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Everything posted by jcredfer

  1. ..... What a great idea and saving so much grovelling to SWMBO under the boards, too.
  2. My Uncle would have agreed with you on the 6 Pdr. He was a Tankie Gunner in the first N Africa battles and they were equipped with tanks with the ubiquitous 6 Pdrs. He was much of the opinion that, apart from the tin can they were sitting in, a pea-shooter would have been just as effective against German and Italian armour. Later he got promoted, as someone discovered he was well qualified, and said the replacement Shermans and [i think] Churchills were far more able to disable the opposition, rather than just rattle their ear drums. As an aside, he did comment that the Italians had a reputation for having tanks with a reverse gearing faster than forward - his one comment on that, was that he personally found no such evidence!
  3. Hi dt, Hope your Christmas was enjoyable and went as planned. How did the new layout go ... any pictures? regards Julian
  4. Happy Christmas I hope you all have a lovely day Julian
  5. Nice to see the progress Scott, all very neat and tidy. Regards and Best Christmas greetings Julian
  6. Ooh! ...... .... didn't realise you had taken on Spanish staff .....
  7. Very nice lights dt. The 3rd picture is wonderful, with the reflections on the platform/rails pointing off to the distance. ..... J
  8. If it is for a Christmas present ... ..... should he know about it yet?
  9. Goodness me, how did you manage to colour those old Black & White pictures Adrian? HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOUR GOOD LADY
  10. Maybe a large small conservatory might provide a possible sheltered place to take a refreshing cuppa and view Dunton the garden on those, less than clement, Summer afternoons ...
  11. You could go down and ask for a small pot of each one of the paints they are using ..... You could also explain how difficult it is for a "Leckie" to paint them and try for a sympathy paint job on your platform uptights uprights ....... [that was a genuine typo, but so appropriate I thought it best left in.]
  12. Good morning C&WR I saw this and thought of you, sitting there wondering what to do with a few Take-away foil dishes ......... I looked around for the tool and came up with what looks like the only supplier at Brunel Hobbies, here http://www.brunelhobbies.com.au/ironmaker/ironmaker.htm Whilst looking, I also found 2 other ideas ... a. Squash the Take-away foil between 2 short lengths of Computer Ribbon wire. b. Squash the Foil between a pair of the normal plastic styrene Corrugated Iron sheets, from a model shop. Julian
  13. ............ "Beautiful plumage pictures." ........... thanks dt.
  14. Wonderful amalgam of grass, old wood and concrete - absolutely brilliant. .....
  15. While I am aware that the South-West is a tad behind the rest of the country, I had a sharp reminder last weekend, in Eastleigh ........ ............... this poor lady had missed her connection ............ Eastleigh by Julian Redfern, on Flickr in 1893 and was waiting for the next train still ..... NB. The truth is more mundane, but she has only recently been put there by the local Council - apparently, according to a Southampton secret agent..... shhh!
  16. Puts a new light on ..... ..... Dirty Harry ..... Orf you go to the shower dear boy .. and don't forget behind the Buffer Bars .....
  17. I see there has been a power-cut for the Cig ..................... have next door been failing to pay their Electricity Bill again ........ .... steam to the rescue again ....... ..... best get into the tunnel and give the old Meter a tap to check .......
  18. WHAT?? Running trains on DP .......... whatever next? .................................... .............. You gotta edicat Lofty too ........... Class 421 (4Cig) electrical multiple units simply aren't "puffer trains" .....
  19. Nice one [two?] C&WR. Those 1:72 scale invaders are beautifully painted and the Encampment very clear. No wonder the School were pleased. J
  20. Looking really good Marcus and you sound as though you are really enjoying it .... it must take ages, with all the detail. .............. eerr - all that time? ............ have they run out of stone, for you to pull about the country??
  21. Best wishes for the Monday Op ........
  22. Love the bridge. you have truly got the feel of it.. ....................... however ............... ............. those mugs in the background are in serious need of weathering .............. ....................
  23. There are systems which will run in parallel with locos, without the need to go through the Loco itself. I can't remember, offhand where I saw it, but it seemed pretty simple. .................................................. it would have to be ................... I managed to understand it .....
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