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Everything posted by jcredfer

  1. I'm looking for a pair of 20s in the same livery. My excuse logic for a purchase is any a loco which has some sort of a connection ............. for instance, an LMR Class 08/9, Basra, which I drove on a Railway Operating course, a couple few many years back, Army J94 Robin Hood for the same reason, a 45XX from a family outing to East Somerset Railway, FGW HST Mum went to work in every day for 10 years [very rare find that was too], A4 Sir Nigel Gresley being the first open mouth "Wow" from MD as it accelerated past 20 feet away out of Dawlish Station, A4 Mallard as it is brother/sister to Sir Nigel and record holder, Harry Potter Castle as MD loves the books, a Castle, with sound to return with the Hogwart's Express coaches, as the kids wouldn't be on board ............. I hesitate to list them all, as some are so tenuous I might have to admit to cheating on the rules. ............ ..................... 66 Sound is from CoastalDCC. J
  2. One to read the instructions and 5 to wonder how he does it ...... J
  3. I bought a new paint brush ............................... about 4 months ago ........ and I have a nice shiny blade in my modelling knife .......... I've had a kit since visiting Dover Priory, Folkstone and Dover Show - last year ...................... I took it out of the bag on Friday ............ it came to bits so I took hold of the brush and it started to look like this ... The observant amongst you may note that the Cricket is a bit confused with 2 x the number of Wickets and they just refused to stay upright - I think they may have been made in NZ and are falling over in sympathy!!! DSC01195 by Julian Redfern, on Flickr Eventually it ended up all stuck together too ......... although there are some areas where paint needs touching in ......... DSC01200 by Julian Redfern, on Flickr The question is - will it fit in the tiny Signal box? A peep in through the door to see if Andy Pandy is home the bits are small enough ............ DSC01205 by Julian Redfern, on Flickr Well there is something in there, but it is a slightly tight fit. ................. DSC01206 by Julian Redfern, on Flickr There is room for a bit of comfort still.......... DSC01203 by Julian Redfern, on Flickr but not much ........... DSC01202 by Julian Redfern, on Flickr There is still a bit of tidying to do on the paint, gloss varnish on the metal parts after that and raising the rear of the Lever Rack, will give more internal room [and perhaps save the Wg Co from injuring his back trying to reach over and haul the Off Levers.] I intend to glue the bits into the Box, with PVA so it could possibly be soaked out, if required. Any other better ideas out there in the "Land of Model Skills?" J
  4. That last picture sheds a light on modern technological advances ........................ that inverted "Selfie Stick", from the top of the cliff, is well long, yet light enough to be carried and held with a camera on the end. It occurs that you could have used it to measure the height of the cliff, instead of wading in to find MHW ...... Serious for a moment - Post #1012, last picture, shows how very consistent the angle of the slope on the cliff is - despite there being chunks and divots cut out of it. J
  5. ........................................ WOW! ................................. PIR and trains .................................................................................................................... ....... ..... Nice collection dt .... am only jealous. J
  6. And ... one of my Radio controlled model aeroplanes .................................. Oh! ............................ ...................... you didn't think ............ ....................... Salisbury NHS Trust would donate an engine and propeller to my Mobilscoot? ...................... J Thars they uz cud get aal of ut frum t' socal father oop naarth .... but ... I say dear chap, you simply can't get away with that sort of thing around here, you know.
  7. The "Beachwalk Pair" didn't look to be paying much attention to the wall, to my inadequate mind. I thought [i know, I know - not a word normally attributed to this poster] that they might be checking what effect there is on the beach levels, what with all those stones they left there. Granted that might also have some influence on what effect that has on the repairs they do to the wall. J
  8. Oh yea of little faith ............. ........... how can you forget, for one single moment ...... 1 x pilot = 1 x parachute ..... .... from a mere "Angels - 0.22" ...... ............ and the wellies are just a precaution against landing in the wrong cow field ... ............................... anyway - you wouldn't be so unkind as to ... ... drop me ..................... would .. you? ...................... ............................ J
  9. ............ could well be right ....... ............. Oowwwwwch!! ............ I was rather hoping it might be fuel for the cranes and pile drivers ........... J
  10. Very BIG ...... ................................................................................................................................................................... Pastry Cutters Don't let my daughter see them ..... J
  11. There have been other attempts at .................................. ...................... but you will need your crown and your throne [The porcelain one not being suffice for the occasion!] ....... You might also take guidance on the advisability of such a move, as there is documentation which indicates that a mere mortal Canute cannot get away with it ..... J
  12. .......................................................... Oooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......................!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I don't know if ..... smearing greasy Bacon flavoured fingers across a Computer monitor quite counts as ... calculation ............................. although in my case, possibly far more accurate ...
