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Everything posted by MarshLane

  1. Very nice Jeff. The roof will look superb when painted and weathered. Is the building heavy to lift or quiet lightweight? Rich
  2. Thanks Scott, No I did try it both ways just to check, but because the pivot (wire) point is dead centre in the length of the brake fret, it doesn't make any difference to the length unfortunately. I'll go have a look at that thread, I've missed that. EDIT: Ah I am using Slaters wheels that could explain it, given the earlier comments on that other thread. I may have to look at getting an etch done to work with slaters wheels. Creating my own etched wagon was a future option, so might have to bring it forward! Rich
  3. Afternoon all, I have spent an enjoyable few hours yesterday and today building the S Scale Society 7-plank RCH private owner wagon, which given its the first real kit with any brass in it that I have built, I am quite please with how its come together. However, I have hit a snag with attaching the brake fret. Its gone together reasonably well... But when it is put against the wagon, the fret is too long to fit between the wheels. Can anyone tell me where I have gone wrong please? I have just realised when it put it on a piece of 0.8 wire to take this shots on the phone, I have put it on back to front, so I know it should be the other way around. Rich
  4. I have - which would have been a good choice - but unfortunately their range is only 4mm and 7mm scale.
  5. Thanks guys, I am trying to identify the font used by Manvers on the wagons so that the lettering can be done. Custom transfers are the likely option, but I wonder if anyone has ever tried creating thick card overlays? One with the wording cut out for the white paint, and another for the shadow detail in black? Rich
  6. Hello John/Keith, Thank you both for taking the time to reply - and to Keith for the images. @melmerby was there any details of when that revised Manvers livery came into being? I am assuming it was probably the 1930s? @brossard - John thanks for the background information on the paints. I'll have a look and see if I can find a Tamiya shade that is relevant. Cheers Rich
  7. Might only be touch artwork, but it looks very nice and runs smoothly!
  8. Evening all, I am currently building a kit of an end-door fitted 7-plank 1907-designed RCH private owner two-axle wagon. My thought is to outshop it in Manvers Main livery, but I am struggling to find any reference to the colours. There is mention the the colliery's wagon fleet in Volumes 5 and 10 of the Keith Turton series, but although I have several of these, sods law is that those two are I do not have. Can anyone advise? Looking at other models, it would appear a brown/bauxite kind of livery, but I am loathe to copy models for fear of replicating mistakes. Any help would be appreciated. In the same vain, this is the first wagon kit I have built so was thinking of using Railmatch Acrylic paints brushed on - but I would be interested to hear from those more knowledgable people who have built and painted kits if there is a better option or one that will give a better finish? I am going to look and get a spray gun in time, but for now it will be a brush finish. Rich
  9. On the contrary ... not enough I suspect!
  10. When I first read that Andy, I some how in my mind did not see the 'some' word after 'one has sunk already' ... and then misread the next ... the whole experience suggested it had gone wrong ... then I re-read it and realised you were talking bollards about the quay! Sorry, I mean bollards for the quay ... oops! Those boats (sunken or otherwise) look good before being painted. I presume they are 3D prints?
  11. Ah! Good comment. Id not thought of that, although I suppose a separate function decoder in the trailer on the same number as the main would get round it, but probably not worth the hassle ... especially as given the amount of freight traffic on this line, passenger services are likely to be limited to 4.76 return trips a year Rich
  12. Hi Andy, Is there not a 'short-bar-coupling' option available anywhere? I appreciate the camera will make the gap seem bigger than it is, but it does seem a bit OTT, especially for those modellers with reasonable curves? Could a couple of medium kadees do the trick? Rich
  13. Hi Jeff, Oops - moral of this story is dont reply to forum posts at midnight!! Looking closer I can see its Plastikard sheet now ... you had me fooled to start with tho! Still looks good tho, but sorry for mis-seeing how you'd done the sides. Rich
  14. Hi Jeff, The goods shed is making superb progress. You really are becoming a master at getting the stonework look right out of DAS clay! Rich
  15. Well done Andy - plenty of running days on the dark winter nights ahead!
  16. For my two-penneth I personally like the deal AndyY has got for us. £5.99 - lets face it when I was buying magazines I was paying £3.99-£4.50 ish for a printed magazine, that was half full of advertisements. With this deal, I am supporting rmWeb, getting to flick through BRM and read the bits I want, and dip into the Traction archive. I dont dip in every month but its still cheaper than buying it each month - and I haven't got to store it! If people dont want the magazines, then yea I suppose there should be a slightly less costly option to give them that, but dont lose what we have in the process!! I do agree tho, if there is anyway of getting 'app' access on an iPad back into the mix that would be great, but equally Im fully aware of what basic apps cost to develop, let along those that have to work with magazine systems, so like many things is one of those nice to have features which has a high hidden cost to it. Rich
  17. FGW Class 150 ... looks like the outline of a buckeye coupling on the front......
  18. Hi Simon, Nice link there - I have watched that video a few times over the last few months, seeking inspiration for the water on my American N gauge layout and intend to try and follow his practice when I get to that stay ... I'll let the bodgit master go first and learn from his mistakes education video productions. Rich
  19. These dam graffiti artists get everywhere these days...... Nice work on the bridge walls Andy - looks good.
  20. Definitely GWR/First Great Western Andy. SWT never went south or Plymouth and dont have any 153s either!
  21. Andy, The Burngullow flow has been DB Schenker (back in the day) and Freightliner. The DBS flow used MEA wagons: https://www.tauntontrains.co.uk/photos/workingslog/3563-3564 Freightliner have used PGA hoppers and the new modern MJA boxes to Burngullow Brian Garrett/TauntonTrains.co.uk Rich
  22. Hi Duncan, The end result looks good. I haven't looked any any images of 20101, but are the cab side windows perhaps a bit too deep now? They may have been like that for real of course, but they looks slightly more dominant than they should? I could just be nit-picking of course, and it does not diminish your work which is wonderful as ever. Rich
  23. Oh stop it Jeff, your making me feel old! I learnt to programme computers on a Spectrum ZX .. still got it and it works!! Then moved onto a Commodore 64 with its 5.25" discs and then an Amiga 500 ( I think ) ... first one that took 3.5" floppy discs (that weren't floppy!) ... god that was all when I was at school - nearly 30 years ago. Always looked at the Lenz system before I went Digitrax .. admittedly the controller looks like it has more buttons than the mission controllers at Cape Canaveral but its really easy to control two locos at the same time. Whats the function button limitation with the Lenz system? Rich
  24. Nice to see Eastern Region Steam/Modernisation period getting some attention. Well done Revolution
  25. Hi Andy, Well I just got caught up with the videos, well done on all of them - they really do come over well. As for telling us to go away when your busy .. have you tried that with Mrs P? Second thoughts I am not so sure that the image of your goodself with a black eye or suffering from hunger because the kitchen has been closed due to hostilities would quite work .... stay as you are telling us to go away .. you know we won't The layout is coming on quite quickly now. This isn't intended to start a debate or suggest you do things differently, but given the number of wiring connections you've now got over the boards - did you give any thought to using DCC stationary decoders with the point motors? I know you can get control boards that convert the push button or throw switches of a control panel to DCC commands - but I am assuming there is some reason why you went with the traditional way? I am guessing cost/complexity? Rich
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