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Status Updates posted by Kris

  1. Anyone want some dust? Just pop round, the house and cars are covered in it, thanks to the cowboy mining surveyors the neighbours have employed.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Boris



    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Probably fracking on the fly.

      If so; rigs can be sabotaged... ;-)

    4. DougN


      Oh I diging big holes....

  2. Survived stopping my son going to an after christening party so he could have a nap, as he's now sleeping soundly I might as well do some modelling.

    1. Kris


      Well that didn't last long!


    2. DonB


      What's your chance of stopping him going to a party when he's 18?

    3. Kris


      That's a trick I suspect will be much harder to pull off.

  3. Painting model people is rather therapeutic, it's great to see them "coming to life" as you add more paint.

  4. Oh dear, that's another kit turned up, wonder where I can buy some time to make them.

    1. Horsetan


      Maybe Mad McCann could spare you some?

    2. Mikkel


      They are supposed to be made?

    3. Londontram


      Collecting kits is a hobby in its self so don't worry about it

  5. 50 O gauge figures for 99p, perfect for filling coaches, what's not to like.

  6. Wow its wet and thundery out there.

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Certainly wet in our part of Devon, no thunder since earlier this morning, though.

  7. Mmmmm marrow ginger jam made. Should keep me stocked up for a few months.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      You had me thinking 'narrow gauge' jam for a moment :-D

    3. Kris


      It's a great combo to go on toast in the morning.

    4. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      I somehow read that as narrow gauge jam!

  8. Judging by the photo the DPD driver took of the location they left a sorry we missed you card, I either live on the surface of the Sun, in hell or in a blast furnace.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      What *is* it with UK courier services? It's so unbelievable there should be so much ineptitude present among their ranks.

    3. skipepsi


      pay peanuts get monkeys or wages so low you have to be desperate to take the offer.

    4. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      I guess so, Mick. I think the courier business as a whole is well past the breaking point already but yet the powers-that-be keep squeezing. And I do think customers do have a role in that context as well...

  9. RIP R2D2

    1. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      Indeed. R.I.P. Kenny.

    2. SHMD


      Beep whistle peep beep whistle

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      RIP, Kenny. Beep, beep.

  10. Well I now don't need to find a variety of small parts to improve a basic model of a coach, turns out that its not the scale it was advertised as. Back to the seller it goes!

  11. Man Engine, worth going to see it if you can.

  12. Bah, item purchased then seller cancels.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. muddys-blues


      What was the item ?

    3. loickebros


      if it was an auction then it is legally binding and cannot be cancelled afterwards.

    4. Horsetan


      Mmm.. Has anyone enforced this through the County Court?

  13. Why can they work on the A30 roadworks at Bodmin 24/7. They'ed have had it finished by now.

    1. kernowtim


      I am sure there are signs ststing there will be 2 lanes open in both directions for the summer peak traffic, they had better get a move on, unless both lanes are not open at the same time!!

    2. Kris


      They have changed it to say only 3 lanes over the summer, 2 East bound 1 West bound. Given the lack of progress I would say that was an ambitious target.

  14. eEnjoying watching a biding war breaking out over one of my ebay items. Currently at 140% of rrp! p.s. its items you could pick up in almost every model shop.

    1. Chris116


      Fools and their money!

    2. Horsetan


      Kind of satisfying when that happens.

  15. Let the striping commence, bring on the paint-striper

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kris


      All in aid of a tartan effect!

    3. Tim V

      Tim V

      When I went to the store, they were out of tartan paint, I should have asked for striped paint.

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      and a bottle of pigeon milk, Tim.

  16. Who glues together an O gauge tender loco?

    1. Kris


      No, someone else did, that I bought the loco off.

    2. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      I'm currently rebuilding 1 for a client that was aryldited. It's bloody awful

    3. Horsetan


      Someone who hasn't got a soldering iron. Or refuses to use one. Probably glues the electrical connections as well.

  17. Whoops, just bought something O Gauge, how am I going to explain that????

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kris


      Oh I don't know. I bought my first O Gauge loco nearly 20 years ago and I'm still mostly modelling in the smaller scales.

    3. Horsetan


      Been to SpecSavers?

    4. bcnPete


      Don't try and suppress it Kris - I am back on 7mm now...zoom in zoom out :D

  18. eBay and profit, not words I normally see.

    1. BoD


      Depends on which side you are.

  19. Lets see if eBay sales of un wanted items over the next week can cover the cost of a new DCC controller.

  20. Fantastic lightening storm just gone over the house.

    1. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      That must put you to in betwixt Camborne & Truro according to LiveLightningStrike.com

    2. Stubby47


      We had that too, and yes, that's where we are

  21. Learning about biology is important. If you don't then all sorts of things can happen. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-35996448

    1. locoholic


      Normal for Norfolk.

    2. uax6


      only if its with your sister....

  22. Bah, got all excited over an email this morning, only to find it was an advertisement for a product I ordered over a week ago, and not the dispatch note.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      Meanwhile, I'm awaiting some security screwdrivers....

    3. Adams442T


      ONly thing worse is when you buy something from the dreaded Amazon and they immediately bombard you with ads for the very thing you've just bought!

    4. Kris


      The email subject line was "Your new item* awaits"


      *the actual product was named.

  23. No luck on eBay recently, first a rubbish seller, now a buyer who has failed to make any form of contact about the car they bought.

    1. Horsetan


      That's probably because they weren't serious about having it.


      I've ended up owning a car before after a drunken eBay bid. Desperate times trying to get rid of the thing!!!

    2. Kris


      I more suspect that the winner was a fake account to stop a previous bidder winning.

      Drinking and eBay are a bad combo!

    3. Horsetan


      You could do what some people do, and sue....

  24. Oh dear, bought a few coaches on eBay last night, buyer has now cancelled the sale, they'd failed to do their research and asked too little. I didn't like the seller asking for more money, eBay didn't like that.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. blueeighties


      Muppets. Another reason why I rarely use Flea Bay these days. A lot of dishonest people on there.

    3. Horsetan


      You could always threaten to sue....

    4. Kris


      Apparently eBay are applying sanctions (quite how limited they will be however) and negative feedback has been left.

  25. Not all delivery people are hopeless. Our postman is fantastic. He raised the alarm and tried to save a neighbours life during a house fire today before continuing to deliver on his round once the fire service arrived.

    1. beast66606


      A local hero

    2. RJS1977


      Not like the postman who watched his mother-in-law's house burn to the ground then left a card saying "Sorry you were out."

    3. waggy


      The Spanish Fireman who had two sons. Hosea and Hoseb

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