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Everything posted by woodenhead

  1. Well you're first two issues seem to be on Hattons to resolve maybe before you buy - not getting the initial batches may help but then you maybe have a particular model you want which may only be sold in the initial batches and if there is an issue will there be a replacement. The second challenge is how well you can cope with removing the body and replacing it, only you know your own skills and whether Yes Tor's advice will help you. It seems to me that the levels of little extra fittings are getting in the way of being able to get into the models - some manufacturers are looking at ways to achieve things with less destructive outcomes for the modeller but it's a bit hit and miss. Good luck with your decision and outcome.
  2. Maybe not, but the models have not all been perfect out of the box, we're not constrained from saying that and Hattons have acknowledged an issue. You yourself asked questions about the model to help with a decision about making a purchase, if we did not discuss the bad as well as the good then any advice would be a bit one sided. All I was saying was Hattons don't replace things out of the goodness of their hearts, but equally on the other side of that coin, they appear to be doing these without quibble so that is good customer service.
  3. And with or without a pandemic, ain't that just a fact of life. As humans we work so hard to fend off the one thing none of us can stop, there are plenty of ways this inevitable thing will come to pass but it will always come at some time or other.
  4. Being helpful - I think the term is 'obliged to under the Consumer Rights Act'. They shouldn't wobble, if they replace them then it is an acceptance that the particular model has a fault.
  5. And I thought the 10 inches just related to the length of Seven Mills How about a harness, then you can fill the room
  6. Is it just possible that Oxford have just done what Hornby and Bachmann have done in the past and designed a genericish chassis that can be used on multiple wagons - so keeping the cost down when designing new wagons. I don't think we expect this to be a premium product do we? Oxford don't do premium they do good value at a good price.
  7. A looks like a load of potatoes, B looks like you've been to the beach. C gets my vote as it looks like gravel. Unless of course you were planning to move peeled potatoes by train.
  8. I think if you ask the current people running the WSR they would argue the people previously running it had no idea how to run it and is why it got into a parlous state that saw the ORR get involved and the big asks for money to replace the track. Lovely video here with big diesels, these and big tender locos have been banned for the past 12 months until the track is able to take them again - the tender engines at the next gala would suggest they are now at last making progress on the renewals.
  9. We could just hide the threads and not know when to get the pitchforks out, but we all leave it lying open waiting to pounce don't we.
  10. Sad to hear about Model Junction, I was considering a simple US shortline layout to go around my room and having a UK based supplier was a key part as I'm not confident buying from abroad.
  11. Kadee disciples are not usually found in the church of P4.
  12. I think it depends what the income stream is, how much the WSR benefits and whether or not the public don't know who owns what. There is probably a lot more to this than is in the public domain but having one station on your line under another group who want to also run trains but not contribute to the host line at a sensible rate may be at the heart of it. But on the other hand, if you're a small preservation group you want all the money you can get to keep your group going so I can appreciate perhaps that the S&DRT may not feel that it is to their benefit to pay more when they have a lease agreement to hand that has only recently been renegotiated. Probably key to all this is who agreed the lease, who vetted it and who signed it off and why.
  13. The suggestion that the S&DRT want to establish and LRO on the site suggests they want some sort of moving train on the site - clearly looking to ramp up income from the site but at the same time continue to pay a peppercorn to the WSR - I guess that does sort of may get backs up at the WSR. Problem is both organisations are chasing the same charity £ for their own needs and it is proving extremely difficult for them to both do that in a complimentary manner. Hints of other issues too and maybe that puts them at odds with the safety management requirements set out by the ORR. I guess it will all come out eventually, or not of course but it is the WSR's railway not the S&DRT's
  14. Update from WSR http://www.wsr.org.uk/news.htm#1970
  15. He's not yawning, he's just aghast that the locomotive has not had the appropriate amount of grease applied to the buffers for March 15th 1954
  16. Separate agreement so it's not going anywhere
  17. Excellent day trip to Glasgow for the exhibition, used Avanti from Warrington as they had the best Advance offers, though it was good to see 397s operating for TPE so maybe next year from Manchester again eh. Spent 4 1/2 hours wandering the hall and the layout choices filled the time nicely. knackered now though after 13 hours out and about.
  18. If you supply me with an all line Rover I don't mind doing a check of all the station Smiffs. Sounds almost like a YouTube channel: all the Smiffs Stations
  19. Was it my imagination or do the steam locos get more and more weathered as the sequence progresses? I think I saw the whole sequence today, very enjoyable to watch even if the 50 at the end has been involved in an accident and now has wonky buffers
  20. I don't doubt population growth across the world has contributed markedly but I was thinking more the actual quote which appeared: Seemed rather aimed at immigrants to the UK.
  21. What has population growth and migration got to do with banning carbon? This change has been coming - if we are to ban internal combustion engines then other things that generate harmful emissions will follow - you can still have wood burners just not using wet wood.
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