  14. That is certainly up to date technology ... if a little large ....... ................. perhaps when you make a scale version, it could dual purpose on the layout and the local haemorrhoid clinic .... There are some mental pictures that are sometimes more vivid than others!! ... J
  15. Looking at those pictures they might yet get the bridge back up within the 6 months ............. Particularly as it looks like they are planning to use Lego there ............. J
  16. ..................... further to the above ... it occurs to me that if you approached Network Rail for a loan of their Altimeter fitted Drone ..................... .................... I would be willing to trot along to Dover frontage and pilot it whilst you monitored the measurements ............. J
  17. Used to be height above MHWSL ...... Now - simply height above Mean Sea Level. It seems the change may have been made around the time of Metric introduction. .................. so - now all you have to do is get your BIG wellies on and stand in the waves, moving further out each day, until the amount of water above your feet at high tide is equal to the amount of dry beach, when the tide is out .......... ........... taking into account the higher levels of tides, during periods of on-shore wind ..... lower levels of tides during periods of off-shore winds ........... with appropriate sinusoidal proportions added or subtracted, when the wind is at an angle other than perpendicular to the coastline - in either direction, to or from ........ Spring tides will mean you need your wellie extensions ....... ............ making sure, of course, that you account for the slight rises in tides, when the high or low tides coincide with emptying of water into the sea at Dover bath-times ..... ............. all the while keeping an eye out for the wake of transiting ferries, so you can hold your breath as the resultant wave passes over your immaculate coiffure ....... ............ now, once established at the right level, simply look at the beach/wall, level with your eyes and measure up the cliff from there, not forgetting to add the height of your eyes above your feet to the resultant vertical measurements you make ..... ............ I might add that it was so much easier, in the old days, when simply standing on the line of seaweed, left at high tide, was good enough for most things ....................... metrication, ehh? It was meant to make life easier ... Haa!! Hope this has been of assistance to your cliff-top conundrum. .... J PS. Don't forget to take your longest vertical tape measure, or your wellies will have been wet in vain .... PPS. I cannot recommend the throwing of pebbles over the cliff edge. I feel, strongly that the only way you could accurately get to be level enough to see the precise moment the pebble passes the top of the tunnel and subsequently it's arrival at track level - would be to hurl yourself over the cliff and accompany it on it's vertical journey. The resultant damage to the expensive timepiece you would have to take with you would be very expensive and may even result in inaccurate readings, by the time you get out of surgery. Let us also not forget, the known fact that you are a paid up member of the Clumsy Club, hereabouts and that crane down there has glass windows!!! Compelling reasons against the idea I'm sure you will agree.
  18. Went through one once, on an RAF Station, where the R of W went across the end of the actual runway !! A path was provided, which went round the end of the runway, an additional 30 yds left, then, after crossing the end of the runway, right for 30 yds to rejoin the original course. Granted, only a bit safer, but the difference between being shaken by the sound of a jet passing a couple of feet over you, or Splat ! The number of objections was simply astounding - unbelievable and took ages. The alternative would have to be effectively to slide the whole runway lengthwise, which would mean diverting the road at the opposite end by that amount. Like Gwiwer says, it was remote and I never saw anyone use it, as people passing used the nice clean road parallel to the muddy, overgrown path. ... J.
  19. Even if it isn't, strictly a recorded right of way - continued public use for more than 7 unrestricted years would likely, make it a right of way .... it would probably cost more to contest it than replace it. J
  20. Any idea if they are replacing your over-track photography balcony? J
  21. With a new storm on the way - you might think they would have put the covers on the work they have already done ..... J
  22. Hi Scott, I like the idea of laying timbers to see the shape of things you want to do. It is really coming on very nicely. You're going to have to be careful with waterproofing that wiring at the back there, before you fill the river ... what with unpredictable weather these days an' all ...... Regards J
  23. I agree ... the detail on such tiny models was the biggest surprise that really took me back, when I went to Dover last year. You're right with the term "mind blowing" - absolutely spot on.
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