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Everything posted by Trainnoob

  1. In the dead middle board. Its a hole just big enough to squeeze an average size adult through.
  2. Sorry for lack of clarification. I will have a hole in the middle section to help me reach the stuff. My garage is mid size but my dad needs one side for his car, i dont know how big exactly.
  3. Do I need to build special board clips or have special track connectors for that?.
  4. Hello, I am here because im building a Modern image model railway, i already have a trackmat layout but want to build something a little more exciting with scenery, i just want to have a Digital layout with Decorative OHLE so I can run nice modern Electrics locos, i have no experience in advanced track plans and have very little scenery building knowledge. I don't care about era but want modernish, but i do want a bit of realism, so for example no rocket running with pendolino. And maybe some space for a Turntable and/or station and yard. Can someone give me advice on where to start, my maximum size is 12x5 so i can get a few people to lift it on a truck for moving. I also would like to have a Lake/River seen but willing to sacrifice it as a compromise. Can someone give me advice as i have no experience other then with trainsets and basic loco and track maintenance. Also any Trackplan suggestions are welcome.
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