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Status Updates posted by Kris

  1. TV has died, might have to do some modelling instead, well providing I don't spent too long on line.

    1. devondynosoar118


      Want a new one? I am doing the 03 tonite.

    2. Kris


      I'm going to try fixing it first. I've a couple of things to try before ordering a replacement power distribution board. How's the 03 going?

  2. Well nearly 20 minutes after I asked the cold caller from Solar King to find someone who could provide me with the contact details of the people who supplied them with their numbers to call I am still on hold. What a surprise. My conclusion from this is that Solar KIng have no concept of good customer service and were I considering using their services I now would not do so even under duress.

  3. One minute you're up the next you're down.

    1. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      The life and times of a tart's knickers?

    2. AndyB


      That's lifts all over!

    3. bcnPete


      Hang in there Kris...

  4. Is currently procrastinating.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Debs.


      .....are you sure?

    3. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      I haven't even got round to that stage.

    4. cromptonnut


      I plan on procrastinating later. I was going to be lethargic but I can't be bothered right now.

  5. Top gear USA. What a weak copy of the UK version.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. trisonic


      Blame Top Gear Uk - they licensed and approved the very weak team. I only watched one episode. Mind you I now find the UK team (yes we have it over too) irritating..


    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I felt sorry for the pink caravan...

    4. richbrummitt


      I only watched one episode where they bent a cadillac. That moment was very funny but the rest didn't leave me interested or entertained enough to look out for another episode


  6. Scratching your head about gradients and baseboards beats scratching other areas.

    1. Boris
    2. Kris


      I find it hard to scratch fleas, they just don't stay still long enough.

    3. bcnPete


      aagh..I see...you mean where Builders often scratch whilst your trying to hold an important conversation?...

  7. Argh, were back, no more time for modelling, just time for procrastination and reading on here :-) Still it's great to be back. Thanks to all for all their hard work and long hours.

    1. devondynosoar118


      That and finding possible heart transplants for old VW's!

  8. Deep fried mince pies. A dessert to make a scotsman weep.

    1. Debs.


      My local takeaway offers deep-fried mars bars.....surely: "death by chocolard" :-)

    2. Jamie


      [stereotype] Widnae touch it laddie, has fruit in it. [/stereotype]

  9. Back from a nice walk along the cliff tops. Some nice large waves about but those on the main beach were being blown flat. Now what will the photos turn out like and did I get a decent one of the peregrine?

  10. Trying to mend my neighbours automatic chicken house door opener. Having had the chicken house fall on top of it has made it rather poorly.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kris


      All part of the modern world Ian, catch up :-) They lay eggs, walk, cluck just like a normal chicken. So far though I've not been shown where the batteries go.

    3. Jamie


      Automatic chicken for the people. Wasn't that a REM album?

    4. IanLister


      Kris, maybe the batteries go where the stuffing goes? Rather you than me in that case!

  11. Hopefully the work I have prepared for tomorrow will have been a waste of time.

  12. Is trying to work out where a short has occurred somewhere over 3 points.... and blow me if I can find it after about 4 hours of hunting. Might be time to start unsoldering connections to narrow it down.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kris


      That was what cause the last one but I can't see one this time and I've been looking with a magnifying glass.

    3. nigelb


      have you glued the point down ? some glues can be conductive


    4. Kris


      Problem solved. No shorts on the track but a tiny piece of wire connecting 2 joints on a point motor frog feed. I recon that took me a good 10 hours to find.

  13. First mince pies of the year have now been made. The home made mincemeat is a little dry, maybe time to add more brandy.

  14. After the rain quite a nice sunset is appearing

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Neither did I...

    3. skipepsi


      The rain didn't stop until after dark bue ehe hailstones did

    4. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      I have seen the sun all day.

  15. A nice parcel dropped through the door earlier.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bcnPete


      101 DMU?...4CEP?...2mmFS Association bits and bobs to get modelling again?...cold or luke warm?...

    3. Kris


      Biscuits by post mmmm but unfortunately not. There might be a workbench update coming soon! (Well soonish)

    4. bcnPete


      would be good to c u back posting Kris :)

  16. Drew the curtains back this morning to see 3 alpacas walking along the horizon.

    1. devondynosoar118


      Excellent! At least they weren't grazing on your garden.

    2. rhiwderin_ray


      I'll have what you were drinking/snorting !

    3. Kris


      Strong stuff them Weetabix!


  17. Had to reverse a mile in the dark last night on single track roads, round hairpin bends with drops and stone walls to contend with, oh the fun.

  18. Was paid to carve pumpkins today.

  19. Well I had thought I was working today, I was wrong about that so a walk in the sunshine up on Dartmoor was a good way to try and clear the head this morning.

    1. devondynosoar118


      Sounds good, I had to work this morning!

  20. Surfing after work is the way to go, but why was I always just inside of the break of the largest waves?????

  21. Note to self. Fingers and soldering irons don't mix and when molten solder fall on leg it hurts.... silly me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kris


      I was wearing jeans

    3. bcnPete


      how's that swear box?

    4. Kris


      It's empty Pete. No naughty words were used at any point. Rather surprising that.

  22. 3 Job applications sent in the last 24 hours, lets see if I can get another couple done by the end of play today.

    1. halfwit
    2. bcnPete


      Yep - Fingers crossed...

  23. Spent some time watching the America's cup earlier. Rather breezy but led to some great racing and several capsizes.

  24. my car was awarded it's 50m swimming badge today.

    1. Brinkly


      I didn't realise Volvo's could swim! Is it an optional extra!? ;-)

  25. I know I had some m6 wing nuts, now where did I tidy them up to when I cleaned the study?

    1. richbrummitt


      I've no idea. I changed out a bookcase next to the modelling benches the other week and now I can't find anything.

    2. Trebor


      start from the last place you'd look and they will be there !

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