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Alex TM

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Everything posted by Alex TM

  1. Hi again, Posted the above some three weeks ago yet only realised this week that I hadn't got around to taking and posting a picture; sorry. Anyway, evidence that Superquick may have gone into production of 12":1' scale brickpaper: The prototype is on the King's Buildings campus of the 'University of Edinburgh'. From a reasonable distance it simply looks like a new-ish building, but as you get closer you realise that no bricks were harmed in its construction. Thanks for the patience. Regards, Alex.
  2. Hi, Interesting to read your comments about varnished card. It's an underated approach, yet it has real benefits to it. It's good to see you, and others on here, working with it. Previously I have used mounting card sealed with enamel gloss varnish; it worked well, and lasted a very long time. Regards, Alex.
  3. At some point it should be available through Phoenix Precision, as they took over the range.
  4. Oh so jealous of you on that one ..... As for Andy's video, that conductor deserves an award and/or a huge pay rise. Keeping two drummers in time is one thing, but that many .......
  5. Hi, Just a suggestion, but would it be worth trying a conversion to an 0-4-2st? When the Caley first ordered theirs the first two (nos. 262 and 263) were built with a trailing axle, full cab, and bunker. Initially they worked the Killin Branch until replaced with larger, and heavier, locomotives. If you Google 'Caley Pug' you should find some options and ideas. In practical terms you could look to mount the axle with enough sideplay to avoid building a bogie or pony truck. Have a look for pics of a Hornby 14xx/48xx tank to see what I mean. Hope that's of use. Regards, Alex.
  6. Hi again, This afternoon I spent an hour examining the lifted track sections. Surprisingly, there's only around 18" of track that has to go into the bin, the remainder being cleaned up for re-use. I now have some ideas for going forward but no money will be spent until I am sure of the next step. As ever, thanks for reading. Regards, Alex.
  7. Hi there, If you draw a blank here, try an email to Peco's 'Technical Advice Bureau'. They've helped me identify editions based on descriptions like yours; they just need a little time to work it out. Good luck. Regards, Alex.
  8. Hi again, There has been no sign of interest in the layout/board, or in the kits to go with it. Under the circumstances I do not find this surprising. The who thing will be dismantled this afternoon. Fortunately, most of the material can go straight to recycling. Again, thanks to all who helped with ideas, solutions, and supportive comments during the attempted build. Regards, Alex.
  9. No Mr. Spock, I don't need a bl***y face covering! Why? Because we both know that, mask or not, I'm going to meet a horrible death later in this seen so why bother.
  10. Hi there, Otoboke Beaver - weird, yet strangely charming. Had a listen to a few of their tracks including the ones with occasional forays into English (lines such as "I hate you" as a refrain, and "Go to hell" chanted softly at the end of a song). Worth watching. Regards, Alex.
  11. Just don't play 'Pathway to Paradise'!
  12. Hi Simon, Some seriously good work on those figures. You mention the challenge of finding seated passenger figures in 28mm; have you thought of looking for driver figures for carts, limbers, etc? Depending on the aesthetic you may find some useful 19th century style stuff out there. It would be worth looking at 'Warlord Games', or 'Perry'; as they manufacture in the UK they may be able, and willing, to sell you the figures without the rest of the gubbins. [Just a thought - see if Games Workshop still do any of their 'Mordheim' range online. The downside is that they'll be a lot more expensive than everybody else.] Hope that's of use. Regards, Alex.
  13. Jim's right. A large number of places have names that, linguistically, come from other language groups. Take the south-east as an example - in sub-Roman times these lands were occupied by people who's language was from a different Celtic grouping than Gaelic. I've read that this 'old British' is more akin to an ancient form of Welsh. Traces of it can still be seen in some remaining names. I am not anti-Gaelic but think we should keep languages in perspective, and not succumb to political motives. Anyway, rant over. Can we go back to repeats of jokes, cartoons, etc, etc?
  14. Hi everyone, Can anyone give me some track dimensions suitable for 'mainline' style track in the above gauge. I'm looking for an idea of sleeper dimensions, spacing, etc, for both plain tracks and plain points. The prototype would be UK outline. Also, how would the rail most likely be affixed to the sleepers? The reason for the request is that I'm looking to put together some three feet gauge track for a 'diorama' alongside some wargames miniatures. The latter are to a scale of 1:55, which with track gauged at 16.5 mm, scales out at 3'0". Using 00 track components and gauges allows me to make use of readily available parts. As ever, thanks in advance for any help. Regards, Alex.
  15. Hi again, I've updated the thread on the 'Free to a good home' area in the hope of attracting some interest. As ever, thanks for reading. Regards, Alex.
  16. Hi folks, Not so much a joke as a funny story. It came to me from one of my colleagues, who has a relative in another part of the world where some things are legal that aren't in this country. "Where I am marijuana is legal. Due to COVID-19 restrictions barbers, etc, are closed making their profession illegal. As a result some of my neighbours now have long hair, but they may still have a spliff. This means that, after around sixty years, the hippies have won!" Regards, Alex.
  17. Some repeats are worth having ....
  18. Hi folks, Couldn't get a photo today due to the rain but a pre-fab building about five minutes walk from here has a painted brick effect applied to help it blend in with the surrounding architecture; what it looks like is Superquick brick paper reproduced at 12":1' scale. Hopefully I'll get a pic tomorrow and post it here. Regards, Alex.
  19. Hi again, This is a genuine question, as I've been told different versions of the perceived 'truth' of the matter: Was the problem that the WR went it's own way via hydraulic transmission, thereby producing 'non-standard' classes, or was it more a reflection that some locomotive builders (e.g. NBL) struggled with diesels exacerbating the issue? Thanks and regards, Alex.
  20. Interesting. I may have the MLI issue you mention, but I'll have to search through the 'pigsty' to find out.
  21. Hi again, I've had a look at the few books, etc, that I have on the twenties with none of them showing a plain green loco beyond around 63/64. Again, thanks for the input. Alex.
  22. Hi, Only just came across this. The stock looks suitably run-down. Just one question: what's the paint that you used on the Terrier? Thanks. Regards, Alex.
  23. Hi again, Good to see this continuing. Have you come to any decisions about scenics, e.g rolling countryside, or the back-end of one of the local industrial estates? That said, your choice of stock does allow you a great deal of flexibility should you decide to move to another part of the region. Will keep watching. Regards, Alex.
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