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Status Updates posted by Rowsley17D

  1. The Queen is dead. My she rest in peace and rise in glory.


    Long live the King!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rowsley17D


      There is no deification stated or implied. It's an authorised wording I use at the commemoration part of the service at all Christian funerals I lead. 

    3. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      The disgusting lack of respect from an individual has led to removal of access to the site. This is not a time for peddling anti-monarchy agendas. I'll just remove access for anyone who thinks it's clever.

    4. SHMD


      I have, I'm not afraid to admit it, shed a tear or two here. Not because I knew her personally - (I saw her three times, in passing) - but because of the grandeur of the moment. RIP, Ma'am.

  2. Contemplating buying Connoisseurs Johnson 3P 700 Class from Canadian Model Shop for a future build. Anybody built one?

  3. Just seen Stanier 4000 gals tender tank and underframe on trailer parked in Settle industrial estate. Wonder where it's going?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rowsley17D


      It's very quiet. In late BR livery too. ID plate has been removed.

    3. it's-er


      Nicked, then?

    4. TravisM


      When first glanced at the post I thought it said Seattle and thought “wow, how the hell it end up there”

  4. Just seen Stanier 4000 gals tender tank and underframe on trailer parked in Settle industrial estate. Wonder where it's going?

  5. Am I one of the few who has managed to use up a whole rattle can of Railmatch paint?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rowsley17D


      I must admit I count myself as blest that I have managed to finish one. The last time I used it before now was over a year ago!

    3. rob D2

      rob D2

      I brought 10spare nozzles from howes....and once those cans are done, it’s over...

  6. All the threads I follow have either been locked or the folks have stopped modelling for various reasons

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hroth


      Shot any albatrosses recently?

    3. Rowsley17D


      Just life intervening, I think.

    4. Horsetan


      Maybe you're cursed in some way, the way that some of us are cursed with long life....

  7. All the threads I follow have either been locked or the folks have stopped modelling for various reasons

  8. All the threads I follow have either been locked or the folks have stopped modelling for various reasons

  9. Anybody want MegaPoints DCC controllers? See PW, signalling etc.

    1. LMS_LNER_SR_GWR_fan2004


      Do they control locos?

  10. Anybody want MegaPoints DCC controllers? See PW, signalling etc.

  11. Just made my first single slip in Templot. Well pleased and thank you Martin

    1. SHMD


      I couldn't get past 1 line of track

    2. steve22


      Congratulations! What's next?

  12. Just made my first single slip in Templot. Well pleased and thank you Martin

  13. Another one gone. RIP Caroline Aherne

  14. Another one gone. RIP Caroline Aherne

  15. Just managed to get the lawn mown when an almighty thunderstorm hit. Still the garden could do with a bit of rain but this doesn't look like stopping any time soon DL8 5

    1. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      It hit me earlier it will die off that rain.

    2. Mallard60022


      Send it down here (36E)

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      I see a little silhouetto of a man,

      Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?

      Thunderbolt and lightning,

      Very, very frightening me.

      (Galileo) Galileo.

      (Galileo) Galileo,

      Galileo Figaro


  16. Just managed to get the lawn mown when an almighty thunderstorm hit. Still the garden could do with a bit of rain but this doesn't look like stopping any time soon DL8 5

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