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Everything posted by jcredfer

  1. Or as RMT would have it ....... 1 bloke doing the work and 126 in charge. J
  2. Whilst on holiday, I saw an idea for extension to the Shunting Puzzle ........ Ferrari 2 by Julian Redfern, on Flickr .......... Hump Shunting, with a new slant!! ....... J Not really been out ni oto use sun ... honest??
  3. Unfortunately very true ............ I much prefer the conflict between the Gymnastic skills of a workman armed with an angle grinder and the spikes atop the concrete pillar ...... Where is the awareness of the BeeB, for an opportunity for reality TV ................ gone are the days of a good genuine Reality show ......... such is the burden of political correctness ... J
  4. How else is the workman going to get up there, with the angle grinder, to remove the reform ends?? It would be against H&E Regs to dangle they guy from a crane hook, for goodness sake!! J
  5. hope no-one saw you ...................... J Alright, I know you wouldn't really. Perhaps someone was simply being good to the public??
  6. It seems, from the information, past provided, that the rails and bridge are due for completion this year {dates as appropriate], with no indication {yet} that they are in any way delayed. However, the access to the beach, from the footbridge will be delayed until completion of the sloping beach fortifications, sea-side of the old sea wall, which will take longer to get completed. There is an awful lot of it and some underpinning to do too. I.m not sure I saw much to indicate that NR have much to do with the sloping defences, as such information there is, {Long-shore surveys etc.} have been Council published. That may also have a bearing on timing and "perceived" urgency!! J
  7. I see the lifeboat is ready out-slung, on the stone barge!!!!!!!! J
  8. With any luck they might increase the lorry parking and grant a few more Ferries licences. Maybe improve the access route too ........ not much hope there then? J
  9. Why ......... don't they lay trunking for cables by the side of roads {maybe under pavements where relevant}??
  10. You shold be able to get much better pictures then - very kind and thoughtful of the contractors, too. J
  11. Delightful pictures David. It seems to indicate that the Viaduct was there before the Wall. Perhaps back before Folkstone harbour stopped much of the longshore drift. J
  12. Link, not sure how to make appear in page and have to go to pick up MD from school. Will have another try later. Later - now done. Edit - PS. I cheated the fast Apple system by Pasting the URL into a text App [any will do] then removed the 's' from https in there. This will copy and paste into the RMWeb Reply box and show the Video in the page.
  13. What?? ............ ........... what sort of a layout is this????? Cheap rusty steel boxes purchased at, no doubt, knock down prices. You will soon find that the old saying - "You get what you pay for." - will soon bite you for not getting the newer more modern Aluminium boxes. And ..... there's the replacement costs to be considered. ......................... I seriously thought you were't old enough to have been in BR Management. J
  14. S'ARNT MAJOR!! ..... MY OFFICE, IF YOU PLEASE!! I want the name of the DIRTY little driver that didn't wash the tracks on his tank digger and left black marks over that new concrete. When you find him, you can inform the LAZY LITTLE WASTER that he can expect at least a week in Jankers ..... and the time can be spent with a Toothbrush cleaning all those marks 'orf the Parade Square surface! Got that S'arnt Major?? Good, that'l be all ..... I thought you were supposed to be keeping the chaps in line! .... Immmm!
  15. If .......... you are a Gurkha ................ you don't need to "justify" your existence ..... J
  16. Caw! ... It surely couldn't be role reversal?? ... with those Crows stoning the workers?? J Nice arty pictures.
  17. Agree about the Landrover .... You need to start a list 1. 3 x Tea Towels [Only count if they are hung INSIDE a cupboard.] 2. 2 yard corner of Dining Room carpet [Any room will do.] 3. 1 x complete hand towel. [1/2 Batroom towel will count.] 4. 2 x Speciality Dog Resistant Beds. [Only counts if they are claiming to be chew resistant.] 5. 1 x complete Koala Eucaliptus tree. [Removed because he ate the poisonous leaves and pulled branches down.] 5. Complete Willow tree, trunk included, leaving 4" stump. [Oh yes he did!] 6. Nappy. [DON'T ask.] 7. Countless socks. [Only counts if you can't actually count the number.] 8. Grass and cooking herbs. [Only counts if includes the hardy ones.] 9. Pencil Erazers. [Again, if you can count them, it doesn't.] 10. Rug [Woven] - 8 x 3 ft. [size matters. ... :sungum: ] 11. Hair Bands. [Not important if child of female variety not currently resident in Houshold.] 12. 2 x Everlasting dog chew toys. [They have to be labelled "Everlasting".] 13 Wooden frame to prevent protective floor covering being eaten. [4" x 3/4" plank. - Not me, the wood frame!] 14. Tube of Pritt Stick. [Consequences not relevant here.] 15 Two snapped dog leads and a collar. [All in good condition and relatively new.] We won't count the Breeze Block breakfast bar wall, as that was a Pyranean Mountain Dog, in a class all of it's own! All the above 1 - 15 are the childish exhuberances of one small friendly, Cocker Spaniel. There were more, but I can't bring them to mind at the moment. I'm sure you will have got complete control of the young pup there ........... if not, try DC and DCC if that doesn't provide sufficient fine control. Congratulations, enjoy the little bundle of fun, he looks a delight and properly lively. J
  18. Eeh up! What's the old man dragged in now? Side view West Country by Julian Redfern, on Flickr Seems more interested in that WRAF he's chattin' up!! Nice Cab - lousy photographer. All the detail is crisp, even to the scales on the water guages. Fuzzy Cab by Julian Redfern, on Flickr Not even moulded smoke deflectors ... Smoke deflectors by Julian Redfern, on Flickr Said he had been out for a night on the tiles .... Accelerate by Julian Redfern, on Flickr
  19. WAOA!! .... Hold the concrete pour!! ................... We may have to fit in 10 or more [with any luck] ex-ministers bodies looking for concrete waistcoats! :sungum: J
  20. Now that's very informative ....... .......... I didn't know of any politicians that could Weld [seems a natural opposite to me!!] ...................... Blair must have had a big bush, to hide his welding torch light under!! J
  21. Ooohhhh!! ............... YES please!! ... ... How about Wales? ........................... ..................... ............................. NW Alaska!! :mosking: Julian
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