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Everything posted by MarshLane

  1. Its called saving for the Pension David When you come to sell it you can buy that holiday shed in Skegness for the summer!
  2. Not to mention the operator and builder given the size of the cakes!!!
  3. Hi Jeff, Hope your doing well - just to say well done on the article in BRM, saw it on the digital copy. It is somewhat too thought provoking so you may be in trouble with the powers that be here! Nice work tho - as is your goods yard cobbles. Its been a manic few weeks at Marsh Lane Towers, so I am just catching up on a few things. Quite remarkable the effect you've got from the plasticard setts. I also like the detail of the drainage gully down the middle of the two sheets. Rich
  4. Would be quite valid for Bute Road on a Plymouth - Newquay working Andy ... just as valid as ooh I dont know, a DB red liveried 66 and being four coaches its not a bubble car either .... ... (CCTV switches to Andy at this computer) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ah well, just can't help some people can you hehehe ... there's always the bus ..... yea, yea, yeah ok . I'll get me' coat .... Hope you had an enjoyable ride round on your travels with the deliveries today Andy, as you've posted I am assuming your back safe and sound, dont do too much! Rich
  5. Nice to see the panorama's Jeff, somebody I had it in my head you had more width than you actually do have ... layout wise I mean! But it looks stunning, will be lovely in time to listen to the sheep bleeting as you sit there watching the Jubilee go round.... Rich
  6. There was a rumour about five or six years ago, that Colas Rail were seeking to acquire the china clay contract, potentially having three or four Class 37s in Cornwall for it. Obviously it didn't come to anything (whether it was just rumour or not I dont know - as DB Cargo UK/DB Schenker/EWS* (delete as per timescale!) own the CDA hoppers what they would have used for wagons could have been interesting ... but if you need some incentive, you could always assume that DB lost the contract and Colas won it ... and you've got your 37s back! Rich
  7. Pleased to see you've got started on the new thread Andy ... looking forward to seeing the view, that will be my morning coffee break at work tomorrow!!
  8. Sadly not. I have a web server that hosts several other railway websites for people (including some that are regulars on here) and would happily take it on to there without it costing the family anything, in order to keep it live, but I cannot find anyway of contacting them. If anyone knows, please drop me a PM. Rich
  9. Andy's decided enough of this shunting wagons about ... he's going for London Victoria and Waterloo, plus the approaches to Clapham Junction in Z scale Glad all have gone a new a home Andy - onwards and upwards in your own time and enjoy what you enjoy doing ... just this time ... try not to make the rest of us look so slow
  10. Your doing well Jeff .. I think any lack of comment on photographs is purely us being speechless I'll usually comment when I have something to say or ask, but there are far more knowledgable people on most topics than me .. but if you need help on stonewalling there is a chap on here whose reasonably good at it I am sure he'd chip in an help..... Seriously, I have been studying the pictures that your friend drew up for the point rodding and they are a wonderful tool to work from and ensure everything looks (and would probably work prototypically too!). It has given me an incentive for when I get to that point that it would be worth doing the same thing, especially as I am planning on having a ScaleFour lever frame to work the layout, albeit activating servos through a MERG CAN bus, but I am probably getting too technical now. Please keep posting the photos tho, its great to see them and see your progress and just sit back and marvel at what your achieving. Rich
