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Status Updates posted by Kris

  1. A very quick baseboard has been thrown together for a simple circle to form a test track. Next job is to fix the the track down then get running in some of the recent purchases.

    1. bcnPete


      Which are?...

  2. Apparently last night was a good night to sell things to people called David on ebay.

  3. Who says that a little bit of light pottering about in the garden can't involve a couple of saws and an axe?

    1. bcnPete


      your neighbours? :D

    2. Kris


      Not yet :-)

  4. Wow. Just put several items on ebay. I'm shocked how many already have bids on them.

    1. Horsetan


      I hope you're not complaining....

  5. Graham Farish gears, damn you. 4 out of 6 axels dead.

    1. devondynosoar118


      Ouch! What was it on?

    2. Kris


      Old class 47. It's not having a good day. I've transplanted some wheels from another one only to find out that there appears to be another issue with it. Time to look at the spares pages to see if it is worth fixing.


    3. DavidLong


      That nice man at BR Lines will rush some replacements to you!

  6. Rather unimpressed with the amount of flash and associated cleaning up that is required to build a Slaters O gauge wagon chassis.

  7. Recipe, you were forgotten but you have now been rediscovered.

    1. bcnPete


      Beanz on toast?

    2. richbrummitt


      with Worcestershire sauce. That's a recipe.

  8. That's some more marrow ginger jam made.

  9. A pint, in a bar, on the beach, watching the sun go down? oh go on then if you insist.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 46444


      Be rude not too! ;-)

    3. devondynosoar118


      Perfect apart from foreign cornish sun!

    4. bcnPete


      Not at the SWAG curry then Kris?

  10. Curry's customer service, now what is the total opposite to excellent?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DavidLong


      I take it that the words'Currys' and 'customer service' are mutually exclusive terms?

    3. bcnPete


      that would be pants....

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Bring back Dixons, all is forgiven!! - or is it??!! ;-)

  11. I appear to have been buying wood from Mr. Bendy at the banana plantation.

    1. bcnPete


      oooh...tell us about the new project though?...

    2. Kris


      Bookcases and shelves. Mainly for holding railway books and modelling materials however.

    3. Danemouth


      Mr Bendy has supplied me as well :-(

  12. I feel some significant bookcase extensions might be required!

  13. 1 hour until people start saying how delighted they are with Dapols new models and just as many saying they have nothing for them and they should have done X Y and Z instead.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Horsetan


      Maybe Dapol should make chromosomes. Then everyone can have as many X and Y as they want!

    3. coachmann


      It's the X factor and Y not.

    4. S.A.C Martin

      S.A.C Martin

      But Ivan - what livery should the chromosome come in?!

  14. Very nearly a month after being taken off line at home care of a lightning strike I'm up and running again.

  15. Flash, Crash, Bang. Hello lightning, bye bye internet, phone and TV. Well that was well over a week ago now and it looks like it will be at least another week or two until things are totally sorted.

    1. bcnPete


      But you are online though. Right?

    2. REC Farnborough

      REC Farnborough

      Yes but it's just a flash in the pan :-)

  16. I wonder how many people watch the party political broadcasts of BBC iplayer?

  17. That's lots of plasticard ordered

  18. When creating models it is important to remember that what was drawn on the engineering plans of the 1850's may have changed in the intervening years.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. beast66606


      Assuming they are accurate in the first place ...

    3. Kris


      The addition of new bracing and removal of various bits of the original bracing is causing some headaches.

    4. DonB


      It's the drawings which state "manufacture to usual tolerances" that are the least helpfull!

  19. Paddling straight after work, well when you have been working at a beach it would have been rude not to :)

    1. nick_bastable
    2. Kris


      One very near Salcombe

  20. 5 hours without power this morning was not a good April fools joke from Western Power Distribution

  21. I might have left washing the car a little too long, a trowel was needed to take off some of the mud!

  22. 6 trains to go 200 miles. Yesterday's journey was not a good one, especially when advised to get a train that could not possibly meet up with the next one that I needed to get (The one the station staff told me I needed to get).

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      You weren't on that FGW HST that failed at Exeter, when they all crammed on my Voyager for the journey west, were you?!

    2. Kris


      No I was stuck in Southampton trying to get to Chichester when all of the trains going that way were cancelled and now of the TOC's were talking to each other to pass the information on to customers. :-(

  23. The tiny modelling budget that I have managed to scrimp together has just disappeared :(

  24. I think I might have put too much in the garden waste bin. I don't think its axle is as straight as it once was!

    1. coachmann


      My missus did that when they were first introduced around here in the 1980s. It overturned on my and she had to get the nieghbours to lift it off of me... :0(

    2. bcnPete


      New axles from the 2FS shop Kris perhaps!

    3. Kris


      Possibly Pete

  25. you can't control the waves but you can learn to surf

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