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Everything posted by jcredfer

  1. Given the Land Rover and Horse Box there ................ are you sure the Spell-checker didn't recommend .... "drivers" ....... Edit - yes I do know - when you find you are digging a hole for yourself - STOP digging ... so just getting hat, coat and gaiters ,,, night and Happy New year all ...
  2. Wow! ................................ lots of pictures..................... .......... clearly no "go Slow" yet then .................... Phew .......
  3. A ........... "bit" .................. have you, by any chance got ............ advanced news that Jaz is threatening a Go Slow ......... .. ..
  4. Had one of those Chicken Curry vomit coloured Marina Coupes too, many moons and a previous life ago [i didn't buy it, it arrived packaged with the new wife ............ that should have been a clue .. .] ........ The thing had been reversed until the rear wheels dropped into a ditch ..... and the metal was so thin, the Monocoque crumpled and left it with very visible ridges across the roof ....
  5. At last, a solution ........ Wing Co saw this advert and that was it ....... all his logistical problems solved in one go ...... ................... a New Year's Eve Barbeque Party .................. Beer for the boys, ladies' wine in the chiller, spare ribs, Ice-cream, benches to sit upon ........ then - a quick instruction to Pilot Offr Kite, to get out the Barbeque and the Elsan shed .... Here Sir by JulianR 2013, on Flickr ..... and soon all is ready for the main event ......... All set then by JulianR 2013, on Flickr I think the sun-shades might be a bit optimistic though .....
  6. ....................................................... WAAaaaY too tall ........ ................... and what is more ....... d'recly en-route to the mug of tea .................... ............ hope your CC Subs are up to date ..
  7. Thanks for that ET dt ................................................................. ................................................................. ....................... Cheers! .. Here's lookin' at yer ...
  8. Ooohh WOW!! ....... amazing ................... ...... you must have spent hours ......... and hours ...... and hours ....... looking after it ........................................................... unless, of course you are a friend of Dr Who .......
  9. ... Oh yes! ... amazing just how mis-leading Motor Manufacturers names for cars could be ....
  10. As a qualified member of the Clumsy Club ................ it should be observed that ...................... ............... the brush there is quite long .... thus protruding a long way into dangerous and vulnerable air-space ...... .......... Yes, yes, I know .. pernickety in the extreme ... but Club Subs are due for the New Year ... and simple errors of this kind may cause an increase in Club Insurance Rates ...... Well, you just know that is easy to miss these small points and the next thing you know is that big Bill ... ... You will only have yourselves to blame, should you choose to ignore the warning signs ... ... there are problems enough with taking care of difficult items, without missing the simple ones ..... PS. The observant will have already noticed how many bits of plastic have been stuck to that nice Keyboard ....
  11. .......... can't be much after '82 ............. Allegros didn't last long before the built in British Leyland rust mite got 'em and the last one off the line was sometime '82 ..... Edit ..... what is the Queen doing there ..... by the Pillar Box?
  12. ............. nearly had me that time .........
  13. Very nice indeed .......... but if you really don't mind ......... ....... I will sleep on something a little less vulnerable to my rather large 1:1 and relatively damaging sleeping arrangements ......
  14. Would that be caused by the French ................... using large reflectors to bounce the Dover TV signals back across the "Channel" ........
  15. Who is to deny that there is a new episode of Doctor Who about to be filmed at a time in the future and the Set is already in process of being built. ...... ............ what is really scary .......... is how those producers knew what the bollards were going to look like all those years ahead .................... Edit - finger trouble on backspace
  16. I have to confess .............. I must have misunderstood ....................... it isn't entirely my fault - the Press must take some of the blame ................ ................... they have oft labelled the British Worker like this ............................ ................ when, in reality, what you see there is ........ what I now realise is ..................................................................................... hours and days of sheer devotion to duty ........... .......... what is more .... it is time the Press gave full recognition to those persistent men and women in our workforce - who are able to with-stand those hourrs .......
  17. Something that, perhaps might be ............. ................ something Kal might be more suited to contribute to the scene? ........................................................................ hopefully, also - in private .........
  18. Goodness gracious ..... how can you possibly think that ................ yet another "Ageist" prejudice comment .............. .................. this was simply an early trial for high visibility Boll*cks Bollards - which was delayed in production until the availability of cheap plastic Bollards took over from the original Pewter .... thus saving vast sums on Manpower lifting them into place - saving on wages from 6 man Pewter Lifting Teams, to a small Apprentice with a Christmas Cracker Screwdriver ..........
  19. Blimey ..... ........... that Station must be one of the few things that can be seen from outer space .........
  20. Now look here ..... ........ don't go encouraging her ....... ............. Jaz ....... go cook Christmas dinner for that family of yours .......... ................ and don't go grating PIR all over the Pudding to make it look covered in snow - either ..... ..... Oh yes .... and stick the Holly stem into the Pudding like the rest of us and don't forget that you are not modeling and use PVA .......
  21. Best keep an eye over one shoulder, dt .............. ................ such suggestions involving those 2 in the middle ..... might just attract complaints and action from the RMT Union ... Ssshhhhhh ...............
  22. I followed the instructions perfunctorily precociously preciously pre-pricesely pre-Ceasarly car-full ....... ........... with care .......... It now runs better than any trains I have or am ever likely to be able to run .....
  23. and a MERRY CHRISTMAS from all at Salisbury
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