  11. I was beginning to think you were going down the Listowel and Ballybunion Irish modelling there for a moment Andy!
  12. Sounds like a good outcome for you and the layout Andy, End of an era, and after 350 pages of ups, downs, ins and outs, the new thread will go round and round! Looking forward to following the progress as ever Andy. Glad you got a positive outcome. Rich
  13. Thanks Jeff, My little project is slowly progressing in the background, but signalling rods/wires will be a necessity when it gets there. Only a small diorama, so shouldn't be too long. If I can get it looking half as good as KL3/4/5 ( ) I'll be happy! Rich
  14. Nice work Jeff, looking good. Whose is the point rodding? Rich
  15. Thanks, I’d forgotten about that book. Will have to look and get a copy. Those are really useful thank you! Rich
  16. Evening all, Does anyone know where I can find any engineering drawings, or general arrangement drawings for the two 1875-built WHR Single Fairlie 0-6-4Ts, Snowdon Ranger and Moel Tryfan, locomotives? I am specifically looking for chassis information, wheelbase, wheel size, bogie details etc, for a 4mm model. Any help would be gratefully appreciated. I am planning on using a Five79 body but further detailed, but the chassis will for a variety of reasons have to be scratch built. Failing that anyone with any books that can provide any of the chassis dimensions, either in reply here or PM, would be welcomed. I thought they may have appeared in the Industrial and Narrow Gauge Review at some time, but alas not. I dont have a copy of the Boyd books to check those. Rich
  17. Sorry, not sure of your name, but that looks superb. I hope to have a go with S Scale at some point (building the society wagon kit I bought would be a start!) but other things keep taking precedence. Well once tho, for a scratch build and your first completed project that is wonderful. I agree with @Regularity we want to see more Rich
  18. Wow Steve, The realism in that shot is unbelievable. It just needs a wisp of steam from the ejectors below the cab steps to make it real Riuch
  19. Well we know where your going on holiday when the Covid restrictions lift Jeff Are you going East to Oz first, or west to Canada Rich
  20. HI Andy, I wondered if that was the issue! Your doing well. I spent 14 hours on Saturday wrestling with a Linux server that had decided to fall over, that was a 4am finish, so I know your pain! Rich
  21. @AY Mod Apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere, and I have missed it. It looks like the reputation value that appears between your username picture and the number of posts has vanished with the latest upgrade? Not that it really matters, as it can still be seen by clicking 'Reputation' on the user's profile, but I used to find it interesting to monitor. I am not one who particularly bothers about likes etc, but seem to miss it now its not there!! Just thought id flag it up in case it was something with the upgrade that needed a box ticking or something! Rich
  22. I seem to spend more time virtual modelling these days - where is 2021 going by the way? We're half way thru! Somebody said lockdown would go slow ... but it seems like a month or two back that it was March last year ... mind you February last year with a normal life seems bl**dy ages ago! I am slowly progressing with my Rock Creek Canyon (N Gauge) small layout (see signature for anyone interested) and I have just written an article for one of the magazines on the plans and proposals for a new small P4 finescale narrow gauge layout, which is now underway. The latter will really be testbed for some different ways of building and connecting baseboards, with the aim of making them lighter and easier to store - once the concepts are proven, the idea is to rebuild the two end boards of Rock Creek ... so there is method in the madness. Despicable behaviour Jeff .. working your heart out on little fell stones and not spending 24 hours a day catching up on what anyone else is doing .. god, you'll be expecting us to follow you next! Oh, what do you mean you thought that's what we did ... ah well in that case It is true tho, modelling time can rapidly vanish thanks to rmWeb, but equally it can spur us all on, fill in a dull five minutes at work, or help us find our mojo when we misplace it - especially with threads like yours mate. Your more than welcome Andy. I must try and touch base with you towards the end of the week, as I am conscious we are due a quick catch up! I have to say I was very sad and sorry to hear the news about Gordon. He had battled so well for several weeks I was gaining a little bit of hope, but while they say no news is good news, the lack of an update was concerning me. Lovely guy who gave so much to the hobby and rmWeb - both through is thread and other support (if you've read Andy Y's response). He and I had a few conversations about point building when I started in 7mm. One just hope's he's able to enjoy the locos steaming around his now fully finished layout wherever he is. Jeff - keep up the good work ... thy is do'in well lad as they say up 'ere. Rich
  23. Steady on young Jeff ... once you start making use of moving things, it could be construed as representing a Mo**l Ra***ay ... dont go being hasty and setting any presidents here. WE ALL know your a landscape modeller, the trains are just an inconvenience (not the structures, just the trains!!!) Rich
  24. As somebody said earlier, given time, we will grow to treat this like cold and flu, and I acknowledge that unfortunately, people die from that too. I think it is the risk factor that hampers my thoughts. I am early 40s, but like others am still keeping myself to myself, and fortunate enough to be in a work environment where I can do that there too. Pre-covid I did 40,000 miles a year on the trains and thoughly enjoyed the travelling, since 3rd February 2020 when the numbers started climbing in the UK and I said the risk is getting too high, I have not set foot on a train, and am not tempted to do in the coming couple of months at least. I am asthmatic, so in one of the at-risk groups, but am also (in a limited capacity) a carer for two relatives both 70+, whom I see every day. So my concerns are as much contracting something myself, as being asymptomatic and passing it onto them. That is a major concern, having lost two very dear friends to this horrid thing over the past 12 months. Everyone will, and should, make their own mind up as to what they are each happy about doing and not doing at the end of the day. On a personal view, I would feel far happier attending an exhibition, where your ticket is only valid with proof that you've had both jabs - but I openly acknowledge that doesn't work for everyone, for example those with under 18s in the family who would feel left out if they couldn't attend with Dad, or Uncle etc. But equally to start adding restrictions like that is adding more time and complications for the exhibition organisers. Rich
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