick
  19. Hi David You must keep going, that is one stunning piece of work, I have never been a fan of plasticard but I think I have just changed my mind. Rgds.........Mike
  20. Certainly looks the part to me........well done. Rgds..........Mike
  21. Great job Mike, this monster will look absolutely superb.........love Fowler power Rgds............ Mike
  22. My God!!! Wot have they done to five arches!!!....cost me a few "O" Levels that bridge, best cops there were Neptune and Clan Mckenzie, on both occasions there was a louder roar from the spotters there than was ever heard at the Baseball Ground. Worst experience was when some b*st*rd threw an unfrozen Jubbly over my brand new Henry Cav blazer......mum was not impressed!!! Mike
  23. Not usually into "foreign" stuff, but having travelled in France in the mid 60s and admired the steam I saw in those days, I think that you have captured the essence of these locos .......excellent work. Rgds.......Mike
  24. That compound is breathtaking......but you're a brave man taking a scalpel to the NRM model Great stuff keep it coming please. Rgds.......Mike
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