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Everything posted by flapland

  1. Agree, shame I didn't know until afterwards as I was on leave that day and live 5 mins from Hampstead Heath Station. It certainly moves off quickly even on 9 diesel engines.
  2. Another great set of pictures. Is the red and only car on the car transporter in C979 a Morgan or perhaps a Jag. I can't quite work it out.
  3. The only thing I know of Hull sadly is it has a different Telephone provider to the rest of the UK and has done since 1902. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KCOM_Group
  4. Suspect with tonights forecast the site will be cleared today, strong winds and large waves forecast.
  5. As others I love C197, thanks for keeping up the excellent daily updates.
  6. Thanks for the continued updates in all weathers. Due to scale of the damage I think your endeavours are going to be needed a little longer so thanks in advance for those.
  7. I can't answer many questions but I can state the Newspaper Vans were never cleaned when I saw them returning most lunch times near Middleton Junction. I should know more about Red Bank as my dad worked down in the valley but I think I only visited him once at work so never really got that close. Trouble was we took it all for granted I suspect we didn't think it would ever close. I was certainly more interested in catching Deltics on the Liverpool Newcastle trains in their final years and if lucky and a quick dash behind one to Staylebridge or on a Saturday or Sunday perhaps a WCML 86/87 drag through the middle of the station.
  8. Dave, you have exceed your own high standards today. What a great set of pictures especially with the DP2 story behind it.
  9. Didn't realise Chadderton Power Station once had one. Suspect I must have seen it as I used spot close to Middleton Junction Box but have no recollection.
  10. Should have said looks lie your colleagues shunter got tango'd. I know its no longer funny. Being serious its amazing so many are still around despite what DB try to do.
  11. Chesterfield was also a good day out from Manchester for spotting. Remember standing at the southern end of the platform in the early 80's building up my list of 20's and Peaks. Thanks for the photographic memories yet again.
  12. C4329 reminds so much of my last visit to Tinsley when it very wet although I would happily repeat the experience today to see the yard in action.
  13. I saw the 92 this morning on the way to work waiting to pull the empty stock out of Euston. I must admit it looked nice although I prefer the 86 as thats more my era.
  14. Nice set of photo's again. I am off to Austria tomorrow although I suspect like the UK the range of interest is much reduced today. I might get to go into Hungary for the day which may bring some interest although I am not sure I will get many photos as my other half isn't really into trains.
  15. Lovely set today, reminds of walking trips in North Wales when it always rained.
  16. Also love J1022 which reminds me of a Pennsylvania Railroad gg1.
  17. Indeed those and my favourite the DB VT 11.5 or Class 601/602. I have seen the Swiss one in the flesh but not the German one.
  18. Very nice David, do you have any of the TEE as thats a classic design. Its also a great LP by Kraftwerk but thats another thread.
  19. It is still there having walked past it on Saturday and half of it is reasonable condition having been there for 80+ years. I can't personally decide if it should be restored or left as it is although I suspect there are precedents for how these things are protected.
  20. Interesting set of pictures from a difficult time in our recent history. I remember the blackouts as 7 year old living on a estate in Oldham with electric power heating, not great. I am surprised not many other response although perhaps someone shouted"All out" and i missed it.
  21. Most Most London estate agents would describe these a large bedrooms as you can swing a cat in all three. Wouldn't mind a trip on any three although will try the Caledonian first in current guise.
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