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Merfyn Jones

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Everything posted by Merfyn Jones

  1. I bought 2, an Escort 2 Estate in similar material to yours Paul and a Escort 4 Kombi van in a far better finish which is almost translucent. Will see how it turns out after primer.
  2. After being in the shed on Monday, I know why now. Went to the club later and found a section of Code 100 in the shape of a snake, near the window (pined not glued)
  3. Thanks for the plug Nick, saved me a job ! Look forward to seeing you and Maentwrog Road there.
  4. Great record these. I recall spending 2-3 weeks on the line to Mickle Trafford in summer of 1978. Felling telegraph poles, we never saw a train as it was Shotton holiday shutdown.
  5. Locally owned Bernard. Catch it with the camera another day.
  6. All trains are to have retention tanks by a set date (about time too) so the 158s have to be done till their replacements arrive, whenever that is.
  7. Just a bit of an addition to the above Larry. White Rose was far from a small company having over a hundred buses , but was not put out of business by Crosville, but was acquired by the LMS railway who owned Crosville at the time and was expanding their empire (briefly) . Of course today most of those routes are still operated by a railway company !
  8. Look forward to that, but it will have to be before we go to the pub.
  9. The cream coach in your photo was mine from 1976 to 1982. Great fun, 22mpg if you were not in a hurry. One day when I took it to work, 1978
  10. Like your pics Larry. The comment about SC gear changes rang true. I last drove one 36 years ago when I had mine (the coach behind) A couple of weeks ago I had a go at Clive's SC12 from Pensarn home and relived how they really are. Memories !
  11. They were not conversions but new build in 1966. Never been done RTR, but conversion sides were done by Hurst Models, to fit the old Hornby Mk.2 coaches.
  12. Larry, the 2 Junction 4Fs 44389 & 44525 were LMS left hand drive locos (as the Hornby version)
  13. Happened to me too. Then I went to the second line and it was OK from there on. Very strange !
  14. B R were a big customer of Martin Walter, they had hundreds of Bedford CA conversions as Utilicon and Workobus types.
  15. I think the estate version was a factory production rather than a conversion. There were a lot around. B Rs car fleet was usually black or a factory standard colour, without markings. The give away being in the registration batches. The LMR had the whole WRO series. This is one of only 2 A55 estates I have come across (the other being in post 1963 green livery), although I have seen one of the previous A40 van/estates in black at Aylesbury.
  16. I have seen photos of 3 or 4. Not very many got painted I imagine.
  17. Most lineside locations have doors both sides and in the old days the most used side was normally away from the track. However on more recent times, they have been placed at 90 degrees to the track (known as toastracked) Locations are used for all items including points, signals, power supplies and track circuits and had all items in them that are nearby. If a lot of items in the immediate area then a relay room is used.
  18. 50 years a pretty good guess Larry. I started there in 1968 and it was not in the range then, but was done very soon after.
  19. ​Sorry to have missed you this afternoon, but got to see the layout at last. Very nice, but would have looked so much better with a few Black 5s. Great way you have blended in the canal/river backscene in with the foreground. Hope the trip home was less eventful . And trust you are getting on with the new box ?
  20. Certainly is BR Paul. But what it is has me stumped at present. Possibly a Leyland PS1, but the radiator is not clear enough to make out. It looks like none of the buses in my collection
  21. Yes , but the trailers are not fitted. Used for internal use round the depots only. Note bit of string.
  22. Yes Kevin, a dropside pick-up. Stobart and Network Rail the first two.
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